This crate provides [rstml] (rust+html) template support for the [tree-sitter][] parsing library.
This crate exposes two functions:
1. The [language_rstml][language_rstml func] function is used to add the rstml templating language to a tree-sitter [Parser][]. You can then use that parser to parse some code:
let code = "
Hello, world
let mut parser = tree_sitter::Parser::new();
parser.set_language(&tree_sitter_rstml::language_rstml()).expect("Error loading rstml grammar");
let tree = parser.parse(code, None).unwrap();
2. The [language_rust_with_rstml][language_rust_with_rstml func] function is used to add the rust plus the rstml templating language to a tree-sitter [Parser][]. You can then use that parser to parse some code:
let code = r#"
view! {
hello, world
let mut parser = tree_sitter::Parser::new();
parser.set_language(&tree_sitter_rstml::language_rust_with_rstml()).expect("Error loading rust_with_rstml grammar");
let tree = parser.parse(code, None).unwrap();
You can read more about the reason there are two grammars in the project's [README][readme].
[language_rstml func]: fn.language_rstml.html
[language_rust_with_rstml func]: fn.language_rust_with_rstml.html