use std::{ ops::ControlFlow, sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, Ordering::SeqCst}, time::SystemTime, }; use bytes::Bytes; use retry_policies::{policies::ExponentialBackoff, RetryDecision}; use tower::{ServiceBuilder, ServiceExt as _}; use tower_http::ServiceBuilderExt as _; use tower_http_client::client::ServiceExt as _; use tower_reqwest::{into_reqwest_body, HttpClientLayer}; use wiremock::{ matchers::{method, path}, Mock, MockServer, ResponseTemplate, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RetrySequence

{ policy: P, start_time: Option, n_past_retries: u32, } impl


{ pub fn new(policy: P) -> Self { Self { policy, start_time: None, n_past_retries: 0, } } pub fn next_attempt(&mut self) -> ControlFlow<(), (SystemTime, &mut Self)> where P: retry_policies::RetryPolicy, { let start_time = self.start_time(); match self.policy.should_retry(start_time, self.n_past_retries) { RetryDecision::Retry { execute_after } => { self.start_time = Some(execute_after); self.n_past_retries += 1; ControlFlow::Continue((execute_after, self)) } RetryDecision::DoNotRetry => ControlFlow::Break(()), } } fn start_time(&self) -> SystemTime { self.start_time.unwrap_or_else(SystemTime::now) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SimpleRetry(RetrySequence); impl SimpleRetry { #[must_use] pub fn new(policy: ExponentialBackoff) -> Self { Self(RetrySequence::new(policy)) } } impl tower::retry::Policy, http::Response, E> for SimpleRetry { type Future = tokio::time::Sleep; fn retry( &mut self, _req: &mut http::Request, result: &mut Result, E>, ) -> Option { match result { Ok(resp) if !resp.status().is_server_error() => { // Treat almost all `Response`s as success, // so don't retry... None } _other => match self.0.next_attempt() { ControlFlow::Continue((retry_at, next_attempt)) => { let n_past_retries = next_attempt.n_past_retries; let sleep_duration = retry_at .duration_since(SystemTime::now()) .unwrap_or_default(); eprintln!( "Making attempt #{n_past_retries} sleeping for {:.3}secs", sleep_duration.as_secs_f32() ); Some(tokio::time::sleep(sleep_duration)) } // Used all our attempts, no retry... ControlFlow::Break(()) => None, }, } } fn clone_request(&mut self, req: &http::Request) -> Option> { Some(req.clone()) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { eprintln!("-> Spawning a mock http server..."); let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; let mock_uri = mock_server.uri(); let times = AtomicI32::new(3); // Arrange the behaviour of the MockServer adding a Mock: // when it receives a GET request on '/hello' it will respond with a 200. Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path("/hello")) .respond_with(move |_req: &wiremock::Request| { let old = times.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst); if old < 1 { ResponseTemplate::new(200) } else { ResponseTemplate::new(500) } }) .mount(&mock_server) .await; eprintln!("-> Creating an HTTP client with Tower layers..."); let mut client = ServiceBuilder::new() // Make client compatible with the `tower-http` layers. .retry(SimpleRetry::new( ExponentialBackoff::builder().build_with_max_retries(10), )) // Set the request body type. .map_request_body(|body: http_body_util::Full| into_reqwest_body(body)) .layer(HttpClientLayer) .service(reqwest::Client::new()) .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg) .boxed_clone(); let response = client.get(format!("{mock_uri}/hello")).send()?.await?; anyhow::ensure!(response.status().is_success(), "response failed"); Ok(()) }