use std::{io::Cursor, path::Path}; use git2::Repository; use todl::{ search_files, source::{SourceFile, SourceKind}, tag::TagKind, SearchOptions, }; #[test] fn find_comments_rust() { const SOURCE: &str = " // TODO: Find the todo //! Optimize: Make it faster /*! Hack: This is hacky 😄 */ /// fIX: Fix the bugs /* SAFETY: Wear a hard hat */ /** Undone: Something has been taken away */ /*** Bug: It is broken */ "; let s = Cursor::new(SOURCE); let tags: Vec<_> = SourceFile::new(SourceKind::Rust, Path::new("testing"), s).collect(); println!("{tags:#?}"); assert_eq!(7, tags.len()); assert_eq!(TagKind::Todo, tags[0].kind); assert_eq!(2, tags[0].line); assert_eq!("Find the todo", tags[0].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Optimize, tags[1].kind); assert_eq!(3, tags[1].line); assert_eq!("Make it faster", tags[1].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Hack, tags[2].kind); assert_eq!(4, tags[2].line); assert_eq!("This is hacky 😄", tags[2].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Fix, tags[3].kind); assert_eq!(5, tags[3].line); assert_eq!("Fix the bugs", tags[3].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Safety, tags[4].kind); assert_eq!(6, tags[4].line); assert_eq!("Wear a hard hat", tags[4].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Undone, tags[5].kind); assert_eq!(7, tags[5].line); assert_eq!("Something has been taken away", tags[5].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::Bug, tags[6].kind); assert_eq!(8, tags[6].line); assert_eq!("It is broken", tags[6].message); } #[test] fn find_todo_macro() { const SOURCE: &str = " todo!() todo!(\"I'll implement this later\") "; let s = Cursor::new(SOURCE); let tags: Vec<_> = SourceFile::new(SourceKind::Rust, Path::new("testing"), s).collect(); println!("{tags:#?}"); assert_eq!(2, tags.len()); assert_eq!(TagKind::TodoMacro, tags[0].kind); assert_eq!(2, tags[0].line); assert_eq!("", tags[0].message); assert_eq!(TagKind::TodoMacro, tags[1].kind); assert_eq!(3, tags[1].line); assert_eq!("I'll implement this later", tags[1].message); } #[test] #[ignore] fn find_rustc_repo() { // We will clone the actual rust repo into temp let url = ""; let path = Path::new("temp/rust"); // Clone or open the repo let repo = Repository::clone(url, path).unwrap_or_else(|_err| Repository::open(path).unwrap()); repo.set_head("refs/tags/1.71.0").unwrap(); let tags: Vec<_> = search_files(path, SearchOptions::no_git()).collect(); println!("Found {} tags", tags.len()); for tag in &tags { println!("{tag}"); } assert_eq!(13966, tags.len()); } #[test] fn find_backtrace_repo() { let url = ""; let path = Path::new("temp/backtrace-rs"); // Clone or open the repo let repo = Repository::clone(url, path).unwrap_or_else(|_err| Repository::open(path).unwrap()); repo.set_head("refs/tags/0.3.67").unwrap(); let tags: Vec<_> = search_files(path, SearchOptions::no_git()).collect(); println!("Found {} tags", tags.len()); for tag in &tags { println!("{tag}"); } assert_eq!(18, tags.len()); } #[test] fn find_this_repo() { let path = Path::new("."); let search_options = SearchOptions::default(); let tags: Vec<_> = search_files(path, search_options).collect(); println!("Found {} tags", tags.len()); for tag in &tags { println!("{tag}"); } // We test that we find some tags but not too many because that is probably wrong assert!(!tags.is_empty()); assert!(tags.len() < 100); }