name: Browser JS tracks all console logging steps: - step: I have a "my_test.toolproof.yml" file with the content {yaml} yaml: |- name: Inner passing test steps: - I have a "public/index.html" file with the content "

Hello World

" - I serve the directory "public" - In my browser, I load "/" - step: In my browser, I evaluate {js} js: |- console.log("hello!"); console.debug("debug hello!"); console.error("oh no an error!"); console.warn("oh darn a warning!"); - snapshot: In my browser, the console snapshot_content: |- ╎- 'LOG: hello!' ╎- 'DBG: debug hello!' ╎- 'ERR: oh no an error!' ╎- 'WRN: oh darn a warning!' - I run "%toolproof_path%" - step: "stdout should contain 'Passing tests: 1'" - step: "stdout should contain 'Failing tests: 0'" - step: "stdout should contain 'All tests passed'"