#!/opt/homebrew/bin/bash # Some examples of arrays in bash. Note the hashbang above! # This is to make sure I'm running a modern bash on MacOS for # the readarray example. cargo build --quiet categories=$(target/debug/tomato get package.categories ./fixtures/sample.toml) for c in $categories; do echo "Marvelous category '$c'!" done # If you have a modern bash: echo '' echo "modern bash:" readarray -t phrases < <(target/debug/tomato get testcases.phrases ./fixtures/sample.toml) for i in "${phrases[@]}"; do echo "readarray: $i" done # If you don't have a modern bash: echo '' echo "we have an old bash:" IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a phrases < <( cargo run --quiet -- get testcases.phrases ./fixtures/sample.toml) for i in "${phrases[@]}"; do echo "old bash: $i" done echo '' echo "let's use some eval!" evaluation=$(target/debug/tomato --format bash get testcases.phrases ./fixtures/sample.toml) eval "result=$evaluation" for i in "${result[@]}"; do echo "eval: $i" done