use chrono::NaiveDate; use todo_lib::todo::{done, edit, Action, Conf, DateTagChange, NewDateValue}; use todo_lib::todotxt::{business_days_between, CompletionConfig, CompletionDateMode, CompletionMode, Task}; #[test] fn parse_tasks_simple() { struct Test { i: &'static str, t: Task, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "x just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), finished: true, ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "X just text", t: Task { subject: "X just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "xjust text", t: Task { subject: "xjust text".to_string(), ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "(a) just text", t: Task { subject: "(a) just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "(B) just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), priority: 1, ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "(B)just text", t: Task { subject: "(B)just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() } }, Test { i: "2020-01-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), create_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 01, 03).unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "2020-02-03 2020-01-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "2020-01-03 just text".to_string(), create_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 02, 03).unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "x 2020-02-03 2020-01-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), create_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 01, 03).unwrap()), finish_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 02, 03).unwrap()), finished: true, ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "x (E) 2020-02-03 2020-01-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "just text".to_string(), priority: 4, create_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 01, 03).unwrap()), finish_date: Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 02, 03).unwrap()), finished: true, ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "x (j) 2020-02-03 2020-01-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "(j) 2020-02-03 2020-01-03 just text".to_string(), finished: true, ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "2020-31-03 just text", t: Task { subject: "2020-31-03 just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "2020-01-43 just text", t: Task { subject: "2020-01-43 just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, }, Test { i: "2020-01-03a just text", t: Task { subject: "2020-01-03a just text".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 15).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let t = Task::parse(d.i, base); assert_eq!(d.t, t, "{}", d.i); let back = format!("{}", t); assert_eq!(d.i, &back, "{}", d.i); } } #[test] fn parse_tasks_tags() { struct Test { i: &'static str, o: &'static str, hk: Vec<&'static str>, hv: Vec<&'static str>, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "task rec: due:2d", o: "task rec: due:2020-03-17", hk: vec!["due"], hv: vec!["2020-03-17"] }, Test { i: "task rec:2w due:2d", o: "task rec:2w due:2020-03-17", hk: vec!["rec", "due"], hv: vec!["2w", "2020-03-17"], }, Test { i: "due:2d task rec:2w due:2d", o: "due:2020-03-17 task rec:2w due:2020-03-17", hk: vec!["rec", "due"], hv: vec!["2w", "2020-03-17"], }, Test { i: "task rec:2w due:2d t:1m", o: "task rec:2w due:2020-03-17 t:2020-04-15", hk: vec!["rec", "due", "t"], hv: vec!["2w", "2020-03-17", "2020-04-15"], }, Test { i: "task rec:2w due:230 14:20 end", o: "task rec:2w due:230 14:20 end", hk: vec!["rec", "due", "14"], hv: vec!["2w", "230", "20"], }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 15).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let t = Task::parse(d.i, base); if t.tags.is_empty() { assert!(, "{} has no tags", d.i); } else { assert!( == t.tags.len(), "{}", d.i); } for (k, v) in { let val = t.tags.get(*k); assert!(val.is_some(), "{} - {}", d.i, k); assert_eq!(v, val.unwrap(), "{} - {}", d.i, k); } let back = format!("{}", t); if d.o == "=" { assert_eq!(d.i, &back, "{}", d.i); } else if !d.o.is_empty() { assert_eq!(d.o, &back, "{}", d.i); } } } #[test] #[allow(deprecated)] fn complete_old_signature() { struct Test { i: &'static str, d: &'static str, u: &'static str, m: CompletionMode, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "test", d: "x test", u: "test", m: CompletionMode::JustMark }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 test", u: "2020-01-01 test", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, }, Test { i: "test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", d: "x test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", u: "test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, }, Test { i: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", d: "x test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", u: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 test rec:7d", u: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x (B) testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::JustMark }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x (B) testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::MovePriority }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x testb pri:B", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::PriorityToTag }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x testb", u: "testb", m: CompletionMode::RemovePriority }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 (B) testc", u: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::MovePriority, }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 testc pri:B", u: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::PriorityToTag, }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 testc", u: "2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::RemovePriority, }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 2).