use chrono; use todo_lib::tfilter::TodoStatus; use todo_lib::{tfilter, todo, todotxt, tsort}; fn init_tasks() -> todo::TaskVec { let mut t = Vec::new(); let now = chrono::Local::now().date_naive(); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("call mother #tagone +family @parents", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse( "x (C) 2018-10-05 2018-10-01 call to car service and schedule repair +car @repair", now, )); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse( "(B) 2018-10-15 repair #tagtwo family car +Car @repair due:2018-12-01 t:2019-01-02", now, )); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("(A) Kid's art #tagthree school lesson +Family @Kids due:2018-11-10 rec:1w", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("take kid to hockey #tagone #tagtwo game +Family @kids due:2018-11-18", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("xmas vacations +FamilyHoliday due:2018-12-24", now)); t } fn init_tasks_with_empty() -> todo::TaskVec { let mut t = Vec::new(); let now = chrono::Local::now().date_naive(); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("call mother #tagone +family @parents", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("xmas vacations +FamilyHoliday due:2018-12-24", now)); t.push(todotxt::Task::parse("", now)); t } #[test] fn one_item() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // invalid ranges cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::One(t.len()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 0); cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::One(t.len() + 1); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 0); } #[test] fn item_range() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // both ends are out of range cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::Range(t.len(), t.len() + 5); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 0); // one item that is completed cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::One(1); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 0); // short range only active cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::Range(1, 3); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2, 3]); cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::None; } #[test] fn item_status() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // one incomplete cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::One(0); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0]); // full range all cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::All; cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::Range(0, 10); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // full range only completed cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::Done; cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::Range(0, 10); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![1]); // full range only active cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::Active; cflt.range = tfilter::ItemRange::Range(0, 10); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 2, 3, 4, 5]); } #[test] fn item_regex() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // all with 'car' anywhere cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::All; cflt.regex = Some("car".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![1, 2]); cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::Active; // active with anywhere cflt.use_regex = true; cflt.regex = Some("CA[rl]".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 2]); } #[test] fn item_projects() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // active with 'car' project cflt.include.projects.push("car".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2]); cflt.include.projects.clear(); // active with 'family' project cflt.include.projects.push("FAMILY".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 3, 4]); cflt.include.projects.clear(); // active with 'family' project cflt.include.projects.push("FAMILY*".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 3, 4, 5]); cflt.include.projects.clear(); // active with 'holiday' project cflt.include.projects.push("*holiday".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![5]); cflt.include.projects.clear(); // active with 'family' related projects cflt.include.projects.push("*family*".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 3, 4, 5]); cflt.include.projects.clear(); // Exclude filtering cflt.exclude.projects.push("*family*".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2]); cflt.exclude.projects.clear(); cflt.exclude.projects.push("FAMILY".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2, 5]); cflt.exclude.projects.clear(); // Exclude has higher priority cflt.include.projects.push("*family*".to_owned()); cflt.exclude.projects.push("FAMILY".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![5]); } #[test] fn item_contexts() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // active with 'kids' context cflt.include.contexts.push("kids".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![3, 4]); cflt.include.contexts.clear(); cflt.exclude.contexts.push("kids".to_owned()); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 2, 5]); } #[test] fn item_priority() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::All; // only B priority cflt.pri = Some(tfilter::Priority { value: 'b' as u8 - 'a' as u8, span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Equal }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2]); // B priority and higher cflt.pri = Some(tfilter::Priority { value: 'b' as u8 - 'a' as u8, span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Higher }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2, 3]); // B priority and lower cflt.pri = Some(tfilter::Priority { value: 'b' as u8 - 'a' as u8, span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Lower }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 1, 2, 4, 5]); // any priority except no priority cflt.pri = Some(tfilter::Priority { value: todotxt::NO_PRIORITY, span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Any }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![1, 2, 3]); // no priority cflt.pri = Some(tfilter::Priority { value: todotxt::NO_PRIORITY, span: tfilter::ValueSpan::None }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 4, 5]); } #[test] fn item_recurrence() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::All; // with recurrence cflt.rec = Some(tfilter::Recurrence { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Any }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![3]); // without recurrence cflt.rec = Some(tfilter::Recurrence { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::None }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 1, 2, 4, 5]); } #[test] fn item_due() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); cflt.all = tfilter::TodoStatus::All; // with due cflt.due = Some(tfilter::DateRange { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Any, days: Default::default() }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2, 3, 4, 5]); // without due cflt.due = Some(tfilter::DateRange { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::None, days: Default::default() }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 1]); let sconf = tsort::Conf { fields: Some("due".to_string()), rev: true }; let mut ids: todo::IDVec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; tsort::sort(&mut ids, &t, &sconf); assert_eq!(ids, vec![1, 0, 5, 2, 4, 3]); } #[test] fn item_threshold() { let t = init_tasks(); let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); // with thr cflt.thr = Some(tfilter::DateRange { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::Any, days: Default::default() }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2]); // without thr cflt.thr = Some(tfilter::DateRange { span: tfilter::ValueSpan::None, days: Default::default() }); let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, vec![0, 3, 4, 5]); let sconf = tsort::Conf { fields: Some("thr".to_string()), rev: false }; let mut ids: todo::IDVec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; tsort::sort(&mut ids, &t, &sconf); assert_eq!(ids, vec![2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5]); } #[test] fn item_tags() { let t = init_tasks(); struct Test { inc: Vec<&'static str>, exc: Vec<&'static str>, res: todo::IDVec, } let tests: Vec = vec![ Test { inc: vec!["tagone"], exc: Vec::new(), res: vec![0, 4] }, Test { inc: vec!["tagone", "tagtwo"], exc: Vec::new(), res: vec![0, 2, 4] }, Test { inc: vec!["tagone"], exc: vec!["tagtwo"], res: vec![0] }, Test { inc: vec!["any"], exc: Vec::new(), res: vec![0, 2, 3, 4] }, Test { inc: vec!["none"], exc: Vec::new(), res: vec![5] }, ]; for (idx, test) in tests.iter().enumerate() { let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); for tg in { cflt.include.hashtags.push(tg.to_string()); } for tg in test.exc.iter() { cflt.exclude.hashtags.push(tg.to_string()); } let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, test.res, "{}. {:?} != {:?}", idx, ids, test.res); } } #[test] fn empty_tasks() { let t = init_tasks_with_empty(); struct Test { inc: TodoStatus, res: todo::IDVec, } let tests: Vec = vec![ Test { inc: TodoStatus::Active, res: vec![0, 2] }, Test { inc: TodoStatus::Empty, res: vec![1, 3] }, Test { inc: TodoStatus::All, res: vec![0, 1, 2, 3] }, ]; for (idx, test) in tests.iter().enumerate() { let mut cflt = tfilter::Conf::default(); cflt.all =; let ids = tfilter::filter(&t, &cflt); assert_eq!(ids, test.res, "{idx}. {ids:?} != {:?}", test.res); } }