#![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] #![cfg(feature = "sync")] #[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_os = "wasi")))] use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test as test; use tokio::sync::Notify; use tokio_test::task::spawn; use tokio_test::*; #[allow(unused)] trait AssertSend: Send + Sync {} impl AssertSend for Notify {} #[test] fn notify_notified_one() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); notify.notify_one(); assert_ready!(notified.poll()); } #[test] fn notify_multi_notified_one() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); // add two waiters into the queue assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); // should wakeup the first one notify.notify_one(); assert_ready!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notify_multi_notified_last() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); // add two waiters into the queue assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); // should wakeup the last one notify.notify_last(); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_one_notify() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_pending!(notified.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(notified.is_woken()); assert_ready!(notified.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_multi_notify() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(notified1.is_woken()); assert!(!notified2.is_woken()); assert_ready!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notify_notified_multi() { let notify = Notify::new(); notify.notify_one(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_ready!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(notified2.is_woken()); assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_drop_notified_notify() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); drop(notified1); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(notified2.is_woken()); assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_multi_notify_drop_one() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(notified1.is_woken()); assert!(!notified2.is_woken()); drop(notified1); assert!(notified2.is_woken()); assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_multi_notify_one_drop() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified3 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); // add waiters by order of poll execution assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); assert_pending!(notified3.poll()); // by default fifo notify.notify_one(); drop(notified1); // next waiter should be the one to be to woken up assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); assert_pending!(notified3.poll()); } #[test] fn notified_multi_notify_last_drop() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); let mut notified3 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); // add waiters by order of poll execution assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); assert_pending!(notified2.poll()); assert_pending!(notified3.poll()); notify.notify_last(); drop(notified3); // latest waiter added should be the one to woken up assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); } #[test] fn notify_in_drop_after_wake() { use futures::task::ArcWake; use std::future::Future; use std::sync::Arc; let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new()); struct NotifyOnDrop(Arc); impl ArcWake for NotifyOnDrop { fn wake_by_ref(_arc_self: &Arc) {} } impl Drop for NotifyOnDrop { fn drop(&mut self) { self.0.notify_waiters(); } } let mut fut = Box::pin(async { notify.notified().await; }); { let waker = futures::task::waker(Arc::new(NotifyOnDrop(notify.clone()))); let mut cx = std::task::Context::from_waker(&waker); assert!(fut.as_mut().poll(&mut cx).is_pending()); } // Now, notifying **should not** deadlock notify.notify_waiters(); } #[test] fn notify_one_after_dropped_all() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut notified1 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_pending!(notified1.poll()); notify.notify_waiters(); notify.notify_one(); drop(notified1); let mut notified2 = spawn(async { notify.notified().await }); assert_ready!(notified2.poll()); } #[test] fn test_notify_one_not_enabled() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut future = spawn(notify.notified()); notify.notify_one(); assert_ready!(future.poll()); } #[test] fn test_notify_one_after_enable() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut future = spawn(notify.notified()); future.enter(|_, fut| assert!(!fut.enable())); notify.notify_one(); assert_ready!(future.poll()); future.enter(|_, fut| assert!(fut.enable())); } #[test] fn test_poll_after_enable() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut future = spawn(notify.notified()); future.enter(|_, fut| assert!(!fut.enable())); assert_pending!(future.poll()); } #[test] fn test_enable_after_poll() { let notify = Notify::new(); let mut future = spawn(notify.notified()); assert_pending!(future.poll()); future.enter(|_, fut| assert!(!fut.enable())); } #[test] fn test_enable_consumes_permit() { let notify = Notify::new(); // Add a permit. notify.notify_one(); let mut future1 = spawn(notify.notified()); future1.enter(|_, fut| assert!(fut.enable())); let mut future2 = spawn(notify.notified()); future2.enter(|_, fut| assert!(!fut.enable())); } #[test] fn test_waker_update() { use futures::task::noop_waker; use std::future::Future; use std::task::Context; let notify = Notify::new(); let mut future = spawn(notify.notified()); let noop = noop_waker(); future.enter(|_, fut| assert_pending!(fut.poll(&mut Context::from_waker(&noop)))); assert_pending!(future.poll()); notify.notify_one(); assert!(future.is_woken()); }