use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, env, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, str, time::Instant, }; use anyhow::Context; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use tree_sitter::{Language, Parser, Query}; use tree_sitter_loader::{CompileConfig, Loader}; include!("../src/tests/helpers/"); lazy_static! { static ref LANGUAGE_FILTER: Option = env::var("TREE_SITTER_BENCHMARK_LANGUAGE_FILTER").ok(); static ref EXAMPLE_FILTER: Option = env::var("TREE_SITTER_BENCHMARK_EXAMPLE_FILTER").ok(); static ref REPETITION_COUNT: usize = env::var("TREE_SITTER_BENCHMARK_REPETITION_COUNT") .map(|s| s.parse::().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(5); static ref TEST_LOADER: Loader = Loader::with_parser_lib_path(SCRATCH_DIR.clone()); static ref EXAMPLE_AND_QUERY_PATHS_BY_LANGUAGE_DIR: BTreeMap, Vec)> = { fn process_dir(result: &mut BTreeMap, Vec)>, dir: &Path) { if dir.join("grammar.js").exists() { let relative_path = dir.strip_prefix(GRAMMARS_DIR.as_path()).unwrap(); let (example_paths, query_paths) = result.entry(relative_path.to_owned()).or_default(); if let Ok(example_files) = fs::read_dir(dir.join("examples")) { example_paths.extend(example_files.filter_map(|p| { let p = p.unwrap().path(); if p.is_file() { Some(p) } else { None } })); } if let Ok(query_files) = fs::read_dir(dir.join("queries")) { query_paths.extend(query_files.filter_map(|p| { let p = p.unwrap().path(); if p.is_file() { Some(p) } else { None } })); } } else { for entry in fs::read_dir(dir).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap().path(); if entry.is_dir() { process_dir(result, &entry); } } } } let mut result = BTreeMap::new(); process_dir(&mut result, &GRAMMARS_DIR); result }; } fn main() { let max_path_length = EXAMPLE_AND_QUERY_PATHS_BY_LANGUAGE_DIR .values() .flat_map(|(e, q)| { e.iter() .chain(q.iter()) .map(|s| s.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().len()) }) .max() .unwrap_or(0); eprintln!("Benchmarking with {} repetitions", *REPETITION_COUNT); let mut parser = Parser::new(); let mut all_normal_speeds = Vec::new(); let mut all_error_speeds = Vec::new(); for (language_path, (example_paths, query_paths)) in EXAMPLE_AND_QUERY_PATHS_BY_LANGUAGE_DIR.iter() { let language_name = language_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if let Some(filter) = LANGUAGE_FILTER.as_ref() { if language_name != filter.as_str() { continue; } } eprintln!("\nLanguage: {language_name}"); let language = get_language(language_path); parser.set_language(&language).unwrap(); eprintln!(" Constructing Queries"); for path in query_paths { if let Some(filter) = EXAMPLE_FILTER.as_ref() { if !path.to_str().unwrap().contains(filter.as_str()) { continue; } } parse(path, max_path_length, |source| { Query::new(&language, str::from_utf8(source).unwrap()) .with_context(|| format!("Query file path: {path:?}")) .expect("Failed to parse query"); }); } eprintln!(" Parsing Valid Code:"); let mut normal_speeds = Vec::new(); for example_path in example_paths { if let Some(filter) = EXAMPLE_FILTER.as_ref() { if !example_path.to_str().unwrap().contains(filter.as_str()) { continue; } } normal_speeds.push(parse(example_path, max_path_length, |code| { parser.parse(code, None).expect("Failed to parse"); })); } eprintln!(" Parsing Invalid Code (mismatched languages):"); let mut error_speeds = Vec::new(); for (other_language_path, (example_paths, _)) in EXAMPLE_AND_QUERY_PATHS_BY_LANGUAGE_DIR.iter() { if other_language_path != language_path { for example_path in example_paths { if let Some(filter) = EXAMPLE_FILTER.as_ref() { if !example_path.to_str().unwrap().contains(filter.as_str()) { continue; } } error_speeds.push(parse(example_path, max_path_length, |code| { parser.parse(code, None).expect("Failed to parse"); })); } } } if let Some((average_normal, worst_normal)) = aggregate(&normal_speeds) { eprintln!(" Average Speed (normal): {average_normal} bytes/ms"); eprintln!(" Worst Speed (normal): {worst_normal} bytes/ms"); } if let Some((average_error, worst_error)) = aggregate(&error_speeds) { eprintln!(" Average Speed (errors): {average_error} bytes/ms"); eprintln!(" Worst Speed (errors): {worst_error} bytes/ms"); } all_normal_speeds.extend(normal_speeds); all_error_speeds.extend(error_speeds); } eprintln!("\n Overall"); if let Some((average_normal, worst_normal)) = aggregate(&all_normal_speeds) { eprintln!(" Average Speed (normal): {average_normal} bytes/ms"); eprintln!(" Worst Speed (normal): {worst_normal} bytes/ms"); } if let Some((average_error, worst_error)) = aggregate(&all_error_speeds) { eprintln!(" Average Speed (errors): {average_error} bytes/ms"); eprintln!(" Worst Speed (errors): {worst_error} bytes/ms"); } eprintln!(); } fn aggregate(speeds: &[usize]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { if speeds.is_empty() { return None; } let mut total = 0; let mut max = usize::MAX; for speed in speeds.iter().copied() { total += speed; if speed < max { max = speed; } } Some((total / speeds.len(), max)) } fn parse(path: &Path, max_path_length: usize, mut action: impl FnMut(&[u8])) -> usize { eprint!( " {:width$}\t", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), width = max_path_length ); let source_code = fs::read(path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read {path:?}")) .unwrap(); let time = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..*REPETITION_COUNT { action(&source_code); } let duration = time.elapsed() / (*REPETITION_COUNT as u32); let duration_ns = duration.as_nanos(); let speed = ((source_code.len() as u128) * 1_000_000) / duration_ns; eprintln!( "time {:>7.2} ms\t\tspeed {speed:>6} bytes/ms", (duration_ns as f64) / 1e6, ); speed as usize } fn get_language(path: &Path) -> Language { let src_path = GRAMMARS_DIR.join(path).join("src"); TEST_LOADER .load_language_at_path(CompileConfig::new(&src_path, None, None)) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load language at path {src_path:?}")) .unwrap() }