/** * @file Rust grammar for tree-sitter * @author Maxim Sokolov * @author Max Brunsfeld * @author Amaan Qureshi * @license MIT */ /// // @ts-check // https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions.html#expression-precedence const PREC = { call: 15, field: 14, try: 13, unary: 12, cast: 11, multiplicative: 10, additive: 9, shift: 8, bitand: 7, bitxor: 6, bitor: 5, comparative: 4, and: 3, or: 2, range: 1, assign: 0, closure: -1, }; const numericTypes = [ 'u8', 'i8', 'u16', 'i16', 'u32', 'i32', 'u64', 'i64', 'u128', 'i128', 'isize', 'usize', 'f32', 'f64', ]; // https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/tokens.html#punctuation const TOKEN_TREE_NON_SPECIAL_PUNCTUATION = [ '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '!', '&', '|', '&&', '||', '<<', '>>', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '^=', '&=', '|=', '<<=', '>>=', '=', '==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '@', '_', '.', '..', '...', '..=', ',', ';', ':', '::', '->', '=>', '#', '?', ]; const primitiveTypes = numericTypes.concat(['bool', 'str', 'char']); module.exports = grammar({ name: 'rust', extras: $ => [ /\s/, $.line_comment, $.block_comment, ], externals: $ => [ $.string_content, $._raw_string_literal_start, $.raw_string_literal_content, $._raw_string_literal_end, $.float_literal, $._outer_block_doc_comment_marker, $._inner_block_doc_comment_marker, $._block_comment_content, $._line_doc_content, $._error_sentinel, ], supertypes: $ => [ $._expression, $._type, $._literal, $._literal_pattern, $._declaration_statement, $._pattern, ], inline: $ => [ $._path, $._type_identifier, $._tokens, $._field_identifier, $._non_special_token, $._declaration_statement, $._reserved_identifier, $._expression_ending_with_block, ], conflicts: $ => [ // Local ambiguity due to anonymous types: // See https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-deprecating-anonymous-parameters/3710 [$._type, $._pattern], [$.unit_type, $.tuple_pattern], [$.scoped_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier], [$.parameters, $._pattern], [$.parameters, $.tuple_struct_pattern], [$.type_parameters, $.for_lifetimes], [$.array_expression], [$.visibility_modifier], [$.visibility_modifier, $.scoped_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier], ], word: $ => $.identifier, rules: { source_file: $ => seq( optional($.shebang), repeat($._statement), ), _statement: $ => choice( $.expression_statement, $._declaration_statement, ), empty_statement: _ => ';', expression_statement: $ => choice( seq($._expression, ';'), prec(1, $._expression_ending_with_block), ), _declaration_statement: $ => choice( $.const_item, $.macro_invocation, $.macro_definition, $.empty_statement, $.attribute_item, $.inner_attribute_item, $.mod_item, $.foreign_mod_item, $.struct_item, $.union_item, $.enum_item, $.type_item, $.function_item, $.function_signature_item, $.impl_item, $.trait_item, $.associated_type, $.let_declaration, $.use_declaration, $.extern_crate_declaration, $.static_item, ), // Section - Macro definitions macro_definition: $ => { const rules = seq( repeat(seq($.macro_rule, ';')), optional($.macro_rule), ); return seq( 'macro_rules!', field('name', choice( $.identifier, $._reserved_identifier, )), choice( seq('(', rules, ')', ';'), seq('[', rules, ']', ';'), seq('{', rules, '}'), ), ); }, macro_rule: $ => seq( field('left', $.token_tree_pattern), '=>', field('right', $.token_tree), ), _token_pattern: $ => choice( $.token_tree_pattern, $.token_repetition_pattern, $.token_binding_pattern, $.metavariable, $._non_special_token, ), token_tree_pattern: $ => choice( seq('(', repeat($._token_pattern), ')'), seq('[', repeat($._token_pattern), ']'), seq('{', repeat($._token_pattern), '}'), ), token_binding_pattern: $ => prec(1, seq( field('name', $.metavariable), ':', field('type', $.fragment_specifier), )), token_repetition_pattern: $ => seq( '$', '(', repeat($._token_pattern), ')', optional(/[^+*?]+/), choice('+', '*', '?'), ), fragment_specifier: _ => choice( 'block', 'expr', 'ident', 'item', 'lifetime', 'literal', 'meta', 'pat', 'path', 'stmt', 'tt', 'ty', 'vis', ), _tokens: $ => choice( $.token_tree, $.token_repetition, $.metavariable, $._non_special_token, ), token_tree: $ => choice( seq('(', repeat($._tokens), ')'), seq('[', repeat($._tokens), ']'), seq('{', repeat($._tokens), '}'), ), token_repetition: $ => seq( '$', '(', repeat($._tokens), ')', optional(/[^+*?]