Good improvement maybe to chop the dma, we don't want to run the dma for a very long time and starve the frontend, another thing to do is to CYCLES_PER_FRAME = 1000 MAX_TO_RUN = 100 while self.cpu_frame < CYCLES_PER_FRAME { if self.excess = 0 { self.excess =; self.cpu_frame += self.excess; } let to_run = min(self.excess, MAX_TO_RUN); self.excess -= to_run;; } self.cpu_frame -= CYCLES_PER_FRAME; loop 1: self.cpu_frame = 0 self.excess = 0 self.cpu_frame = 100 self.excess = 100 self.excess = 0 // done self.cpu_frame = 1100 self.excess = 1000 self.excess = 900 self.cpu_frame = 100 loop 2: self.cpu_frame = 100 self.excess = 900 self.excess = 800 ... self.excess = 0 self.cpu_frame = 200 self.excess = 100 loop 11: self.cpu_frame = 0 self.excess = 0 self.cpu_frame = 10000 self.excess = 10000 self.excess = 9900 self.cpu_frame = 9000 self.cpu_frame = 8000 self.cpu_frame = 7000 ... // doing 9 frame renders without clocking the compoenents, excess is still at 9900 self.cpu_frame = 0