# 📚 today i learned 📚 til is a command-line application designed to help you keep track of the important sh%t you want to remember. Whether it's a key insight from your work, a useful programming trick, or a valuable life lesson, this app helps you store and retrieve your notes in a friendly manner. ## Current Features - Store notes by passing a message and an optional title. - Retrieve your notes by searching a date (MM-DD-YYYY) or title. ## Installation To install and use the CLI, follow these steps: ``` cargo install today-i-learned ``` _today-i-learned on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/today-i-learned)_ ## Usage ### Add To store a note, use the `add` command, passing a message and _optional_ tags (comma-separated with no spaces): ``` til add "til is build with clap, a powerful command-line argument parser" --tags "rust,clap,crates" ``` ### Search To search for a note, use the `search` command, specifying a date ("MM-DD-YYYY"). #### Date Search for a note from a specific date: ``` til search --date "8-18-2024" ``` ## Configuration The app stores notes in a `.til/notes` directory under your home directory. This directory is created automatically if it does not exist. In future versions of this app, the location you store notes will be configurable.