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Unit of size is bytes. Read time of SDBM can not be calculated because its database is broken when more than 100000 records. 5 Quick Database Manager 1.8.77 5 TC-BT-ASC 5#B+ tree API of TC (ascending order) 5 TC-BT-RND 5B+ tree API of TC (at random) 5Berkeley DB 4.6.21 5This benchmark test is to calculate processing time (real time) and file size of database. Writing test is to store 1,000,000 records. Reading test is to fetch all of its records. Both of the key and the value of each record are such 8-byte strings as `00000001', `00000002', `00000003'... Tuning parameters of each DBM are set to display its best performance. Platform: Linux 2.6.16 kernel, EXT3 file system (writeback), Intel Xeon quad core 2.3GHz CPU, 8GB RAM Compilation: gcc 4.2.3 (using -O3), glibc 2.7 5TC-FIXED 5Fixed-length API of TC 5TC 5Tokyo Cabinet 1.3.5 52 _  ~Vccj   .~  dMbP?_*+%&ףp= ?'(\?(\.?)\.?MJPrimoPDFlS 4YXXA4PRIVB0''''lP4(DMSMTJPrimoPDFResolution600dpiPageSizeA4PageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlot*UseFormTrayTable" YXX `? `?U} }  } }  .@Z@@x@;@x@     @Z@Y@x@  !$!!!!       ' (N#-?Z![?~ '  HP<@>tA}?~ R}   aMy@ }Жsi @ A   zަ?@  *g\8P?~ A   ~R82@ Pf @~ A   UD@ PC?~  A   / ? eX?~ A  #+ٱ7"@L~@~ A   O;5Y?yX5;?~  ! "zrK+@$@M-@~   Mt?"~j?~ J  'IL>@o_@~ n/  K?/Xni5?~ A  ʾ+@ŬC9Q@~ p|A % &&(  p  6NMM?+]` X   MJPrimoPDFlS 4dXXA4PRIVB0''''lP4(DMSMTJPrimoPDFResolution600dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne" dXXMb?Mb?3` #` #` (x` -dL3df23 M NM4 3Q1:  WRITE TIMEQ ;Q1 ;Q3_ O   MM<4E4 3Q1:  READ TIMEQ ;Q1 ;Q3_ O   MM<4E4D$% M 3O&Q4$% M 3O&Q4FA& 3OSR3 b&43*$@??N&! 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Writing test is to store 1,000,000 records. Reading test is to fetch all of its records. Both of the key and the value of each record are such 8-byte strings as `0!!!!Result NAME DESCRIPTION WRITE TIME READ TIME FILE SIZE TCTokyo Cabinet 1.3.5N#-?Z![?~ '  QDBM%Quick Database Manager 1.8.77HP<@>tA}?~ R}  NDBM New Database Manager 5.1 aMy@ }Жsi @ A SDBM) !Substitute Database Manager 1.0.2 zަ?@  *g\8P?~ A GDBM" GNU Database Manager 1.8.3 ~R82@ Pf @~ A TDB Trivial Database 1.0.6 UD@ PC?~  A CDB# Tiny Constant Database 0.75 / ? eX?~ A BDBBerkeley DB 4.6.21+ٱ7"@L~@~ A TC-BT-ASC+#B+ tree API of TC (ascending order)O;5Y?yX5;?~  TC-BT-RND%B+ tree API of TC (at random)zrK+@$@M-@~  QDBM-BT-ASC-%B+ tree API of QDBM (ascending order)Mt?"~j?~ J  QDBM-BT-RND'B+ tree API of QDBM (at random)'IL>@o_@~ n/ BDB-BT-ASC,$B+ tree API of BDB (ascending order)K?/Xni5?~ A BDB-BT-RND&B+ tree API of BDB (at random)ʾ+@ŬC9Q@~ p|ATC-FIXEDFixed-length API of TC+@A@5W   M PrimoPDF+lS 4dXXA4DBM can not be calculated becPRIVB0''''lP4(DMSMTJPrimoPDFResolution600dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne" dXXMb?Mb?3L323   4 3Q1:  WRITE TIMEQ;Q1;3      4E4 3Q1:  READ TIMEQ;Q1;3      4E4D FA& 3OSR3 &43*$@??N&! 4523  43" % 3O' E%3O& Q423  44$%3O&Q4444  ]>->@A@EpW   M PrimoPDF->lS 4dXXA4DBM can not be calculated becPRIVB0''''lP4(DMSMTJPrimoPDFResolution600dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne" dXXMb?Mb?3L323   4 3Q1:  FILE SIZEQ;Q1;3      4E4D FA&F 3Ow3 &43*חA&! 4523  43" $%3O& Q444%3OQ'44  =;45,8X> " Oh+'0 PX  Benchmark Test of DBM BrothersMikio Hirabayashi hirabayashiMicrosoft Excel@LD/E@‹h"@fm]/E՜.+,08@ LT \  sheetsheet!Print_Area  [NV[g Otꗗ  !"#$%&'()*+,-./013456789;<=>?@ADRoot EntryF3n/EBook |,Workbook4SummaryInformation(2DocumentSummaryInformation8: