use axum::{ body::Body, error_handling::HandleErrorLayer, extract::Path, routing::get, Router, Server, }; use base64::URL_SAFE; use biscuit_auth::{Authorizer, PublicKey}; use http::{Request, StatusCode}; use tower::{filter::Filter, ServiceBuilder}; use tower_biscuit_auth::{ AuthConfig, AuthExtract, BiscuitAuth, BiscuitAuthError, ErrorMode, RootKeys, }; fn main() { let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); let _rt_guard = rt.enter(); let biscuit_auth = load_auth(); let auth_layer = Filter::, BiscuitAuth<_>>::layer(biscuit_auth); let app: Router = Router::new() // This route is public. .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" })) // This one requires a biscuit with an authority fact // indicating that the bearer is "user($user_id)". .route( "/admin/:name", get(admin).layer( ServiceBuilder::new() .layer(HandleErrorLayer::new(handle_auth_error)) .layer(auth_layer), ), ); let server = Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()); let server = server.serve(app.into_make_service()); rt.block_on(server).unwrap(); } async fn admin(Path(user_id): Path) -> String { format!("Hello, admin {user_id}!") } async fn handle_auth_error(err: tower::BoxError) -> (StatusCode, String) { match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(err) => (StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, err.to_string()), None => (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal error".into()), } } fn load_auth() -> BiscuitAuth { let pubkey: Vec = hex::decode(include_str!("public.key").trim()).unwrap(); let pubkey = PublicKey::from_bytes(&pubkey).unwrap(); let root_keys = RootKeys::new(pubkey); let mut authorizer = Authorizer::new().unwrap(); authorizer.add_code(include_str!("policy.txt")).unwrap(); // WARNING: You probably don't want to use ErrorMode::Verbose in production. // It can give attackers more information about the system they're trying to // break. Prefer ErrorMode::Secure instead. let auth_info = AuthConfig::new(root_keys, authorizer, ErrorMode::Verbose); BiscuitAuth::new(auth_info, AuthCookieExtractor) } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] struct AuthCookieExtractor; impl AuthExtract for AuthCookieExtractor { type Request = Request; fn auth_token(&self, req: &Self::Request) -> Result, BiscuitAuthError> { let biscuit_val = req.headers().get("x-biscuit-auth").ok_or_else(|| { BiscuitAuthError::Other(anyhow::anyhow!("couldn't find biscuit header").into()) })?; let biscuit = biscuit_val.as_bytes(); base64::decode_config(biscuit, URL_SAFE).map_err(|e| BiscuitAuthError::Other(e.into())) } }