/** This file automatically generated by {{env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")}} {{env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")}}. Do not edit * this file. * * This file contains the LTTng template for the tracing provider definedin trait {{spec.ident()}}. * * The source code for that trait is: * * ```rust * {{spec.token_stream().to_string()}} * ``` */ {% for probe_spec in spec.probes() %} TRACEPOINT_EVENT( /* provider name */ {{spec.name()}}, /* tracepoint (aka "probe") name */ {{probe_spec.name}}, /* Input arguments (maximum of 10) */ TP_ARGS( {%for arg in self.get_probe_args(probe_spec) %}{{ arg.arg_type_info().get_c_type_str() }}, {{ arg.name() }}{% if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}{%endfor%} ), /* Output event fields */ TP_FIELDS( {{ self.get_probe_output_fields(probe_spec) }} ) ) {% endfor %}