+/), choice('+', '*', '?'), ), // Matches non-delimiter tokens common to both macro invocations and // definitions. This is everything except $ and metavariables (which begin // with $). _non_special_token: $ => choice( $._literal, $.identifier, $.mutable_specifier, $.self, $.super, $.crate, alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.primitive_type), prec.right(repeat1(choice(...TOKEN_TREE_NON_SPECIAL_PUNCTUATION))), '\'', 'as', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'enum', 'fn', 'for', 'gen', 'if', 'impl', 'let', 'loop', 'match', 'mod', 'pub', 'return', 'static', 'struct', 'trait', 'type', 'union', 'unsafe', 'use', 'where', 'while', ), // Section - Declarations attribute_item: $ => seq( '#', '[', $.attribute, ']', ), inner_attribute_item: $ => seq( '#', '!', '[', $.attribute, ']', ), attribute: $ => seq( $._path, optional(choice( seq('=', field('value', $._expression)), field('arguments', alias($.delim_token_tree, $.token_tree)), )), ), mod_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'mod', field('name', $.identifier), choice( ';', field('body', $.declaration_list), ), ), foreign_mod_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), $.extern_modifier, choice( ';', field('body', $.declaration_list), ), ), declaration_list: $ => seq( '{', repeat($._declaration_statement), '}', ), struct_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'struct', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), choice( seq( optional($.where_clause), field('body', $.field_declaration_list), ), seq( field('body', $.ordered_field_declaration_list), optional($.where_clause), ';', ), ';', ), ), union_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'union', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), optional($.where_clause), field('body', $.field_declaration_list), ), enum_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'enum', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), optional($.where_clause), field('body', $.enum_variant_list), ), enum_variant_list: $ => seq( '{', sepBy(',', seq(repeat($.attribute_item), $.enum_variant)), optional(','), '}', ), enum_variant: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), field('name', $.identifier), field('body', optional(choice( $.field_declaration_list, $.ordered_field_declaration_list, ))), optional(seq( '=', field('value', $._expression), )), ), field_declaration_list: $ => seq( '{', sepBy(',', seq(repeat($.attribute_item), $.field_declaration)), optional(','), '}', ), field_declaration: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), field('name', $._field_identifier), ':', field('type', $._type), ), ordered_field_declaration_list: $ => seq( '(', sepBy(',', seq( repeat($.attribute_item), optional($.visibility_modifier), field('type', $._type), )), optional(','), ')', ), extern_crate_declaration: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'extern', $.crate, field('name', $.identifier), optional(seq( 'as', field('alias', $.identifier), )), ';', ), const_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'const', field('name', $.identifier), ':', field('type', $._type), optional( seq( '=', field('value', $._expression), ), ), ';', ), static_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'static', // Not actual rust syntax, but made popular by the lazy_static crate. optional('ref'), optional($.mutable_specifier), field('name', $.identifier), ':', field('type', $._type), optional(seq( '=', field('value', $._expression), )), ';', ), type_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'type', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), '=', field('type', $._type), optional($.where_clause), ';', ), function_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), optional($.function_modifiers), 'fn', field('name', choice($.identifier, $.metavariable)), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('parameters', $.parameters), optional(seq('->', field('return_type', $._type))), optional($.where_clause), field('body', $.block), ), function_signature_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), optional($.function_modifiers), 