const GO = require("tree-sitter-go/grammar") // NOTE(vincent): we base this grammar on the Go grammar because a templ file is basically a Go file except for components and css expressions. // // If you see a rule mentioned below but do _not_ see it in the rules, go look at the Go grammar. module.exports = grammar(GO, { name: 'templ', externals: $ => [ $.css_property_value, $.element_text, $.element_comment, $.style_element_text, $.script_block_text, $.script_element_text, $.switch_element_text, ], conflicts: ($, original) => [ ...original, [$._expression, $.dynamic_class_attribute_value], ], rules: { _top_level_declaration: ($, original) => choice( original, $.component_declaration, $.css_declaration, $.script_declaration, ), // This matches a templ expression: // //

{ title }

// // Note that we use $._expression which is from the Go grammar. expression: $ => seq( '{', optional($._expression), '}', ), // // Component stuff // // This matches the entire component: // // templ Name(a int, b string, ...) {} // // Or returned from a method: // // templ (a Foobar) Name(a int, b string, ...) {} // // It can also use generics: // // templ Name[V WithName](objects []V) {} // // Note that we use $.parameter_list and $.type_parameter_list which are from the Go grammar. component_declaration: $ => seq( 'templ', optional( field('receiver', $.parameter_list) ), field('name', $._component_identifier), optional( field('type_parameters', $.type_parameter_list), ), $.parameter_list, $.component_block, ), // This matches block of a component. component_block: $ => seq( '{', repeat($._component_node), '}', ), _component_node: $ => choice( $.element, $.style_element, $.script_element, $.component_if_statement, $.component_for_statement, $.component_switch_statement, $.component_import, $.rawgo_block, $.component_render, $.component_children_expression, $.expression, $.element_text, $.element_comment, prec.right(1, $.comment), ), _switch_component_node: $ => choice( $.element, $.style_element, $.script_element, $.component_if_statement, $.component_for_statement, $.component_switch_statement, $.component_import, $.rawgo_block, $.component_render, $.component_children_expression, $.expression, alias($.switch_element_text, $.element_text), $.element_comment, prec.right(1, $.comment), ), // This matches an if statement in a component block. // // Based on the $.if_statement rule of the Go grammar // We can't directly use the Go grammar because it uses $.block and we need to use our $.component_block component_if_statement: $ => seq( 'if', optional(seq( field('initializer', $._simple_statement), ';' )), field('condition', $._expression), field('consequence', $.component_block), optional(seq( 'else', field('alternative', choice( $.component_block, $.component_if_statement) ) )) ), // This matches a for statement in a component block. // // Based on the $.for_statement rule of the Go grammar // We can't directly use the Go grammar because it uses $.block and we need to use our $.component_block component_for_statement: $ => seq( 'for', optional(choice($._expression, $.for_clause, $.range_clause)), field('body', $.component_block) ), // This matches a switch statement in a component block. // // Based on the $.expression_switch_statement rule of the Go grammar component_switch_statement: $ => prec.right(seq( 'switch', optional(seq( field('initializer', $._simple_statement), ';' )), field('value', optional($._expression)), '{', repeat(choice( $.component_switch_expression_case, $.component_switch_default_case, )), '}', )), component_switch_expression_case: $ => prec.right(seq( 'case', field('value', $.expression_list), ':', repeat($._switch_component_node), )), component_switch_default_case: $ => prec.right(seq( 'default', ':', repeat($._switch_component_node), )), // This matches an import statement: // // @Foobar(a, b, c) // @Foobar(a, b, c) { ... } // @pkg.Foobar(a, b, c) // @pkg.Foobar(a, b, c) { ... } // // Note that we use $._package_identifier and $.argument_list which are from the Go grammar. // // TODO(vincent): this doesn't handle importing components defined as fields in a struct correctly. // Something like this: // //, b, c) // // Fails to parse. component_import: $ => prec.right(seq( '@', choice( seq( field('package', $._package_identifier), '.', field('name', $._component_identifier), ), field('name', $._component_identifier), ), optional(field('arguments', $.argument_list)), optional(field('body', $.component_block)), )), // This matches a render statement: // // {! myComponent } // {! Component(foo, bar) } // // See component_render: $ => seq( '{!', field('expression', $._expression), '}' ), // This matches a children expression: // // { children... } // // See component_children_expression: $ => seq( '{', 'children...', '}' ), // a templ element, which is basically a HTML node element: $ => choice( seq( $.tag_start, repeat($._component_node), $.tag_end, ), $.self_closing_tag, $.doctype, ), tag_start: $ => seq( '<', field('name', $.element_identifier), repeat($._attribute), '>', ), tag_end: $ => seq( '', ), self_closing_tag: $ => seq( '<', field('name', $.element_identifier), repeat($._attribute), '/>', ), doctype: $ => seq( '' ), style_element: $ => choice( seq( $.style_tag_start, repeat($.style_element_text), $.style_tag_end, ), $.self_closing_style_tag, ), style_tag_start: $ => seq( '<', 'style', repeat($._attribute), '>' ), style_tag_end: $ => seq( '', ), self_closing_style_tag: $ => seq( '<', 'style', repeat($._attribute), '/>', ), _attribute: $ => choice( $.attribute, $.spread_attributes, $.conditional_attribute_if_statement, ), attribute: $ => seq( field('name', $.attribute_name), optional(seq( '=', field('value', choice( $.expression, $.attribute_value, $.quoted_attribute_value, $.dynamic_class_attribute_value, )), )), ), // This matches spread attributes. // See // //
// // Or // //
// spread_attributes: $ => seq( '{', field('name', $._expression), '...', '}', ), conditional_attribute_block: $ => seq( '{', '\n', repeat(choice( $.attribute, $.spread_attributes, )), '}', ), conditional_attribute_if_statement: $ => seq( token(prec(10, 'if')), optional(seq( field('initializer', $._simple_statement), ';' )), field('condition', $._expression), field('consequence', $.conditional_attribute_block), optional(seq( token(prec(10, 'else')), field('alternative', choice( $.conditional_attribute_block, $.conditional_attribute_if_statement, )), )), ), // CSS stuff css_declaration: $ => seq( 'css', field('name', $._css_identifier), $.parameter_list, $._css_block, ), _css_block: $ => seq( '{', repeat($.css_property), '}', ), css_property: $ => seq( field('name', $.css_property_name), ':', field('value', choice( $.expression, $.css_property_value )), ';' ), css_property_name: $ => /[a-zA-Z\-]+/, // This matches a dynamic class attribute. // See // //
prec(-1, seq( '{', seq( commaSep(choice( $._string_literal, $._expression, )), optional(','), ), '}', )), // JavaScript stuff script_declaration: $ => seq( 'script', field('name', $._script_identifier), $.parameter_list, $.script_block, ), script_block: $ => seq( '{', optional($.script_block_text), '}', ), script_element: $ => choice( seq( '<', field('name', 'script'), repeat($.attribute), '>', optional($.script_element_text), '' ), seq( '<', field('name', 'script'), repeat($.attribute), '/>', ), ), // rawgo block // // Example: // package main // // templ nameList(items []Item) { // {{ first := items[0] }} //

// { first.Name } //

// } rawgo_block: $ => seq( '{{', optional($._statement_list), '}}', ), // package_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.package_identifier), _component_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.component_identifier), _css_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.css_identifier), _script_identifier: $ => alias($.identifier, $.script_identifier), element_identifier: $ => /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+/, // Taken from attribute_name: _ => /[^<>"'/=\s]+/, attribute_value: _ => /[^{}<>"'=\s]+/, quoted_attribute_value: $ => choice( seq('\'', optional(alias(/[^']+/, $.attribute_value)), '\''), seq('"', optional(alias(/[^"]+/, $.attribute_value)), '"'), ), text: _ => /[^<>&{}\s]([^<>&{}]*[^<>&\s{}])?/, // Taken from literal_value: $ => seq( '{', optional( seq( commaSep(choice($.literal_element, $.keyed_element)), optional(','))), '}', ), literal_element: $ => choice($._expression, $.literal_value), }, }); // Taken from function commaSep1(rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(',', rule))) } function commaSep(rule) { return optional(commaSep1(rule)) }