const { optionalCommaSep1, commaSep1, sep1 } = require('./grammar/utils') const { PREC, SEMICOLON } = require('./grammar/constants') const imp = require('./grammar/imp') const fun = require('./grammar/fun') const common = require('./grammar/common') // Grammar // ======= module.exports = grammar({ name: 'bend', rules: { source_file: $ => repeat($._top_level_defs), ...common, // Common rules between syntaxes ...imp, // Imperative-like syntax, // Functional-like syntax // Top-level definitions // ===================== _top_level_defs: $ => choice( $._import, $._func_def, $.object_definition, $._type_definition, $.hvm_definition ), // Import definition // ================= _import: $ => choice( $.import_name, $.import_from ), import_name: $ => seq( 'import', $.os_path ), import_from: $ => seq( 'from', $.os_path, 'import', $.os_path ), // Function definitions // ==================== _func_def: $ => choice( $.imp_function_definition, // Uses "Statements" $.fun_function_definition, // Uses "Terms" ), // Object definitions // ================== object_definition: $ => seq( 'object', field('name', $.identifier), $._object_def_body, ), _object_def_body: $ => seq( '{', optional(commaSep1(field('field', $.object_field))), optional(','), '}', ), object_field: $ => $.identifier, // Type definitions // ================ _type_definition: $ => choice( $.imp_type_definition, $.fun_type_definition ), // HVM defintions // ============== hvm_definition: $ => seq( 'hvm', field('name', $.identifier), ':', // $._newline, $._indent, // TODO: multiple lines of `hvm_code` should be the same expression repeat1(field('code', $.hvm_code)), $._dedent ), }, extras: $ => [ $.multiline_comment, $.comment, /[\s\f\uFEFF\u2060\u200B]|\r?\n/, ], externals: $ => [ $._newline, $._indent, $._dedent, // Mark comments as external tokens so that the external scanner is always // invoked, even if no external token is expected. This allows for better // error recovery, because the external scanner can maintain the overall // structure by returning dedent tokens whenever a dedent occurs, even // if no dedent is expected. $.comment, // Normal identifiers with a slash '/' after their last character. $.path, $.error_sentinel ], inline: $ => [ $._simple_statement, $._compound_statement, $.expression, $.simple_expression, ], conflicts: $ => [ [$.for_clause], [$.imp_eraser], [$.fun_type_constructor], [$.fun_type_constructor_fields], [$.imp_constructor, $.imp_superposition], [$.imp_lambda, $.imp_constructor], [$._fun_eraser, $.operator], [$.imp_tuple, $.arguments], [$.imp_tuple, $._imp_arg], [$.imp_tree_leaf, $.imp_constructor], [$._function_pattern, $._terms], [$._fun_args] ], word: $ => $._normal_identifier, supertypes: $ => [$._id], });