# Togglempc Togglempc is a small REST server that accepts HTTP post requests to toggle MPD on and off and switch playlist. (It is a client to MPD.) MPD is Music Play Daemon, see https://www.musicpd.org/. Home automation or smart switches can use it to control MPD instances. ``` +------------------+ +-----------+ +-----+ | | | | | | | smart switch / +------>+ togglempc +------>+ MPD | | house automation | | | | | +------------------+ +-----------+ +-----+ ``` If you use openHAB, here is an example for two openhab rules to control MPD (it assumes you have already two switches named `Kitchen_music_on_off` and `Kitchen_music_channel`): ``` rule "toggle play kitchen" when Item Kitchen_music_on_off received command then sendHttpPostRequest("") end rule "switch playlist kitchen" when Item Kitchen_music_channel received command then sendHttpPostRequest("") end ``` Currently togglempc only supports to commands namely toggle-play and switch-playlist. But it could easily be extended to support other commands like skip song or increase/decrease volume. See src/main.rs and src/toggle_mpc.rs how the current commands are implemented. Togglempc uses Rocket to accept HTTP post requests. Therefore you need to switch to rust nightly to compile (see https://rocket.rs/v0.5/guide/getting-started/ for details): ``` cd rustup override set nightly cargo run sample-config.toml ``` Togglempc needs a configuration file in which the playlists and the MPDs are configured. See sample-config.toml for documentation.