//! # Example //! //! This is a simple example of how to implement a webhook handler to handle incoming GitHub //! events. //! It uses `octocrab` for definitions of the various webhooks that are sent from GitHub, `axum` as //! a server and, of course, `tower-github-webhook` to handle authenticatition of the incoming //! webhook. //! //! The `Event` struct has implements the `FromRequest` axum trait so that it can be used as a //! parameter in the axum handler. use axum::async_trait; use axum::body::Bytes; use axum::debug_handler; use axum::extract::{FromRequest, Request}; use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response}; use axum::{routing::post, Router}; use octocrab::models::{ webhook_events::{WebhookEvent, WebhookEventPayload, WebhookEventType}, Author, Repository, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tower_github_webhook::ValidateGitHubWebhookLayer; const WEBHOOK_SECRET: &'static str = "my little secret"; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Event { pub kind: WebhookEventType, pub sender: Option, pub repository: Option, pub payload: WebhookEventPayload, } impl From for Event { fn from(e: WebhookEvent) -> Self { Self { kind: e.kind, sender: e.sender, repository: e.repository, payload: e.specific, } } } #[async_trait] impl FromRequest for Event where S: Send + Sync, { type Rejection = Response; async fn from_request(req: Request, state: &S) -> Result { let headers = req.headers().clone(); let header = headers .get("x-github-event") .map(|x| x.to_str()) .unwrap() .map_err(|_| { "Failed to convert header to string" .to_string() .into_response() })?; let bytes = Bytes::from_request(req, state) .await .map_err(IntoResponse::into_response)?; let webhook_event = WebhookEvent::try_from_header_and_body(header, &bytes).unwrap(); Ok(Self::from(webhook_event)) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Setup tracing tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); // Run our service let addr = ""; let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap(); tracing::info!("Listening on {}", addr); axum::serve(listener, app().into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); } fn app() -> Router { // Build route service Router::new().route( "/github/events", post(print_body).layer(ValidateGitHubWebhookLayer::new(WEBHOOK_SECRET)), ) } #[debug_handler] async fn print_body(event: Event) { println!("{:#?}", event); }