
SourcePawn grammar for tree-sitter

## Install ```bash npm install tree-sitter-sourcepawn tree-sitter ``` ## Usage ```javascript const Parser = require("tree-sitter"); const SourcePawn = require("tree-sitter-sourcepawn"); const parser = new Parser(); parser.setLanguage(SourcePawn); const sourceCode = ` public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Test", author = "Developer", description = "demonstrating parser", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { // your code } `; const tree = parser.parse(sourceCode); console.log(tree.rootNode.toString()); // (source_file [0, 0] - [11, 1] // (struct_declaration [0, 0] - [7, 2] // type: (identifier [0, 7] - [0, 13]) // name: (identifier [0, 14] - [0, 20]) // value: (struct_constructor [1, 0] - [7, 1] // (struct_field_value [2, 4] - [2, 17] // name: (identifier [2, 4] - [2, 8]) // value: (string_literal [2, 11] - [2, 17])) // (struct_field_value [3, 4] - [3, 24] // name: (identifier [3, 4] - [3, 10]) // value: (string_literal [3, 13] - [3, 24])) // (struct_field_value [4, 4] - [4, 40] // name: (identifier [4, 4] - [4, 15]) // value: (string_literal [4, 18] - [4, 40])) // (struct_field_value [5, 4] - [5, 28] // name: (identifier [5, 4] - [5, 11]) // value: (identifier [5, 14] - [5, 28])) // (struct_field_value [6, 4] - [6, 40] // name: (identifier [6, 4] - [6, 7]) // value: (string_literal [6, 10] - [6, 40])))) // (function_definition [9, 0] - [11, 1] // (visibility [9, 0] - [9, 6]) // returnType: (type [9, 7] - [9, 11] // (builtin_type [9, 7] - [9, 11])) // name: (identifier [9, 12] - [9, 25]) // parameters: (parameter_declarations [9, 25] - [9, 27]) // (block [9, 28] - [11, 1] // (comment [10, 4] - [10, 17])))) ``` ### Note All available nodes are defined in the `grammar.js` or `src/node-types.json`. ## Install For Neovim Currently this parser is not ready to add officially to nvim-treesitter, so it will have to be installed manually. First create `{YOUR_NVIM_CONFIG_DIR}/ftdetect/sourcepawn.vim` and put the following inside: ```vim function! s:setf(filetype) abort if &filetype !=# a:filetype let &filetype = a:filetype endif endfunction au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sp,*.sourcepawn,*.inc call s:setf('sourcepawn') ``` Next install [nvim-treesitter]( "nvim-treesitter"), then add the following to your config (init.lua): ```lua local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs() parser_config.sourcepawn = { install_info = { url = "", files = {"src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c"}, branch = "main", generate_requires_npm = false, requires_generate_from_grammar = false, }, filetype = "sp", } ``` After that, run `:so` and `:TSInstall sourcepawn` (you may need to reload neovim before these will work). Lastly, because this is unfortunately a manual install, you\'ll need to copy the query files from the repo\'s `queries` directory into your neovim\'s runtime path: `{YOUR_NVIM_CONFIG_DIR}/queries/sourcepawn/` ## Want to help? You can help by writing tests which are not covered or valid Sourcepawn code, that fails parsing. Tests can be found in the `test` directory. If you aren't familiar with tree-sitter tests, you can refer to the [official documentation]( or read some of the available tests. ## Notable Mentions This project is used by the [SourcePawn VSCode]( extension. From it, the tree-sitter-sourcepawn got a lot of contributions, especially from [Sarrus1]( ❤️