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, base); t.complete(base, d.m); assert_eq!(d.d, &format!("{}", t), "done '{}', mode: {:?}", d.i, d.m); if t.create_date.is_some() && t.recurrence.is_none() { assert_eq!(t.finish_date, Some(base)); } if d.m != CompletionMode::RemovePriority { t.uncomplete(d.m); assert_eq!(d.u, &format!("{}", t), "undone '{}', mode: {:?}", d.i, d.m); } } } #[test] fn complete_uncomplete() { struct Test { i: &'static str, d: &'static str, u: &'static str, m: CompletionMode, cdm: CompletionDateMode, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "test", d: "x test", u: "test", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "test", d: "x 2020-02-02 test", u: "test", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::AlwaysSet, }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 test", u: "2020-01-01 test", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", d: "x test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", u: "test rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", d: "x test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", u: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", d: "x test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", u: "test rec:1m due:2020-03-01", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 test rec:7d", u: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x (B) testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x (B) 2020-02-02 testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, cdm: CompletionDateMode::AlwaysSet, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x (B) testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::MovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x 2020-02-02 (B) testb", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::MovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::AlwaysSet, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x testb pri:B", u: "(B) testb", m: CompletionMode::PriorityToTag, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x testb", u: "testb", m: CompletionMode::RemovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) testb", d: "x 2020-02-02 testb", u: "testb", m: CompletionMode::RemovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::AlwaysSet, }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 (B) testc", u: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::MovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 testc pri:B", u: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::PriorityToTag, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, Test { i: "(B) 2020-01-01 testc", d: "x 2020-02-02 2020-01-01 testc", u: "2020-01-01 testc", m: CompletionMode::RemovePriority, cdm: CompletionDateMode::WhenCreationDateIsPresent, }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 2).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, base); t.complete_with_config(base, CompletionConfig { completion_mode: d.m, completion_date_mode: d.cdm }); assert_eq!(d.d, &format!("{}", t), "done '{}', mode: {:?}", d.i, d.m); if t.create_date.is_some() && t.recurrence.is_none() { assert_eq!(t.finish_date, Some(base)); } if d.m != CompletionMode::RemovePriority { t.uncomplete(d.m); assert_eq!(d.u, &format!("{}", t), "undone '{}', mode: {:?}", d.i, d.m); } } } #[test] fn complete_cleanup_recurrent_test() { struct Test { i: &'static str, n: &'static str, m: CompletionMode, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "test rec:1d due:2020-02-01 tmr:off one", n: "test rec:1d one", m: CompletionMode::JustMark }, Test { i: "test rec:1d due:2020-02-01 two spent:23", n: "test rec:1d two", m: CompletionMode::JustMark }, Test { i: "test rec:1d due:2020-02-01 spent:23 three tmr:on four", n: "test rec:1d three four", m: CompletionMode::JustMark, }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 2).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let t = Task::parse(d.i, base); let mut tasks: Vec = vec![t]; let completion_config = CompletionConfig { completion_mode: d.m, completion_date_mode: CompletionDateMode::AlwaysSet }; let changed = done(&mut tasks, None, completion_config); assert_eq!(changed.len(), 1, "Expected 1 changed tasks, got {0}", changed.len()); println!("{:?}", tasks); assert_eq!(tasks.len(), 2, "Expected new task is created"); let mut new_cleaned = tasks[1].clone(); new_cleaned.update_tag("due:"); assert_eq!( d.n, &format!("{}", new_cleaned), "Invalid new task [{0}], expected [{1}]", &format!("{}", new_cleaned), d.n ); } } #[test] fn business_days_between_test() { struct Test { s: NaiveDate, e: NaiveDate, d: i64, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { s: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 14).unwrap(), e: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 16).unwrap(), d: 0, }, Test { s: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 14).unwrap(), e: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 21).unwrap(), d: 2, }, Test { s: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 14).unwrap(), e: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 24).unwrap(), d: 4, }, Test { s: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 24).unwrap(), e: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 2, 24).unwrap(), d: 2, }, ]; for d in data.iter() { let r = business_days_between(d.s, d.e); assert_eq!