# tower-etag-cache A [tower](https://github.com/tower-rs) middleware for implementing [ETag-based HTTP caching](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching#etagif-none-match). ## Quickstart The `const-lru-provider` feature provides a [const-lru](https://docs.rs/const-lru/latest/const_lru)-backed [`CacheProvider`](crate::CacheProvider) implementation that's ready to be used. ```rust ignore use axum::{error_handling::HandleErrorLayer, http::StatusCode, BoxError, Router}; use tower_etag_cache::{const_lru_provider::ConstLruProvider, EtagCacheLayer}; use tower_http::services::{ServeDir, ServeFile}; #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() { let app = Router::new() .fallback_service(ServeDir::new("app").fallback(ServeFile::new("app/404.html"))) .layer( ServiceBuilder::new() .layer(HandleErrorLayer::new(handle_etag_cache_layer_err)) .layer(EtagCacheLayer::with_default_predicate( ConstLruProvider::<_, _, 255, u8>::init(5), )), ); axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); } async fn handle_etag_cache_layer_err>(err: T) -> (StatusCode, String) { (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, err.into().to_string()) } ``` The [`ConstLruProvider`](const_lru_provider::ConstLruProvider) calculates ETag as the base64-encoded blake3 hash of response bodies. It keys entries by [`SimpleEtagCacheKey`](simple_etag_cache_key::SimpleEtagCacheKey), a struct comprising the request URI + sorted `Vec` collections of header values for the `Accept`, `Accept-Language`, and `Accept-Encoding` request headers. This causes it to [vary](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching#vary) ETags based on these headers. Since the current implementation loads the entire response body into memory to calculate the ETag, [`ConstLruProvider`](const_lru_provider::ConstLruProvider) is not suitable for extremely large responses such as large files. ## How This Works The [`EtagCache`](crate::EtagCache) tower service and [`EtagCacheLayer`](crate::EtagCacheLayer) tower layer is created with an inner tower service + any type that implements the [`CacheProvider`](crate::CacheProvider) trait. A [`CacheProvider`](crate::CacheProvider): - comprises 2 tower services - 1 that runs on incoming http requests to lookup ETags to check if a request's `If-None-Match` matches an ETag in the cache - 1 that runs on outgoing http responses to calculate and save the ETag of the response - has an associated cache key type that is used to key cache entries - has an associated transform response body type that it transforms outgoing http response bodies into after the ETag calculation and saving procedure ```rust ignore pub trait CacheProvider: Service, Response = CacheGetResponse> // runs on request + Service<(Self::Key, http::Response), Response = http::Response> // runs on response { type Key; type TResBody; } ``` When a http request comes in, - If the service's passthrough_predicate indicates that the request should be passed through, the unmodified request is passed directly to the inner service and the response is directly returned to the client. - Else the [`CacheProvider`](crate::CacheProvider)'s first ETag lookup service runs on the request. - If the service returns a cache hit, an empty HTTP 304 response is returned to the client with the relevant headers. - Else the inner service runs on the unmodified request. - If the service's passthrough_predicate indicates that the response should be passed through, the unmodified response is returned to the client. - Else the [`CacheProvider`](crate::CacheProvider)'s second ETag calculating and saving service runs on the http response returned by the inner service. - The service transforms the response body and modifies the response headers to include the saved ETag and other relevant headers and returns it to the client. ### PassthroughPredicate The [`PassthroughPredicate`](crate::PassthroughPredicate) trait controls when requests and responses should ignore the caching layer. The provided [`DefaultPredicate`](crate::DefaultPredicate) is available for use with [`EtagCacheLayer::with_default_predicate`](EtagCacheLayer::with_default_predicate) and has the following behaviour: requests: - only `GET` and `HEAD` methods are ran through the caching layer responses: - only `HTTP 2XX` responses, excluding `204 No Content`, are cached - only responses that dont already have the `ETag` header are cached - only responses that eiter have a missing, invalid, or non-zero `Content-Length` header are cached