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My mum had travelled to come and visit me for a couple of weeks and we had the most amazing time. When she left it was probably the saddest I’ve ever felt - I was suddenly alone again in this big city, feeling so homesick and low. \n\nI’ve always had a deep deep love for Frida Kahlo - it’s my DREAM to see a full exhibition of hers - and love one of her quotes in particular: “podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos” (we can endure much more than what we think we can) and used this quote to remind myself everything will be okay. \n\nAnyway, so here I was, sad and alone in a big city looking for any reason not to get on a plane and head straight home and give it all up. One day I’m thinking of this Frida quote and wander into an art museum that I hadn’t visited before to take my mind off how low I was feeling. I walk inside and what do I see right in the middle of the art gallery wall?\n\nA real-life Frida Kahlo painting. \n\nI spent hours there, just crying it all out and not even caring about all the people staring at me. I stayed in BA and had the most amazing time of my life after that that I never would have had if I’d just gone home. Gracias, Frida.", "edited": false, "downs": 0, "author_flair_css_class": null, "is_submitter": false, "collapsed": false, "author_flair_richtext": [], "author_patreon_flair": false, "body_html": "

I was living and working alone in Buenos Aires for a while. My mum had travelled to come and visit me for a couple of weeks and we had the most amazing time. When she left it was probably the saddest I’ve ever felt - I was suddenly alone again in this big city, feeling so homesick and low.


I’ve always had a deep deep love for Frida Kahlo - it’s my DREAM to see a full exhibition of hers - and love one of her quotes in particular: “podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos” (we can endure much more than what we think we can) and used this quote to remind myself everything will be okay.


Anyway, so here I was, sad and alone in a big city looking for any reason not to get on a plane and head straight home and give it all up. One day I’m thinking of this Frida quote and wander into an art museum that I hadn’t visited before to take my mind off how low I was feeling. I walk inside and what do I see right in the middle of the art gallery wall?


A real-life Frida Kahlo painting.


I spent hours there, just crying it all out and not even caring about all the people staring at me. I stayed in BA and had the most amazing time of my life after that that I never would have had if I’d just gone home. Gracias, Frida.

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I asked the universe for a sign for when to start trying to have children. I saw a doppelgänger of my best friends and we decided to go for it

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Actually have photographic proof of mine, I was going to end my life, fully intending on not seeing another day, I live near some train tracks and there was a post that was about 12 feet in the air that had a blinking light on top of it had a platform that you can stand on and I don't understand exactly what those things are but it was high enough for me to hang from and that's all I needed. So I set up my rig crying and pissed off I stood on top of the platform and yelled out," I thought you loved me? If you're going to save me do it now!" I heard and saw nothing, I turned around on the platform and looked over the fence there was across the platform. And saw this https://imgur.com/a/RL17Bws. As you can see the height was enough to get a clear view of that truck I'll never forget it still freaks me out to this day

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