import { File } from "@std/fs" const interpolationOpen = "{{"; const interpolationClose = "}}"; const interpolationSplitPattern = /{{|}}/; const parse = (template) => { let result = /{{(.*?)}}/g.exec(template); const arr = []; let firstPos; while (result) { firstPos = result.index; if (firstPos !== 0) { arr.push(template.substring(0, firstPos)); template = template.slice(firstPos); } arr.push(result[0]); template = template.slice(result[0].length); result = /{{(.*?)}}/g.exec(template); } if (template) arr.push(template); return arr; } const compile = (template, data) => { const ast = template; let fn = `""`; => { if (t.startsWith(interpolationOpen) && t.endsWith(interpolationClose)) { fn += ` + (__data.${t.split(interpolationSplitPattern).filter(Boolean)[0].trim()} || '')` } else { fn += ` + "${t}"`; } }) return new Function("__data", "return " + fn); }; // A hyper-minimal template engine for Tonic that has support for interpolation of variables. export class TemplateEngine { root; constructor(root) { this.root = root } static init(root) { return new TemplateEngine(root) } render(path, data = {}) { const contents =`${this.root}/${path}`).contents() const ast = parse(contents) return compile(ast)(data) } }