import { $ } from ""; import { chart } from ""; import { TextLineStream } from ""; function wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function load_test(conn, port, bytes) { return $`load_test ${conn} ${port} 0 0 ${bytes}` .stdout("piped") .spawn(); } const targets = [ // { port: 8080, name: "fastwebsockets", server: "/usr/bin/fastwebsockets", }, // { port: 9001, name: "uWebSockets", server: "/usr/bin/uWebSockets" }, // { port: 8080, name: "tokio-tungstenite", server: "/usr/bin/tokio-tungstenite", }, // { port: 9002, name: "rust-websocket", server: "/usr/bin/rust-websocket", }, // { port: 3000, name: "tokio-websockets", server: "/usr/bin/tokio-websockets", }, ]; const cases = [ { conn: 100, bytes: 20, }, { conn: 10, bytes: 1024, }, { conn: 10, bytes: 16 * 1024, }, { conn: 200, bytes: 16 * 1024, }, { conn: 500, bytes: 16 * 1024, }, ]; for (const { conn, bytes } of cases) { let results = {}; for (const { port, name, server, arg } of targets) { let logs = []; try { const proc = $`${server} ${arg || ""}`.spawn(); console.log(`Waiting for ${name} to start...`); await wait(1000); const client = load_test(conn, port, bytes == 20 ? "" : bytes); const readable = client .stdout() .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()) .pipeThrough(new TextLineStream()); let count = 0; for await (const data of readable) { logs.push(data); count++; if (count === 5) { break; } } client.abort(); proc.abort(); await proc; await client; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } const lines = logs.filter( (line) => line.length > 0 && line.startsWith("Msg/sec") ); const mps = => parseInt(line.split(" ")[1].trim()), 10); const avg = mps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / mps.length; results[name] = avg; } results = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(results).sort(([, a], [, b]) => b - a) ); const title = `Connections: ${conn}, Payload size: ${bytes}`; const svg = chart({ type: "bar", data: { labels: Object.keys(results), datasets: [ { label: title, data: Object.values(results), backgroundColor: ["rgba(54, 162, 235, 255)"], }, ], }, }); Deno.writeTextFileSync(`${conn}-${bytes}-chart.svg`, svg); }