(d.d, r, "done {} --> {}", d.s, d.e); } } #[test] fn next_date() { struct Test { i: &'static str, d: &'static str, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "2020-01-01 test", d: "2020-01-01 test" }, Test { i: "test t:2020-03-02 rec:+1m due:2020-03-01", d: "test t:2020-04-02 rec:+1m due:2020-04-01" }, Test { i: "test t:2020-02-29 rec:1m due:2020-03-01", d: "test t:2020-03-02 rec:1m due:2020-03-02" }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d", d: "2020-01-01 test rec:7d" }, Test { i: "2020-01-01 test due:2020-01-01", d: "2020-01-01 test due:2020-01-01" }, Test { i: "test rec:7d due:2020-02-01", d: "test rec:7d due:2020-02-09" }, Test { i: "test rec:1b due:2020-02-01", d: "test rec:1b due:2020-02-03" }, Test { i: "test rec:7b due:2020-02-01", d: "test rec:7b due:2020-02-11" }, Test { i: "test rec:14b due:2020-02-01", d: "test rec:14b due:2020-02-20" }, Test { i: "test rec:+14b due:2020-02-01", d: "test rec:+14b due:2020-02-20" }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 2).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, base); let orig_due = t.due_date.clone(); let orig_thr = t.threshold_date.clone(); t.next_dates(base); assert_eq!(d.d, &format!("{}", t), "done {}", d.i); if orig_due.is_some() && t.recurrence.is_some() && t.due_date.is_some() { let orig = orig_due.unwrap(); assert!(orig < t.due_date.unwrap(), "due must change: {}", d.i); } if orig_thr.is_some() && t.recurrence.is_some() && t.threshold_date.is_some() { let orig = orig_thr.unwrap(); assert!(orig < t.threshold_date.unwrap(), "threshold must change: {}", d.i); } } } #[test] fn replace_projects() { struct Test { i: &'static str, o: &'static str, r: &'static str, w: &'static str, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "str abc", o: "str abc", r: "+tag", w: "+tg" }, Test { i: "str +tag1 abc", o: "str +tag1 abc", r: "+tag", w: "+tg" }, Test { i: "str some+tag abc", o: "str some+tag abc", r: "+tag", w: "+tg" }, Test { i: "+tag str abc +tag1", o: "+newtag str abc +tag1", r: "+tag", w: "+newtag" }, Test { i: "+tag str abc +tag1", o: "str abc +tag1", r: "+tag", w: "" }, Test { i: "+tag str abc +tag1", o: "+tag str abc", r: "+tag1", w: "" }, Test { i: "+tag str +abc +tag1", o: "+tag str +tag1", r: "abc", w: "" }, Test { i: "efg ++tag str abc +tag", o: "efg ++tag str abc +newstr", r: "+tag", w: "+newstr" }, ]; let dt = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2021, 01, 05).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, dt); t.replace_project(d.r, d.w); assert_eq!(d.o, &t.subject, "{}: {} -> {}", d.i, d.r, d.w); } } #[test] fn replace_contexts() { struct Test { i: &'static str, o: &'static str, r: &'static str, w: &'static str, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "str abc", o: "str abc", r: "@tag", w: "@tg" }, Test { i: "str @tag1 abc", o: "str @tag1 abc", r: "@tag", w: "@tg" }, Test { i: "str some@tag abc", o: "str some@tag abc", r: "@tag", w: "@tg" }, Test { i: "@tag str abc @tag1", o: "@newtag str abc @tag1", r: "@tag", w: "@newtag" }, Test { i: "@tag str abc @tag1", o: "str abc @tag1", r: "@tag", w: "" }, Test { i: "@tag str abc @tag1", o: "@tag str abc", r: "@tag1", w: "" }, Test { i: "@tag str @abc @tag1", o: "@tag str @tag1", r: "abc", w: "" }, Test { i: "efg @@tag str abc @tag", o: "efg @@tag str abc @newstr", r: "@tag", w: "@newstr" }, ]; let dt = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2021, 01, 05).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, dt); t.replace_context(d.r, d.w); assert_eq!(d.o, &t.subject, "{}: {} -> {}", d.i, d.r, d.w); } } #[test] fn replace_recurrences() { struct Test { i: &'static str, o: &'static str, w: &'static str, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "str abc", o: "str abc rec:12", w: "12" }, Test { i: "str somrec:45 abc", o: "str somrec:45 abc rec:12", w: "12" }, Test { i: "rec:", o: "rec: rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "abc rec: def", o: "abc rec: def rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "rec:11", o: "rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "str rec:22", o: "str rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "str rec:222 end", o: "str rec:345 end", w: "345" }, Test { i: "rec:11 text rec:22", o: "rec:11 text rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "rec:22 text rec:22", o: "rec:345 text rec:345", w: "345" }, Test { i: "rrec:11 text rec:22", o: "rrec:11 text rec:345", w: "345" }, ]; let dt = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2021, 01, 05).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let mut t = Task::parse(d.i, dt); t.update_tag_with_value("rec", d.w); assert_eq!(d.o, &t.subject, "{}-> {}", d.i, d.w); } } #[test] fn finish_date_with_create_date() { let task = Task { finished: true, create_date: Some(NaiveDate::default()), finish_date: NaiveDate::default().succ_opt(), subject: "Feed cat".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }; assert_eq!(task.to_string(), "x 1970-01-02 1970-01-01 Feed cat") } #[test] fn finish_date_without_create_date() { let task = Task { finished: true, finish_date: NaiveDate::default().succ_opt(), subject: "Feed cat".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }; assert_eq!(task.to_string(), "x 1970-01-02 Feed cat") } #[test] fn due_expr_test() { struct Test { i: &'static str, e: &'static str, d: &'static str, } let data: Vec = vec![ Test { i: "feed cat thr:2020-10-10", e: "thr+1d", d: "feed cat thr:2020-10-10 due:2020-10-11" }, Test { i: "feed cat due:2020-10-09 thr:2020-10-10", e: "thr+1d", d: "feed cat due:2020-10-11 thr:2020-10-10" }, Test { i: "feed cat due:2020-10-09 thr:2020-10-10", e: "due+1d", d: "feed cat due:2020-10-10 thr:2020-10-10" }, Test { i: "feed cat due:2020-10-09 thr:2020-10-10", e: "due+1m-1d", d: "feed cat due:2020-11-08 thr:2020-10-10", }, ]; let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 10, 12).unwrap(); for d in data.iter() { let t = Task::parse(d.i, base); let mut tasks = vec![t]; let mut c = Conf::default(); c.due = DateTagChange { action: Action::Set, value: NewDateValue::Expr(d.e.to_string()) }; let changed = edit(&mut tasks, None, &c); assert_eq!(changed.len(), 1, "The subject must change"); assert!(changed[0], "The subject of the first task must change"); assert_eq!(tasks[0].subject, d.d, "New value must be {0}, got {1}", d.d, tasks[0].subject); } }