use rand_distr::Normal; use tracing::*; use tracing_timing::{Builder, Histogram}; fn main() { let s = Builder::default() .events(tracing_timing::group::ByName) .build(|| Histogram::new_with_max(1_000_000, 2).unwrap()); let sid = s.downcaster(); let d = Dispatch::new(s); let d2 = d.clone(); let mut trace = Histogram::::new_with_bounds(100, 8_000, 3) .unwrap() .into_sync(); let mut r_trace = trace.recorder(); std::thread::spawn(move || { use rand::prelude::*; let mut rng = thread_rng(); let fast = Normal::::new(100_000.0, 50_000.0).unwrap(); let slow = Normal::::new(500_000.0, 50_000.0).unwrap(); let clock = quanta::Clock::new(); dispatcher::with_default(&d2, || loop { let fast = std::time::Duration::from_nanos(fast.sample(&mut rng).max(0.0) as u64); let slow = std::time::Duration::from_nanos(slow.sample(&mut rng).max(0.0) as u64); trace_span!("request").in_scope(|| { std::thread::sleep(fast); let a = clock.start(); trace!("fast"); let b = clock.end(); r_trace.saturating_record(b - a); std::thread::sleep(slow); let a = clock.start(); trace!("slow"); let b = clock.end(); r_trace.saturating_record(b - a); }); }) }); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(15)); // get trace info first, because refresh in with_histograms will slow down record in trace! trace.refresh(); sid.downcast(&d).unwrap().with_histograms(|hs| { assert_eq!(hs.len(), 1); let hs = &mut hs.get_mut("request").unwrap(); assert_eq!(hs.len(), 2); hs.get_mut("event examples/") .unwrap() .refresh(); hs.get_mut("event examples/") .unwrap() .refresh(); println!("fast:"); let h = &hs["event examples/"]; println!( "mean: {:.1}µs, p50: {}µs, p90: {}µs, p99: {}µs, p999: {}µs, max: {}µs", h.mean() / 1000.0, h.value_at_quantile(0.5) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.9) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.99) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.999) / 1_000, h.max() / 1_000, ); for v in break_once( h.iter_linear(25_000).skip_while(|v| v.quantile() < 0.01), |v| v.quantile() > 0.95, ) { println!( "{:4}µs | {:40} | {:4.1}th %-ile", (v.value_iterated_to() + 1) / 1_000, "*".repeat( (v.count_since_last_iteration() as f64 * 40.0 / h.len() as f64).ceil() as usize ), v.percentile(), ); } println!("\nslow:"); let h = &hs["event examples/"]; println!( "mean: {:.1}µs, p50: {}µs, p90: {}µs, p99: {}µs, p999: {}µs, max: {}µs", h.mean() / 1000.0, h.value_at_quantile(0.5) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.9) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.99) / 1_000, h.value_at_quantile(0.999) / 1_000, h.max() / 1_000, ); for v in break_once( h.iter_linear(25_000).skip_while(|v| v.quantile() < 0.01), |v| v.quantile() > 0.95, ) { println!( "{:4}µs | {:40} | {:4.1}th %-ile", (v.value_iterated_to() + 1) / 1_000, "*".repeat( (v.count_since_last_iteration() as f64 * 40.0 / h.len() as f64).ceil() as usize ), v.percentile(), ); } }); println!("\ntrace!:"); println!( "mean: {:.1}µs, p50: {:.1}µs, p90: {:.1}µs, p99: {:.1}µs, p999: {:.1}µs, max: {:.1}µs", trace.mean() / 1000.0, trace.value_at_quantile(0.5) as f64 / 1000.0, trace.value_at_quantile(0.9) as f64 / 1000.0, trace.value_at_quantile(0.99) as f64 / 1000.0, trace.value_at_quantile(0.999) as f64 / 1000.0, trace.max() as f64 / 1000.0, ); for v in break_once(trace.iter_linear(500), |v| v.quantile() > 0.95) { println!( "{:4.1}µs | {:40} | {:4.1}th %-ile", (v.value_iterated_to() + 1) as f64 / 1000.0, "*".repeat( (v.count_since_last_iteration() as f64 * 40.0 / trace.len() as f64).ceil() as usize ), v.percentile() ); } } // until we have fn break_once(it: I, mut f: F) -> impl Iterator where I: IntoIterator, F: FnMut(&I::Item) -> bool, { let mut got_true = false; it.into_iter().take_while(move |i| { if got_true { // we've already yielded when f was true return false; } if f(i) { // this must be the first time f returns true // we should yield i, and then no more got_true = true; } // f returned false, so we should keep yielding true }) } #[cfg(test)] mod botest { use super::break_once; #[test] fn bo1() { let xs = break_once(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1], |&v| v > 3).collect::>(); assert_eq!(xs, vec![1, 2, 3, 4]); } }