use bracket_pathfinding::prelude::{Algorithm2D, SmallVec}; use criterion::{ criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement::WallTime, BenchmarkGroup, Criterion, }; use tcod::Map as TcodMap; use torchbearer::{ bresenham::BresenhamLine, path::{astar_path, astar_path_fourwaygrid, FourWayGridGraph, PathMap}, Point, }; const WIDTH: i32 = 20; const HEIGHT: i32 = 20; struct TestMap { width: i32, height: i32, tiles: Vec, } impl TestMap { fn new(width: i32, height: i32) -> Self { TestMap { width, height, tiles: vec![true; (width * height) as usize], } } fn with_walls(mut self) -> Self { self.build_wall((0, 3), (3, 3)); self.build_wall((3, 3), (3, 10)); self.build_wall((5, 3), (5, 19)); self.build_wall((7, 0), (7, 16)); self.build_wall((9, 1), (9, 19)); self } fn build_wall(&mut self, from: Point, to: Point) { let bresenham = BresenhamLine::new(from, to); for (x, y) in bresenham { self.tiles[(x + y * self.width) as usize] = false; } } fn is_exit_valid(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { if x < 1 || x > self.width - 1 || y < 1 || y > self.height - 1 { return false; } let idx = x + y * self.width; self.tiles[idx as usize] } } impl PathMap for TestMap { fn dimensions(&self) -> (i32, i32) { (self.width, self.height) } fn is_walkable(&self, (x, y): Point) -> bool { self.tiles[(x + y * self.width) as usize] } } /// Implementing the BaseMap like /// impl bracket_pathfinding::prelude::BaseMap for TestMap { fn is_opaque(&self, index: usize) -> bool { self.tiles[index] } fn get_available_exits(&self, idx: usize) -> SmallVec<[(usize, f32); 10]> { let mut exits = SmallVec::new(); let x = idx as i32 % self.width; let y = idx as i32 / self.width; let w = self.width as usize; // Cardinal directions if self.is_exit_valid(x - 1, y) { exits.push((idx - 1, 1.0)) }; if self.is_exit_valid(x + 1, y) { exits.push((idx + 1, 1.0)) }; if self.is_exit_valid(x, y - 1) { exits.push((idx - w, 1.0)) }; if self.is_exit_valid(x, y + 1) { exits.push((idx + w, 1.0)) }; exits } fn get_pathing_distance(&self, idx1: usize, idx2: usize) -> f32 { let w = self.width as usize; let p1 = bracket_pathfinding::prelude::Point::new(idx1 % w, idx1 / w); let p2 = bracket_pathfinding::prelude::Point::new(idx2 % w, idx2 / w); bracket_pathfinding::prelude::DistanceAlg::Pythagoras.distance2d(p1, p2) } } impl bracket_pathfinding::prelude::Algorithm2D for TestMap { fn dimensions(&self) -> bracket_pathfinding::prelude::Point { (self.width, self.height).into() } fn point2d_to_index(&self, pt: bracket_pathfinding::prelude::Point) -> usize { (pt.x + pt.y * self.width) as usize } } pub fn torchbearer_astar_fourwaygrid(group: &mut BenchmarkGroup) { let map = TestMap::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT).with_walls(); let from = (1, 4); let to = (15, 8); group.bench_function("torchbearer_fourwaygrid", |bencher| { bencher.iter(|| astar_path_fourwaygrid(&map, from, to)); }); } pub fn torchbearer_astar_graph(group: &mut BenchmarkGroup) { let map = TestMap::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT).with_walls(); let graph = FourWayGridGraph::new(&map); let from = (1 + 4 * WIDTH) as usize; let to = (15 + 8 * WIDTH) as usize; group.bench_function("torchbearer_graph", |bencher| { bencher.iter(|| astar_path(&graph, from, to)); }); } pub fn bracket_astar(group: &mut BenchmarkGroup) { let map = TestMap::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT).with_walls(); let start = map.point2d_to_index((1, 4).into()); let end = map.point2d_to_index((15, 8).into()); group.bench_function("bracket", |bencher| { bencher.iter(|| bracket_pathfinding::prelude::a_star_search(start, end, &map)); }); } pub fn tcod_astar(group: &mut BenchmarkGroup) { fn build_wall(map: &mut TcodMap, from: Point, to: Point) { let bresenham = BresenhamLine::new(from, to); for (x, y) in bresenham { map.set(x, y, false, false); } } let mut map = TcodMap::new(WIDTH as i32, HEIGHT as i32); for x in 0..WIDTH { for y in 0..HEIGHT { map.set(x, y, true, true); } } build_wall(&mut map, (0, 3), (3, 3)); build_wall(&mut map, (3, 3), (3, 10)); build_wall(&mut map, (5, 3), (5, 19)); build_wall(&mut map, (7, 0), (7, 16)); build_wall(&mut map, (9, 1), (9, 19)); let mut astar = tcod::pathfinding::AStar::new_from_map(map, 0.0); let from = (1, 4); let to = (15, 8); group.bench_function("tcod", |bencher| { bencher.iter(|| astar.find(from, to)); }); } pub fn astar(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("astar"); torchbearer_astar_fourwaygrid(&mut group); torchbearer_astar_graph(&mut group); bracket_astar(&mut group); tcod_astar(&mut group); } criterion_group!(benches, astar,); criterion_main!(benches);