module.exports = grammar({ name: "restedlang", rules: { source_file: ($) => repeat($.item), item: ($) => choice($._declaration, $._expression, $.attribute, $.request), request: ($) => prec.right(seq($.request_method, $.endpoint, optional($.block))), request_method: (_$) => choice("get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete"), endpoint: ($) => choice($._expression, $.url_literal, $.pathname_literal), url_literal: (_$) => /https?:[^{]*/, pathname_literal: (_$) => /\/[^{]*/, _declaration: ($) => choice($.constant_declaration, $.variable_declaration), constant_declaration: ($) => seq("set", $.constant_identifier, $._expression), variable_declaration: ($) => seq("let", $.identifier, "=", $._expression), attribute: ($) => seq("@", $.identifier, optional($.parameter_list)), _expression: ($) => choice( $.call, $.identifier, $.number, $.string, $.template_string, $.boolean, $.array, $.object, "null" ), identifier: (_$) => /[a-z_][_\w]*/, constant_identifier: (_$) => /[A-Z_][A-Z_\d]*/, number: (_$) => /\d+(\.\d*)?/, boolean: (_$) => choice("true", "false"), string: (_$) => seq('"', /[^"]*/, '"'), template_string: ($) => seq("`", repeat(choice($.template_chars, $.template_substitution)), "`"), template_chars: (_$) => choice(/[^`${]+/, /\$/), template_substitution: ($) => seq("${", $._expression, "}"), call: ($) => prec(1, seq($._expression, $.parameter_list)), array: ($) => seq("[", commaSep($._expression), "]"), object: ($) => seq("{", commaSep($.pair), "}"), pair: ($) => seq( field("key", choice($.identifier, $.string)), ":", field("value", $._expression) ), parameter_list: ($) => seq("(", optional($._expression), ")"), block: ($) => seq("{", repeat($._statement), "}"), _statement: ($) => choice($.header_statement, $.body_statement), header_statement: ($) => seq("header", $.string, $._expression), body_statement: ($) => seq("body", $._expression), line_comment: (_$) => token(seq("//", /[^\r\n]*/)), }, extras: ($) => [$.line_comment, /\s/], }); /** * Taken from: * Creates a rule to match one or more of the rules separated by a comma * * @param {Rule} rule * * @return {SeqRule} * */ function commaSep1(rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(",", rule))); } /** * Taken from: * Creates a rule to optionally match one or more of the rules separated by a comma * * @param {Rule} rule * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function commaSep(rule) { return optional(commaSep1(rule)); }