use clap::Parser; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::{fs::File, io::BufReader, path::PathBuf}; use tabular::{Row, Table}; use trace_recorder_parser::streaming::{Error, RecorderData}; use tracing::{error, warn}; #[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)] #[clap(name = "streaming example", version, about = "Parse streaming data from file", long_about = None)] pub struct Opts { /// Skip parsing the events #[clap(long)] pub no_events: bool, /// TODO #[clap(long, value_parser=clap_num::maybe_hex::)] pub custom_printf_event_id: Option, /// Path to streaming data file #[clap(value_parser)] pub path: PathBuf, } fn main() { match do_main() { Ok(()) => (), Err(e) => { eprintln!("{e}"); let mut cause = e.source(); while let Some(err) = cause { eprintln!("Caused by: {err}"); cause = err.source(); } std::process::exit(exitcode::SOFTWARE); } } } fn do_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let opts = Opts::parse(); reset_signal_pipe_handler()?; tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let f = File::open(&opts.path)?; let mut r = BufReader::new(f); let mut rd = RecorderData::find(&mut r)?; if let Some(custom_printf_event_id) = opts.custom_printf_event_id { rd.set_custom_printf_event_id(custom_printf_event_id.into()); } println!("{rd:#?}"); if !opts.no_events { let mut observed_type_counters = BTreeMap::new(); let mut total_count = 0_u64; loop { let (event_code, event) = match rd.read_event(&mut r) { Ok(Some((ec, ev))) => (ec, ev), Ok(None) => break, Err(e) => match e { Error::TraceRestarted(psf_start_word_endianness) => { warn!("Detected a restarted trace stream"); rd = RecorderData::read_with_endianness(psf_start_word_endianness, &mut r)?; continue; } _ => { error!("{e}"); continue; } }, }; let event_type = event_code.event_type(); println!("{event_type} : {event} : {}", event.event_count()); *observed_type_counters.entry(event_type).or_insert(0) += 1_u64; total_count += 1; } println!("--------------------------------------------------------"); let mut table = Table::new("{:>} {:>} {:<}"); for (handle, entry) in rd.entry_table.entries().iter() { let entry_class = if let Some(c) = entry.class { c.to_string() } else { "NA".to_owned() }; let entry_sym = if let Some(s) = &entry.symbol { s.as_ref() } else { "NA" }; table.add_row( Row::new() .with_cell(handle) .with_cell(entry_class) .with_cell(entry_sym), ); } print!("{table}"); println!("--------------------------------------------------------"); let mut table = Table::new("{:>} {:>} {:<}"); for (t, count) in observed_type_counters.into_iter() { let percentage = 100.0 * (count as f64 / total_count as f64); table.add_row( Row::new() .with_cell(count) .with_cell(format!("{percentage:.01}")) .with_cell(t), ); } print!("{table}"); println!("--------------------------------------------------------"); println!("total: {total_count}"); } Ok(()) } // Used to prevent panics on broken pipes. // See: // fn reset_signal_pipe_handler() -> Result<(), Box> { #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] { use nix::sys::signal; unsafe { signal::signal(signal::Signal::SIGPIPE, signal::SigHandler::SigDfl)?; } } Ok(()) }