# TrayToday TrayToday is a sleek, Rust-based application designed to quickly and effortlessly retrieve school meal information using the NEIS Meal API. ## Installation TrayToday is developed in Rust, so you'll need Rust installed on your system. To install Rust, visit the [official Rust website](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). Once Rust is set up, you can install TrayToday with the following command: ```bash cargo install traytoday ``` ## Usage TrayToday supports the following commands: - **`traytoday search `**: Search for schools by name. If no API key is provided, only up to five results will be displayed. - **`traytoday set `**: Search for a school, select one from the results, and set it as your default school. Without an API key, results are limited to five. - **`traytoday`**: Retrieve the meal information for the currently configured school if no options are specified. below is an example of how to use TrayToday: ```bash $ traytoday set 선린인터넷 1. 선린인터넷고등학교 (서울특별시교육청) - 서울특별시 용산구 원효로97길 33-4 (청파동3가) > 1 School set to 선린인터넷고등학교 $ traytoday 1. 중식 기장밥 스팸짜글이찌개 ( 연두부계란찜 (1.5.9) 통새우만두,초간장(*) ( 배추김치 (9) 초코스틱(*) (2.5) 단감 ``` ## Contact For inquiries or bug reports, please use the [Issues section](https://github.com/urdekcah/traytoday/issues) of the project.