# 0.5.2 * Added SOCKS4 support `bind` and `connect`. * `tokio` becomes an optional dependency and [`futures-io`](https://github.com/rust-lang/futures-rs/tree/0.3.30/futures-io) traits are supported through the `futures-io` feature. # 0.5.1 * Reduce dependencies on `futures` crate (#30) # 0.5.0 * Upgrade tokio to 1.0 (#28) # 0.4.0 * Return error if authorization is required but credentials are not present (#24) * Upgrade tokio to 0.3 (#27) # 0.3.0 * Allow to take arbitrary socket instead of address to establish connections to proxy (#20) # 0.2.2 * Replace failure with thiserror (#17) # 0.2.1 * Remove dependency derefable (#16) # 0.2.0 * Support tokio 0.2 (#10) # 0.1.3 * Implement `IntoTargetAddr<'static>` for `String` (#8) # 0.1.2 * Fix ConnectFuture buffer too small (#1) # 0.1.1 * Support SOCKS5 `BIND` command. * Implement `std::net::ToSocketAddrs` for `TargetAddr`. # 0.1.0 * Support SOCKS5 `CONNECT` command. * Support username authentication.