syntax = "proto3"; import "lightning.proto"; package peersrpc; option go_package = ""; // Peers is a service that can be used to get information and interact // with the other nodes of the newtwork. service Peers { /* lncli: peers updatenodeannouncement UpdateNodeAnnouncement allows the caller to update the node parameters and broadcasts a new version of the node announcement to its peers. */ rpc UpdateNodeAnnouncement (NodeAnnouncementUpdateRequest) returns (NodeAnnouncementUpdateResponse); } // UpdateAction is used to determine the kind of action we are referring to. enum UpdateAction { // ADD indicates this is an "insertion" kind of action. ADD = 0; // REMOVE indicates this is a "deletion" kind of action. REMOVE = 1; } enum FeatureSet { /* SET_INIT identifies features that should be sent in an Init message to a remote peer. */ SET_INIT = 0; /* SET_LEGACY_GLOBAL identifies features that should be set in the legacy GlobalFeatures field of an Init message, which maintains backwards compatibility with nodes that haven't implemented flat features. */ SET_LEGACY_GLOBAL = 1; /* SET_NODE_ANN identifies features that should be advertised on node announcements. */ SET_NODE_ANN = 2; /* SET_INVOICE identifies features that should be advertised on invoices generated by the daemon. */ SET_INVOICE = 3; /* SET_INVOICE_AMP identifies the features that should be advertised on AMP invoices generated by the daemon. */ SET_INVOICE_AMP = 4; } message UpdateAddressAction { // Determines the kind of action. UpdateAction action = 1; // The address used to apply the update action. string address = 2; } message UpdateFeatureAction { // Determines the kind of action. UpdateAction action = 1; // The feature bit used to apply the update action. lnrpc.FeatureBit feature_bit = 2; } message NodeAnnouncementUpdateRequest { // Set of changes for the features that the node supports. repeated UpdateFeatureAction feature_updates = 1; // Color is the node's color in hex code format. string color = 2; // Alias or nick name of the node. string alias = 3; // Set of changes for the node's known addresses. repeated UpdateAddressAction address_updates = 4; } message NodeAnnouncementUpdateResponse { repeated lnrpc.Op ops = 1; }