'fn', field('name', choice($.identifier, $.metavariable)), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('parameters', $.parameters), optional(seq('->', field('return_type', $._type))), optional($.where_clause), ';', ), function_modifiers: $ => repeat1(choice( 'async', 'default', 'const', 'unsafe', $.extern_modifier, )), where_clause: $ => prec.right(seq( 'where', sepBy1(',', $.where_predicate), optional(','), )), where_predicate: $ => seq( field('left', choice( $.lifetime, $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, $.generic_type, $.reference_type, $.pointer_type, $.tuple_type, $.array_type, $.higher_ranked_trait_bound, alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.primitive_type), )), field('bounds', $.trait_bounds), ), impl_item: $ => seq( optional('unsafe'), 'impl', field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), optional(seq( optional('!'), field('trait', choice( $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, $.generic_type, )), 'for', )), field('type', $._type), optional($.where_clause), choice(field('body', $.declaration_list), ';'), ), trait_item: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), optional('unsafe'), 'trait', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('bounds', optional($.trait_bounds)), optional($.where_clause), field('body', $.declaration_list), ), associated_type: $ => seq( 'type', field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_parameters', optional($.type_parameters)), field('bounds', optional($.trait_bounds)), optional($.where_clause), ';', ), trait_bounds: $ => seq( ':', sepBy1('+', choice( $._type, $.lifetime, $.higher_ranked_trait_bound, )), ), higher_ranked_trait_bound: $ => seq( 'for', field('type_parameters', $.type_parameters), field('type', $._type), ), removed_trait_bound: $ => seq( '?', $._type, ), type_parameters: $ => prec(1, seq( '<', sepBy1(',', seq( repeat($.attribute_item), choice( $.lifetime, $.metavariable, $._type_identifier, $.constrained_type_parameter, $.optional_type_parameter, $.const_parameter, ), )), optional(','), '>', )), const_parameter: $ => seq( 'const', field('name', $.identifier), ':', field('type', $._type), ), constrained_type_parameter: $ => seq( field('left', choice($.lifetime, $._type_identifier)), field('bounds', $.trait_bounds), ), optional_type_parameter: $ => seq( field('name', choice( $._type_identifier, $.constrained_type_parameter, )), '=', field('default_type', $._type), ), let_declaration: $ => seq( 'let', optional($.mutable_specifier), field('pattern', $._pattern), optional(seq( ':', field('type', $._type), )), optional(seq( '=', field('value', $._expression), )), optional(seq( 'else', field('alternative', $.block), )), ';', ), use_declaration: $ => seq( optional($.visibility_modifier), 'use', field('argument', $._use_clause), ';', ), _use_clause: $ => choice( $._path, $.use_as_clause, $.use_list, $.scoped_use_list, $.use_wildcard, ), scoped_use_list: $ => seq( field('path', optional($._path)), '::', field('list', $.use_list), ), use_list: $ => seq( '{', sepBy(',', choice( $._use_clause, )), optional(','), '}', ), use_as_clause: $ => seq( field('path', $._path), 'as', field('alias', $.identifier), ), use_wildcard: $ => seq( optional(seq($._path, '::')), '*', ), parameters: $ => seq( '(', sepBy(',', seq( optional($.attribute_item), choice( $.parameter, $.self_parameter, $.variadic_parameter, '_', $._type, ))), optional(','), ')', ), self_parameter: $ => seq( optional('&'), optional($.lifetime), optional($.mutable_specifier), $.self, ), variadic_parameter: $ => seq( optional($.mutable_specifier), optional(seq( field('pattern', $._pattern), ':', )), '...', ), parameter: $ => seq( optional($.mutable_specifier), field('pattern', choice( $._pattern, $.self, )), ':', field('type', $._type), ), extern_modifier: $ => seq( 'extern', optional($.string_literal), ), visibility_modifier: $ => choice( $.crate, seq( 'pub', optional(seq( '(', choice( $.self, $.super, $.crate, seq('in', $._path), ), ')', )), ), ), // Section - Types _type: $ => choice( $.abstract_type, $.reference_type, $.metavariable, $.pointer_type, $.generic_type, $.scoped_type_identifier, $.tuple_type, $.unit_type, $.array_type, $.function_type, $._type_identifier, $.macro_invocation, $.never_type, $.dynamic_type, $.bounded_type, $.removed_trait_bound, alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.primitive_type), ), bracketed_type: $ => seq( '<', choice( $._type, $.qualified_type, ), '>', ), qualified_type: $ => seq( field('type', $._type), 'as', field('alias', $._type), ), lifetime: $ => prec(1, seq('\'', $.identifier)), array_type: $ => seq( '[', field('element', $._type), optional(seq( ';', field('length', $._expression), )), ']', ), for_lifetimes: $ => seq( 'for', '<', sepBy1(',', $.lifetime), optional(','), '>', ), function_type: $ => seq( optional($.for_lifetimes), prec(PREC.call, seq( choice( field('trait', choice( $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, )), seq( optional($.function_modifiers), 'fn', ), ), field('parameters', $.parameters), )), optional(seq('->', field('return_type', $._type))), ), tuple_type: $ => seq( '(', sepBy1(',', $._type), optional(','), ')', ), unit_type: _ => seq('(', ')'), generic_function: $ => prec(1, seq( field('function', choice( $.identifier, $.scoped_identifier, $.field_expression, )), '::', field('type_arguments', $.type_arguments), )), generic_type: $ => prec(1, seq( field('type', choice( $._type_identifier, $._reserved_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, )), field('type_arguments', $.type_arguments), )), generic_type_with_turbofish: $ => seq( field('type', choice( $._type_identifier, $.scoped_identifier, )), '::', field('type_arguments', $.type_arguments), ), bounded_type: $ => prec.left(-1, choice( seq($.lifetime, '+', $._type), seq($._type, '+', $._type), seq($._type, '+', $.lifetime), )), type_arguments: $ => seq( token(prec(1, '<')), sepBy1(',', seq( choice( $._type, $.type_binding, $.lifetime, $._literal, $.block, ), optional($.trait_bounds), )), optional(','), '>', ), type_binding: $ => seq( field('name', $._type_identifier), field('type_arguments', optional($.type_arguments)), '=', field('type', $._type), ), reference_type: $ => seq( '&', optional($.lifetime), optional($.mutable_specifier), field('type', $._type), ), pointer_type: $ => seq( '*', choice('const', $.mutable_specifier), field('type', $._type), ), never_type: _ => '!', abstract_type: $ => seq( 'impl', optional(seq('for', $.type_parameters)), field('trait', choice( $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, $.removed_trait_bound, $.generic_type, $.function_type, $.tuple_type, )), ), dynamic_type: $ => seq( 'dyn', field('trait', choice( $.higher_ranked_trait_bound, $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, $.generic_type, $.function_type, )), ), mutable_specifier: _ => 'mut', // Section - Expressions _expression_except_range: $ => choice( $.unary_expression, $.reference_expression, $.try_expression, $.binary_expression, $.assignment_expression, $.compound_assignment_expr, $.type_cast_expression, $.call_expression, $.return_expression, $.yield_expression, $._literal, prec.left($.identifier), alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.identifier), prec.left($._reserved_identifier), $.self, $.scoped_identifier, $.generic_function, $.await_expression, $.field_expression, $.array_expression, $.tuple_expression, prec(1, $.macro_invocation), $.unit_expression, $.break_expression, $.continue_expression, $.index_expression, $.metavariable, $.closure_expression, $.parenthesized_expression, $.struct_expression, $._expression_ending_with_block, ), _expression: $ => choice( $._expression_except_range, $.range_expression, ), _expression_ending_with_block: $ => choice( $.unsafe_block, $.async_block, $.gen_block, $.try_block, $.block, $.if_expression, $.match_expression, $.while_expression, $.loop_expression, $.for_expression, $.const_block, ), macro_invocation: $ => seq( field('macro', choice( $.scoped_identifier, $.identifier, $._reserved_identifier, )), '!', alias($.delim_token_tree, $.token_tree), ), delim_token_tree: $ => choice( seq('(', repeat($._delim_tokens), ')'), seq('[', repeat($._delim_tokens), ']'), seq('{', repeat($._delim_tokens), '}'), ), _delim_tokens: $ => choice( $._non_delim_token, alias($.delim_token_tree, $.token_tree), ), // Should match any token other than a delimiter. _non_delim_token: $ => choice( $._non_special_token, '$', ), scoped_identifier: $ => seq( field('path', optional(choice( $._path, $.bracketed_type, alias($.generic_type_with_turbofish, $.generic_type), ))), '::', field('name', choice($.identifier, $.super)), ), scoped_type_identifier_in_expression_position: $ => prec(-2, seq( field('path', optional(choice( $._path, alias($.generic_type_with_turbofish, $.generic_type), ))), '::', field('name', $._type_identifier), )), scoped_type_identifier: $ => seq( field('path', optional(choice( $._path, alias($.generic_type_with_turbofish, $.generic_type), $.bracketed_type, $.generic_type, ))), '::', field('name', $._type_identifier), ), range_expression: $ => prec.left(PREC.range, choice( seq($._expression, choice('..', '...', '..='), $._expression), seq($._expression, '..'), seq('..', $._expression), '..', )), unary_expression: $ => prec(PREC.unary, seq( choice('-', '*', '!'), $._expression, )), try_expression: $ => prec(PREC.try, seq( $._expression, '?', )), reference_expression: $ => prec(PREC.unary, seq( '&', choice( seq('raw', choice('const', $.mutable_specifier)), optional($.mutable_specifier), ), field('value', $._expression), )), binary_expression: $ => { const table = [ [PREC.and, '&&'], [PREC.or, '||'], [PREC.bitand, '&'], [PREC.bitor, '|'], [PREC.bitxor, '^'], [PREC.comparative, choice('==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=')], [PREC.shift, choice('<<', '>>')], [PREC.additive, choice('+', '-')], [PREC.multiplicative, choice('*', '/', '%')], ]; // @ts-ignore return choice(...table.map(([precedence, operator]) => prec.left(precedence, seq( field('left', $._expression), // @ts-ignore field('operator', operator), field('right', $._expression), )))); }, assignment_expression: $ => prec.left(PREC.assign, seq( field('left', $._expression), '=', field('right', $._expression), )), compound_assignment_expr: $ => prec.left(PREC.assign, seq( field('left', $._expression), field('operator', choice('+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=')), field('right', $._expression), )), type_cast_expression: $ => prec.left(PREC.cast, seq( field('value', $._expression), 'as', field('type', $._type), )), return_expression: $ => choice( prec.left(seq('return', $._expression)), prec(-1, 'return'), ), yield_expression: $ => choice( prec.left(seq('yield', $._expression)), prec(-1, 'yield'), ), call_expression: $ => prec(PREC.call, seq( field('function', $._expression_except_range), field('arguments', $.arguments), )), arguments: $ => seq( '(', sepBy(',', seq(repeat($.attribute_item), $._expression)), optional(','), ')', ), array_expression: $ => seq( '[', repeat($.attribute_item), choice( seq( $._expression, ';', field('length', $._expression), ), seq( sepBy(',', seq(repeat($.attribute_item), $._expression)), optional(','), ), ), ']', ), parenthesized_expression: $ => seq( '(', $._expression, ')', ), tuple_expression: $ => seq( '(', repeat($.attribute_item), seq($._expression, ','), repeat(seq($._expression, ',')), optional($._expression), ')', ), unit_expression: _ => seq('(', ')'), struct_expression: $ => seq( field('name', choice( $._type_identifier, alias($.scoped_type_identifier_in_expression_position, $.scoped_type_identifier), $.generic_type_with_turbofish, )), field('body', $.field_initializer_list), ), field_initializer_list: $ => seq( '{', sepBy(',', choice( $.shorthand_field_initializer, $.field_initializer, $.base_field_initializer, )), optional(','), '}', ), shorthand_field_initializer: $ => seq( repeat($.attribute_item), $.identifier, ), field_initializer: $ => seq( repeat($.attribute_item), field('field', choice($._field_identifier, $.integer_literal)), ':', field('value', $._expression), ), base_field_initializer: $ => seq( '..', $._expression, ), if_expression: $ => prec.right(seq( 'if', field('condition', $._condition), field('consequence', $.block), optional(field('alternative', $.else_clause)), )), let_condition: $ => seq( 'let', field('pattern', $._pattern), '=', field('value', prec.left(PREC.and, $._expression)), ), _let_chain: $ => prec.left(PREC.and, choice( seq($._let_chain, '&&', $.let_condition), seq($._let_chain, '&&', $._expression), seq($.let_condition, '&&', $._expression), seq($.let_condition, '&&', $.let_condition), seq($._expression, '&&', $.let_condition), )), _condition: $ => choice( $._expression, $.let_condition, alias($._let_chain, $.let_chain), ), else_clause: $ => seq( 'else', choice( $.block, $.if_expression, ), ), match_expression: $ => seq( 'match', field('value', $._expression), field('body', $.match_block), ), match_block: $ => seq( '{', optional(seq( repeat($.match_arm), alias($.last_match_arm, $.match_arm), )), '}', ), match_arm: $ => prec.right(seq( repeat(choice($.attribute_item, $.inner_attribute_item)), field('pattern', $.match_pattern), '=>', choice( seq(field('value', $._expression), ','), field('value', prec(1, $._expression_ending_with_block)), ), )), last_match_arm: $ => seq( repeat(choice($.attribute_item, $.inner_attribute_item)), field('pattern', $.match_pattern), '=>', field('value', $._expression), optional(','), ), match_pattern: $ => seq( $._pattern, optional(seq('if', field('condition', $._condition))), ), while_expression: $ => seq( optional(seq($.label, ':')), 'while', field('condition', $._condition), field('body', $.block), ), loop_expression: $ => seq( optional(seq($.label, ':')), 'loop', field('body', $.block), ), for_expression: $ => seq( optional(seq($.label, ':')), 'for', field('pattern', $._pattern), 'in', field('value', $._expression), field('body', $.block), ), const_block: $ => seq( 'const', field('body', $.block), ), closure_expression: $ => prec(PREC.closure, seq( optional('static'), optional('move'), field('parameters', $.closure_parameters), choice( seq( optional(seq('->', field('return_type', $._type))), field('body', $.block), ), field('body', choice($._expression, '_')), ), )), closure_parameters: $ => seq( '|', sepBy(',', choice( $._pattern, $.parameter, )), '|', ), label: $ => seq('\'', $.identifier), break_expression: $ => prec.left(seq('break', optional($.label), optional($._expression))), continue_expression: $ => prec.left(seq('continue', optional($.label))), index_expression: $ => prec(PREC.call, seq($._expression, '[', $._expression, ']')), await_expression: $ => prec(PREC.field, seq( $._expression, '.', 'await', )), field_expression: $ => prec(PREC.field, seq( field('value', $._expression), '.', field('field', choice( $._field_identifier, $.integer_literal, )), )), unsafe_block: $ => seq( 'unsafe', $.block, ), async_block: $ => seq( 'async', optional('move'), $.block, ), gen_block: $ => seq( 'gen', optional('move'), $.block, ), try_block: $ => seq( 'try', $.block, ), block: $ => seq( optional(seq($.label, ':')), '{', repeat($._statement), optional($._expression), '}', ), // Section - Patterns _pattern: $ => choice( $._literal_pattern, alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.identifier), $.identifier, $.scoped_identifier, $.tuple_pattern, $.tuple_struct_pattern, $.struct_pattern, $._reserved_identifier, $.ref_pattern, $.slice_pattern, $.captured_pattern, $.reference_pattern, $.remaining_field_pattern, $.mut_pattern, $.range_pattern, $.or_pattern, $.const_block, $.macro_invocation, '_', ), tuple_pattern: $ => seq( '(', sepBy(',', choice($._pattern, $.closure_expression)), optional(','), ')', ), slice_pattern: $ => seq( '[', sepBy(',', $._pattern), optional(','), ']', ), tuple_struct_pattern: $ => seq( field('type', choice( $.identifier, $.scoped_identifier, alias($.generic_type_with_turbofish, $.generic_type), )), '(', sepBy(',', $._pattern), optional(','), ')', ), struct_pattern: $ => seq( field('type', choice( $._type_identifier, $.scoped_type_identifier, )), '{', sepBy(',', choice($.field_pattern, $.remaining_field_pattern)), optional(','), '}', ), field_pattern: $ => seq( optional('ref'), optional($.mutable_specifier), choice( field('name', alias($.identifier, $.shorthand_field_identifier)), seq( field('name', $._field_identifier), ':', field('pattern', $._pattern), ), ), ), remaining_field_pattern: _ => '..', mut_pattern: $ => prec(-1, seq( $.mutable_specifier, $._pattern, )), range_pattern: $ => seq( choice( $._literal_pattern, $._path, ), choice( seq( choice('...', '..