use crate::actors::*; use anyhow::Error; use env_logger::Env; use tonari_actor::{Addr, System, SystemCallbacks}; /// A simplistic representation of a MediaFrame, they just hold frame counters. pub enum MediaFrame { Video(usize), Audio(usize), } /// A simplistic representation of an encoded MediaFrame, they just hold frame counters. pub enum EncodedMediaFrame { Video(usize), Audio(usize), } mod actors { use crate::{EncodedMediaFrame, MediaFrame}; use anyhow::{bail, Error}; use std::{thread, time::Duration}; use tonari_actor::{Actor, Context, Recipient}; // Messages pub enum VideoCaptureMessage { Capture, } pub enum AudioCaptureMessage { Capture, } // Plumbing pub struct ShutdownActor; impl Actor for ShutdownActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = (); fn name() -> &'static str { "ShutdownActor" } fn handle( &mut self, context: &mut Self::Context, _msg: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { context.system_handle.shutdown().expect("ShutdownActor failed to shutdown system"); Ok(()) } } // Egress pipeline pub struct VideoCaptureActor { frame_counter: usize, next: Recipient, } impl VideoCaptureActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { frame_counter: 0, next } } } impl Actor for VideoCaptureActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = VideoCaptureMessage; fn name() -> &'static str { "VideoCaptureActor" } fn handle( &mut self, context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { VideoCaptureMessage::Capture => { // Simulate a video frame capture std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(16));; self.frame_counter += 1; context.myself.send(VideoCaptureMessage::Capture)?; }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct VideoEncodeActor { next: Recipient, } impl VideoEncodeActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { next } } } impl Actor for VideoEncodeActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = MediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "VideoEncodeActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { MediaFrame::Video(frame_counter) => { // Simulate some encoding work thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(7));; }, MediaFrame::Audio(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the VideoEncodeActor an audio MediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct AudioCaptureActor { frame_counter: usize, next: Recipient, } impl AudioCaptureActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { frame_counter: 0, next } } } impl Actor for AudioCaptureActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = AudioCaptureMessage; fn name() -> &'static str { "AudioCaptureActor" } fn handle( &mut self, context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { AudioCaptureMessage::Capture => { // Simulate an audio frame capture std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));; self.frame_counter += 1; context.myself.send(AudioCaptureMessage::Capture)?; }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct AudioEncodeActor { next: Recipient, } impl AudioEncodeActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { next } } } impl Actor for AudioEncodeActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = MediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "AudioEncodeActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { MediaFrame::Audio(frame_counter) => { // Simulate some encoding work thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(3));; }, MediaFrame::Video(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the AudioEncodeActor a video MediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct NetworkSenderActor { next: Recipient, } impl NetworkSenderActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { next } } } impl Actor for NetworkSenderActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = EncodedMediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "NetworkSenderActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { // Add some fake packetization and network latency here thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(30));; Ok(()) } } // Ingress pipeline pub struct NetworkReceiverActor { audio_next: Recipient, video_next: Recipient, } impl NetworkReceiverActor { pub fn new( audio_next: Recipient, video_next: Recipient, ) -> Self { Self { audio_next, video_next } } } impl Actor for NetworkReceiverActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = EncodedMediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "NetworkReceiverActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { EncodedMediaFrame::Video(_) => { self.video_next.send(message)?; }, EncodedMediaFrame::Audio(_) => { self.audio_next.send(message)?; }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct VideoDecodeActor { next: Recipient, } impl VideoDecodeActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { next } } } impl Actor for VideoDecodeActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = EncodedMediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "VideoDecodeActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { EncodedMediaFrame::Video(frame_counter) => {; }, EncodedMediaFrame::Audio(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the VideoDecodeActor an audio EncodedMediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct AudioDecodeActor { next: Recipient, } impl AudioDecodeActor { pub fn new(next: Recipient) -> Self { Self { next } } } impl Actor for AudioDecodeActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = EncodedMediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "AudioDecodeActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { EncodedMediaFrame::Audio(frame_counter) => {; }, EncodedMediaFrame::Video(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the AudioDecodeActor a video EncodedMediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct AudioPlaybackActor {} impl AudioPlaybackActor { pub fn new() -> Self { Self {} } } impl Actor for AudioPlaybackActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = MediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "AudioPlaybackActor" } fn handle( &mut self, _context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { MediaFrame::Audio(frame_counter) => { println!("🔊 Playing back audio frame {}", frame_counter); }, MediaFrame::Video(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the AudioPlaybackActor a video MediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } pub struct VideoDisplayActor {} impl VideoDisplayActor { pub fn new() -> Self { Self {} } } impl Actor for VideoDisplayActor { type Context = Context; type Error = Error; type Message = MediaFrame; fn name() -> &'static str { "VideoDisplayActor" } fn handle( &mut self, context: &mut Self::Context, message: Self::Message, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { match message { MediaFrame::Video(frame_counter) => { println!("🖼 Display video frame {}", frame_counter); if frame_counter >= 360 { println!( "We've received 360 video frames, shutting down the actor system!" ); let _ = context.system_handle.shutdown(); } }, MediaFrame::Audio(_) => { bail!("Why did you give the VideoDisplayActor an audio MediaFrame?"); }, } Ok(()) } } } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { env_logger::Builder::from_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("debug")).init(); let system_callbacks = SystemCallbacks { preshutdown: Some(Box::new(move || { println!("The actor system is stopping, this is the preshutdown hook"); Ok(()) })), ..SystemCallbacks::default() }; let mut system = System::with_callbacks("main", system_callbacks); // TODO - Add some extra "config" actors to adjust things like video capture exposure, // or playback volume. // Handle Ctrl-C let shutdown_addr = system.spawn(ShutdownActor {})?; ctrlc::set_handler(move || { shutdown_addr.send(()).expect("failed to send shutdown message"); })?; // Wire up the actors let display_addr = Addr::default(); // Receiving side let audio_playback_actor = system.spawn(AudioPlaybackActor::new())?; let video_decode_addr = system.spawn(VideoDecodeActor::new(display_addr.recipient()))?; let audio_decode_addr = system.spawn(AudioDecodeActor::new(audio_playback_actor.recipient()))?; let network_receiver_addr = system.spawn(NetworkReceiverActor::new( audio_decode_addr.recipient(), video_decode_addr.recipient(), ))?; // Sending side let network_sender_addr = system.spawn(NetworkSenderActor::new(network_receiver_addr.recipient()))?; let video_encode_addr = system.spawn(VideoEncodeActor::new(network_sender_addr.recipient()))?; let audio_encode_addr = system.spawn(AudioEncodeActor::new(network_sender_addr.recipient()))?; let video_capture_addr = system.spawn(VideoCaptureActor::new(video_encode_addr.recipient()))?; let audio_capture_addr = system.spawn(AudioCaptureActor::new(audio_encode_addr.recipient()))?; // Kick off the pipeline audio_capture_addr.send(AudioCaptureMessage::Capture)?; video_capture_addr.send(VideoCaptureMessage::Capture)?; // The display actor may spawn an OS window which in some cases must run // on the main application thread. let display_actor = VideoDisplayActor::new(); system.prepare(display_actor).with_addr(display_addr).run_and_block()?; Ok(()) }