use std::time::Duration; use futures::future::ok; use futures::prelude::*; use tokio_stomp_2::*; // The example connects to a local server, then sends the following messages - // subscribe to a destination, send a message to the destination, unsubscribe and disconnect // It simultaneously receives and prints messages sent from the server, which in fact means // it ends up printing it's own message. // You can start a simple STOMP server with docker: // `docker run -p 61613:61613 rmohr/activemq:latest` #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let conn = client::connect("", None, None).await?; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await; let (mut sink, stream) = conn.split(); let fut1 = async move { sink.send(client::subscribe("rusty", "myid")).await?; println!("Subscribe sent"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await; sink.send( ToServer::Send { destination: "rusty".into(), transaction: None, headers: None, body: Some(b"Hello there rustaceans!".to_vec()), } .into(), ) .await?; println!("Message sent"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await; sink.send(ToServer::Unsubscribe { id: "myid".into() }.into()) .await?; println!("Unsubscribe sent"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; sink.send(ToServer::Disconnect { receipt: None }.into()) .await?; println!("Disconnect sent"); Ok(()) }; // Listen from the main thread. Once the Disconnect message is sent from // the sender thread, the server will disconnect the client and the future // will resolve, ending the program let fut2 = stream.try_for_each(|item| { if let FromServer::Message { body, .. } = item.content { println!( "Message received: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&body.unwrap()) ); } else { println!("{:?}", item); } ok(()) }); futures::future::select(Box::pin(fut1), Box::pin(fut2)) .await .factor_first() .0 }