=', '..'), choice( $._literal_pattern, $._path, ), ), '..', ), ), ref_pattern: $ => seq( 'ref', $._pattern, ), captured_pattern: $ => seq( $.identifier, '@', $._pattern, ), reference_pattern: $ => seq( '&', optional($.mutable_specifier), $._pattern, ), or_pattern: $ => prec.left(-2, choice( seq($._pattern, '|', $._pattern), seq('|', $._pattern), )), // Section - Literals _literal: $ => choice( $.string_literal, $.raw_string_literal, $.char_literal, $.boolean_literal, $.integer_literal, $.float_literal, ), _literal_pattern: $ => choice( $.string_literal, $.raw_string_literal, $.char_literal, $.boolean_literal, $.integer_literal, $.float_literal, $.negative_literal, ), negative_literal: $ => seq('-', choice($.integer_literal, $.float_literal)), integer_literal: _ => token(seq( choice( /[0-9][0-9_]*/, /0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+/, /0b[01_]+/, /0o[0-7_]+/, ), optional(choice(...numericTypes)), )), string_literal: $ => seq( alias(/[bc]?"/, '"'), repeat(choice( $.escape_sequence, $.string_content, )), token.immediate('"'), ), raw_string_literal: $ => seq( $._raw_string_literal_start, alias($.raw_string_literal_content, $.string_content), $._raw_string_literal_end, ), char_literal: _ => token(seq( optional('b'), '\'', optional(choice( seq('\\', choice( /[^xu]/, /u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/, /u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/, /x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/, )), /[^\\']/, )), '\'', )), escape_sequence: _ => token.immediate( seq('\\', choice( /[^xu]/, /u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/, /u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/, /x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/, ), )), boolean_literal: _ => choice('true', 'false'), comment: $ => choice( $.line_comment, $.block_comment, ), line_comment: $ => seq( // All line comments start with two // '//', // Then are followed by: // - 2 or more slashes making it a regular comment // - 1 slash or 1 or more bang operators making it a doc comment // - or just content for the comment choice( // A tricky edge case where what looks like a doc comment is not seq(token.immediate(prec(2, /\/\//)), /.*/), // A regular doc comment seq($._line_doc_comment_marker, field('doc', alias($._line_doc_content, $.doc_comment))), token.immediate(prec(1, /.*/)), ), ), _line_doc_comment_marker: $ => choice( // An outer line doc comment applies to the element that it is outside of field('outer', alias($._outer_line_doc_comment_marker, $.outer_doc_comment_marker)), // An inner line doc comment applies to the element it is inside of field('inner', alias($._inner_line_doc_comment_marker, $.inner_doc_comment_marker)), ), _inner_line_doc_comment_marker: _ => token.immediate(prec(2, '!')), _outer_line_doc_comment_marker: _ => token.immediate(prec(2, '/')), block_comment: $ => seq( '/*', optional( choice( // Documentation block comments: /** docs */ or /*! docs */ seq( $._block_doc_comment_marker, optional(field('doc', alias($._block_comment_content, $.doc_comment))), ), // Non-doc block comments $._block_comment_content, ), ), '*/', ), _block_doc_comment_marker: $ => choice( field('outer', alias($._outer_block_doc_comment_marker, $.outer_doc_comment_marker)), field('inner', alias($._inner_block_doc_comment_marker, $.inner_doc_comment_marker)), ), _path: $ => choice( $.self, alias(choice(...primitiveTypes), $.identifier), $.metavariable, $.super, $.crate, $.identifier, $.scoped_identifier, $._reserved_identifier, ), identifier: _ => /(r#)?[_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]*/, shebang: _ => /#![\s]*[^\[].+/, _reserved_identifier: $ => alias(choice( 'default', 'union', 'gen', ), $.identifier), _type_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.type_identifier), _field_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.field_identifier), self: _ => 'self', super: _ => 'super', crate: _ => 'crate', metavariable: _ => /\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, }, }); /** * Creates a rule to match one or more of the rules separated by the separator. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} sep - The separator to use. * @param {RuleOrLiteral} rule * * @returns {SeqRule} */ function sepBy1(sep, rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(sep, rule))); } /** * Creates a rule to optionally match one or more of the rules separated by the separator. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} sep - The separator to use. * @param {RuleOrLiteral} rule * * @returns {ChoiceRule} */ function sepBy(sep, rule) { return optional(sepBy1(sep, rule)); }