use std::{error::Error, sync::Arc}; use futures::{stream::StreamExt, SinkExt}; use tokio::{net::TcpStream, runtime}; use tokio_tungstenite::{tungstenite::protocol::Role, WebSocketStream}; use touche::{upgrade::Upgrade, Body, Connection, Request, Server}; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let runtime = Arc::new(runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread().enable_all().build()?); Server::builder() // We can have can handle multiple websockets even with a single thread server, since the // websocket connections will be handled by Tokio and not by Touche. .max_threads(1) .bind("") .serve_single_thread(move |req: Request
| { let runtime = runtime.clone(); let res = tungstenite::handshake::server::create_response(&|_| ()))?; Ok::<_, Box