{#- This sample template generates a markdown document for the metadata V12 from the Polkadot project #} {#- It makes it an interesting benchmark as the data can be quite big (~385Kb / 12k lines) #} {#- You may grab the latest json data using subwasm on github and running the following command: # } {#- subwasm -j meta --chain polkadot > /tmp/meta.json #} {%- if V12 -%} {%- set version = "V12" -%} {%- set root = V12 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if V13 -%} {%- set version = "V13" -%} {%- set root = V13 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if not DOC -%} {%- set DOC = "false" -%} {%- endif -%} # Metadata version {{ version }} This document has been generated using tpp. Numbrer of modules: {{ root.modules | length }} {% for module in root.modules | sort(attribute="index") -%} ---- ## {{module.index}}: {{module.name}} {%- if module.calls %}
Calls: {{ module.calls | length }} 🤙🏼 {% for c in module.calls %} ### {{loop.index -1 }}: {{c.name}} {% if DOC == "true" -%} {{c.documentation}} {%- endif %} {% endfor %}
{% else %} no call {%- endif %} {% endfor %}