const PREC = { assign: 1, infix: 2, new: 3, prefix: 3, compound: 3, call: 4, field: 4, } module.exports = grammar({ name: 'scala', extras: $ => [ /\s/, $.comment ], supertypes: $ => [ $._expression, $._definition, $._pattern, ], externals: $ => [ $._automatic_semicolon, $._simple_string, $._string_start, $._string_middle, $._string_end, $._multiline_string_start, $._multiline_string_middle, $._multiline_string_end, 'else', ], inline: $ => [ $._pattern, $._semicolon, $._definition, $._type_identifier, $._param_type, ], conflicts: $ => [ [$.tuple_type, $.parameter_types], ], word: $ => $.identifier, rules: { compilation_unit: $ => repeat($._definition), _definition: $ => choice( $.package_clause, $.package_object, $.class_definition, $.import_declaration, $.object_definition, $.trait_definition, $.val_definition, $.val_declaration, $.var_definition, $.var_declaration, $.type_definition, $.function_definition, $.function_declaration ), package_clause: $ => seq( 'package', field('name', $.package_identifier), // This is slightly more permissive than the EBNF in that it allows any // kind of delcaration inside of the package blocks. As we're more // concerned with the structure rather than the validity of the program // we'll allow it. field('body', optional($.template_body)) ), package_identifier: $ => sep1( '.', $.identifier ), package_object: $ => seq( 'package', 'object', $._object_definition ), import_declaration: $ => seq( 'import', sep1(',', $._import_expression) ), _import_expression: $ => seq( field('path', choice($.stable_identifier, $.identifier)), optional(seq( '.', choice( $.wildcard, $.import_selectors ) )) ), import_selectors: $ => seq( '{', commaSep1(choice( $.identifier, $.renamed_identifier )), '}' ), renamed_identifier: $ => seq( field('name', $.identifier), '=>', field('alias', choice($.identifier, $.wildcard)) ), object_definition: $ => seq( optional('case'), 'object', $._object_definition ), _object_definition: $ => seq( field('name', $.identifier), field('extend', optional($.extends_clause)), field('body', optional($.template_body)), ), class_definition: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), optional('case'), 'class', field('name', $.identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('class_parameters', repeat($.class_parameters)), field('extend', optional($.extends_clause)), field('body', optional($.template_body)) ), trait_definition: $ => seq( 'trait', field('name', $.identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('extend', optional($.extends_clause)), field('body', optional($.template_body)) ), // The EBNF makes a distinction between function type parameters and other // type parameters as you can't specify variance on function type // parameters. This isn't important to the structure of the AST so we don't // make that distinction. type_parameters: $ => seq( '[', commaSep1($._variant_type_parameter), ']' ), _variant_type_parameter: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), choice( $.covariant_type_parameter, $.contravariant_type_parameter, $._type_parameter // invariant type parameter ) ), covariant_type_parameter: $ => seq( '+', $._type_parameter ), contravariant_type_parameter: $ => seq( '-', $._type_parameter, ), _type_parameter: $ => seq( field('name', choice($.wildcard, $.identifier)), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('bound', optional($.upper_bound)), field('bound', optional($.lower_bound)), field('bound', optional(repeat($.view_bound))), field('bound', optional(repeat($.context_bound))), ), upper_bound: $ => seq('<:', field('type', $._type)), lower_bound: $ => seq('>:', field('type', $._type)), view_bound: $ => seq('<%', field('type', $._type)), context_bound: $ => seq(':', field('type', $._type)), template_body: $ => seq( '{', // TODO: self type optional($._block), '}' ), annotation: $ => prec.right(seq( '@', field('name', $._simple_type), field('arguments', repeat($.arguments)), )), val_definition: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'val', field('pattern', $._pattern), optional(seq(':', field('type', $._type))), '=', field('value', $._expression) ), val_declaration: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'val', commaSep1(field('name', $.identifier)), ':', field('type', $._type) ), var_declaration: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'var', commaSep1(field('name', $.identifier)), ':', field('type', $._type) ), var_definition: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'var', field('pattern', $._pattern), optional(seq(':', field('type', $._type))), '=', field('value', $._expression) ), type_definition: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'type', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), '=', field('type', $._type) ), function_definition: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'def', field('name', $.identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('parameters', repeat($.parameters)), optional(seq(':', field('return_type', $._type))), choice( seq('=', field('body', $._expression)), field('body', $.block) ) ), function_declaration: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional($.modifiers), 'def', field('name', $.identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('parameters', repeat($.parameters)), optional(seq(':', field('return_type', $._type))) ), modifiers: $ => repeat1(choice( 'abstract', 'final', 'sealed', 'implicit', 'lazy', 'override', 'private', 'protected' )), extends_clause: $ => seq( 'extends', field('type', $._type), optional($.arguments) ), // TODO: Allow only the last parameter list to be implicit. class_parameters: $ => seq( '(', optional('implicit'), commaSep($.class_parameter), ')' ), // TODO: Allow only the last parameter list to be implicit. parameters: $ => seq( '(', optional('implicit'), commaSep($.parameter), ')' ), class_parameter: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), optional(choice('val', 'var')), field('name', $.identifier), optional(seq(':', field('type', $._type))), optional(seq('=', field('default_value', $._expression))) ), parameter: $ => seq( repeat($.annotation), field('name', $.identifier), optional(seq(':', field('type', $._param_type))), optional(seq('=', field('default_value', $._expression))) ), _block: $ => prec.left(seq( sep1($._semicolon, choice( $._expression, $._definition )), optional($._semicolon), )), block: $ => seq( '{', optional($._block), '}' ), // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Types _type: $ => choice( $.function_type, $.compound_type, $.infix_type, $._annotated_type, ), // TODO: Make this a visible type, so that _type can be a supertype. _annotated_type: $ => prec.right(seq( $._simple_type, repeat($.annotation), )), _simple_type: $ => choice( $.generic_type, $.projected_type, $.tuple_type, $.stable_type_identifier, $._type_identifier, ), compound_type: $ => prec(PREC.compound, seq( field('base', $._annotated_type), repeat1(seq('with', field('extra', $._annotated_type))), // TODO: Refinement. )), infix_type: $ => prec.left(PREC.infix, seq( field('left', choice($.compound_type, $.infix_type, $._annotated_type)), field('operator', choice($.identifier, $.operator_identifier)), field('right', choice($.compound_type, $.infix_type, $._annotated_type)) )), tuple_type: $ => seq( '(', commaSep1($._type), ')', ), stable_type_identifier: $ => seq( choice($.identifier, $.stable_identifier), '.', $._type_identifier ), stable_identifier: $ => seq( choice($.identifier, $.stable_identifier), '.', $.identifier ), generic_type: $ => seq( field('type', $._simple_type), field('type_arguments', $.type_arguments) ), projected_type: $ => seq( field('type', $._simple_type), '#', field('selector', $._type_identifier), ), function_type: $ => prec.right(seq( field('parameter_types', $.parameter_types), '=>', field('return_type', $._type) )), // Deprioritize against typed_pattern._type. parameter_types: $ => prec(-1, choice( $._annotated_type, // Prioritize a parenthesized param list over a single tuple_type. prec.dynamic(1, seq('(', commaSep($._param_type), ')' )), $.compound_type, $.infix_type, )), _param_type: $ => choice( $._type, $.lazy_parameter_type, $.repeated_parameter_type, ), lazy_parameter_type: $ => seq( '=>', field('type', $._type) ), repeated_parameter_type: $ => seq( field('type', $._type), '*', ), _type_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.type_identifier), // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Patterns _pattern: $ => choice( $.identifier, $.capture_pattern, $.tuple_pattern, $.case_class_pattern, $.infix_pattern, $.alternative_pattern, $.typed_pattern, $.number, $.string, $.wildcard ), case_class_pattern: $ => seq( field('type', choice($._type_identifier, $.stable_type_identifier)), '(', field('pattern', commaSep($._pattern)), ')' ), infix_pattern: $ => prec.left(PREC.infix, seq( field('left', $._pattern), field('operator', choice($.identifier, $.operator_identifier)), field('right', $._pattern), )), capture_pattern: $ => prec(PREC.assign, seq( field('name', $.identifier), '@', field('pattern', $._pattern) )), typed_pattern: $ => prec(-1, seq( field('pattern', $._pattern), ':', field('type', $._type) )), // TODO: Flatten this. alternative_pattern: $ => prec.left(-2, seq( $._pattern, '|', $._pattern )), tuple_pattern: $ => seq( '(', $._pattern, repeat1(seq(',', $._pattern)), ')' ), // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Expressions _expression: $ => choice( $.if_expression, $.match_expression, $.try_expression, $.call_expression, $.generic_function, $.assignment_expression, $.parenthesized_expression, $.string_transform_expression, $.field_expression, $.instance_expression, // TODO: postfix and ascription $.infix_expression, $.prefix_expression, $.tuple_expression, $.case_block, $.block, $.identifier, $.number, $.string ), if_expression: $ => prec.right(seq( 'if', field('condition', $.parenthesized_expression), field('consequence', $._expression), optional(seq( 'else', field('alternative', $._expression) )) )), match_expression: $ => seq( field('value', $._expression), 'match', field('body', $.case_block) ), try_expression: $ => prec.right(seq( 'try', field('body', $._expression), optional($.catch_clause), optional($.finally_clause) )), catch_clause: $ => prec.right(seq('catch', $.case_block)), finally_clause: $ => prec.right(seq('finally', $._expression)), case_block: $ => choice( prec(-1, seq('{', '}')), seq('{', repeat1($.case_clause), '}') ), case_clause: $ => prec.left(seq( 'case', field('pattern', $._pattern), optional($.guard), '=>', field('body', optional($._block)), )), guard: $ => seq( 'if', field('condition', $._expression) ), assignment_expression: $ => prec.right(PREC.assign, seq( field('left', $._expression), '=', field('right', $._expression) )), generic_function: $ => prec(, seq( field('function', $._expression), field('type_arguments', $.type_arguments) )), call_expression: $ => prec(, seq( field('function', $._expression), field('arguments', $.arguments), field('body', optional(choice($.block, $.case_block))) )), field_expression: $ => prec(PREC.field, seq( field('value', $._expression), '.', field('field', $.identifier) )), instance_expression: $ => prec(, seq( 'new', $._expression )), infix_expression: $ => prec.left(PREC.infix, seq( field('left', $._expression), field('operator', choice($.identifier, $.operator_identifier)), field('right', $._expression) )), prefix_expression: $ => prec(PREC.prefix, seq( choice('+', '-', '!', '~'), $._expression )), tuple_expression: $ => seq( '(', $._expression, repeat1(seq(',', $._expression)), ')' ), parenthesized_expression: $ => seq( '(', $._expression, ')' ), type_arguments: $ => seq( '[', commaSep1($._type), ']' ), arguments: $ => seq( '(', commaSep($._expression), ')' ), // TODO: Include operators. identifier: $ => /[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, wildcard: $ => '_', operator_identifier: $ => /[^\s\w\(\)\[\]\{\}'"`\.;,]+/, number: $ => /[\d\.]+/, string_transform_expression: $ => seq( $.identifier, $.string ), string: $ => choice( $._simple_string, seq( $._string_start, $.interpolation, repeat(seq( $._string_middle, $.interpolation, )), $._string_end ), seq( $._multiline_string_start, $.interpolation, repeat(seq( $._multiline_string_middle, $.interpolation, )), $._multiline_string_end ) ), interpolation: $ => seq('$', choice($.identifier, $.block)), _semicolon: $ => choice( ';', $._automatic_semicolon ), comment: $ => token(choice( seq('//', /.*/), seq( '/*', /[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/, '/' ) )) } }) function commaSep(rule) { return optional(commaSep1(rule)) } function commaSep1(rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(',', rule))) } function sep(delimiter, rule) { return optional(sep1(delimiter, rule)) } function sep1(delimiter, rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(delimiter, rule))) }