English # 特点 * 完全异步 * 基于Tokio编写,完全兼容Tokio生态 * 高度自定义性 * 支持自定义Hook * 支持自动重试 * 默认支持`tracing` # 例子 ```rust use std::sync::Arc; use tokio_scheduler_rs::{job_hook::JobHook,job_hook::JobHookReturn,async_trait,DefaultJobExecutor, JobScheduler, MemoryJobStorage, JobContext, JobFuture,Value,ScheduleJob}; struct ExampleJob; impl ScheduleJob for ExampleJob{ fn get_job_name(&self) -> String { String::from("ExampleJob") } fn execute(&self, ctx: JobContext) -> JobFuture { Box::pin(async move{ println!("Hello, World! My JobId is {}",ctx.get_id()); Ok(Value::default()) }) } } struct ExampleHook; #[async_trait] impl JobHook for ExampleHook { async fn on_execute(&self, name: &str, id: &str, args: &Option) -> JobHookReturn { println!( "Task: {} with id: {} and args: {:#?} is going to execute!", name, id, args ); JobHookReturn::NoAction // If you want to Cancel this running ONLY THIS TIME: // JobHookReturn::CancelRunning // or you want to Cancel this running and remove this schedule forever: // JobHookReturn::RemoveJob } async fn on_complete( &self, name: &str, id: &str, args: &Option, result: &anyhow::Result, retry_times: u64, ) -> JobHookReturn { println!( "Task: {} with id: {} and args: {:#?} is complete! Result is: {:#?}, retry time is: {}", name, id, args, result, retry_times ); JobHookReturn::NoAction // If you want to Cancel this running and remove this schedule forever: // JobHookReturn::RemoveJob // Or if you want to retry this job: // JobHookReturn::RetryJob } async fn on_success( &self, name: &str, id: &str, args: &Option, return_vaule: &Value, retry_times: u64, ) -> JobHookReturn { println!( "Task: {} with id: {} and args: {:#?} is complete! ReturnValue is: {:#?}, retry time is: {}", name, id, args, return_vaule, retry_times ); JobHookReturn::NoAction // If you want to Cancel this running and remove this schedule forever: // JobHookReturn::RemoveJob // Or if you want to retry this job: // JobHookReturn::RetryJob } async fn on_fail( &self, name: &str, id: &str, args: &Option, error: &anyhow::Error, retry_times: u64, ) -> JobHookReturn { println!( "Task: {} with id: {} and args: {:#?} is complete! Error is: {:#?}, retry time is: {}", name, id, args, error, retry_times ); JobHookReturn::NoAction // If you want to Cancel this running and remove this schedule forever: // JobHookReturn::RemoveJob // Or if you want to retry this job: // JobHookReturn::RetryJob } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Create a new `job_storage`, you can impl it by yourself. // !!! PLEASE NOTICE THAT MEMORYJOBSTORAGE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION !!! let job_storage = Arc::new(MemoryJobStorage::new(chrono::Utc)); // Create a new `job_executor`. // You should register your job hook here let job_executor = DefaultJobExecutor::new( job_storage.to_owned(), Some(10), Some(Box::new(ExampleHook)), 30 ); let scheduler = JobScheduler::new(job_storage, job_executor); // Register a job scheduler.register_job(Box::new(ExampleJob)).await.unwrap(); // Set a schedule with given cron expression. // !!! PLEASE NOTICE THAT YOU MUST REGISTER THE JOB FIRST !!! scheduler .add_job(&ExampleJob.get_job_name(), "* * * * * * *", &None) .await .unwrap(); // Don't forget to start it. println!("Start scheduler"); scheduler.start(); tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)).await; // Wait for all jobs are processed and stop the schedule. // The `JobExecutor` will stop execute NEW job once you execute this. println!("Stop scheduler"); scheduler.wait_for_stop().await; } ``` # 例子 你可以查看在`examples`文件夹中的例子 # 贡献 如果你有任何问题或好的想法,可以创建一个Issue或Pull Request。 欣赏百花齐放,乐见各色贡献! # 分布式执行 你可以自定义一个`JobExecutor`,这个`Executor`从`JobStorage`获取到任务信息后不立即执行,而是通过网络或其他方式将任务信息传递到远程的机器上。 在远程机器上,你需要实现一个`Job`,这个`Job`和`JobStorage`中的名字是一样的,然后利用接收到的信息组成`JobContext`去执行。 ![DistributedJob](assets/DistributedJob.jpg "Distributed Job Execution") # 路线图 * 添加更多测试实例 * 添加开箱即用的分布式任务执行系统 # 许可证 MIT