const PREC = { COMMENT: 0, BLOCK_COMMENT: 1, PCAL: 2, STRING: 3 } // A sequence of one or more comma-separated strings matching the rule function commaList1(rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(',', rule))) } // A sequence of zero or more comma-separated strings matching the rule function commaList(rule) { return optional(commaList1(rule)) } // An operator with 0 or more parameters. function arity0OrN(op, expr) { return seq( field('name', op), field('parameter', optional(seq('(', commaList1(expr), ')')))) } // An operator with 1 or more parameters. function arity1OrN(op, expr) { return seq( field('name', op), field('parameter', seq('(', commaList1(expr), ')')) ) } // A rule matching either the first or second rule, or the first then the // second rule, but not matching nothing. function oneOrBoth(first, second) { return choice(first, second, seq(first, second)) } // Defines a labelled left-associative prefix operator of given precedence function prefixOpPrec(level, expr, symbol) { return prec.left(level, seq( field('symbol', symbol), field('rhs', expr) )) } // Defines a labelled left-associative infix operator of given precedence function infixOpPrec(level, expr, symbol) { return prec.left(level, seq( field('lhs', expr), field('symbol', symbol), field('rhs', expr) )) } // Defines a labelled postfix operator of given precedence function postfixOpPrec(level, expr, symbol) { return prec(level, seq( field('lhs', expr), field('symbol', symbol) )) } function regexOr(regex) { if (arguments.length > 1) { regex = Array.from(arguments).join('|'); } return { type: 'PATTERN', value: regex }; } module.exports = grammar({ name: 'tlaplus', externals: $ => [ $.leading_extramodular_text, $.trailing_extramodular_text, $._indent, $._bullet, $._dedent, $._begin_proof, $._begin_proof_step, 'PROOF', 'BY', 'OBVIOUS', 'OMITTED', 'QED', 'WF_', 'SF_', $._notify_pcal_algorithm_start, $._notify_pcal_algorithm_end, $._double_excl, $._error_sentinel ], word: $ => $.identifier, supertypes: $ => [ $._unit, $._expr, $._op, $._proof, $._number, $._primitive_value_set, $._number_set ], extras: $ => [ /\s|\r?\n/, $.comment, $.block_comment, ], // Prefix, infix, and postfix operator precedence categories, defined // on p271 of Specifying Systems. Precedences defined in this way are // defined only in relation to each other, not to every other rule. // See precedences: $ => [ [ '17-17', '16-16', '15-15', '14-14', '13-13', '12-12', '11-11', '10-10', '9-9', '8-8', '7-7', '6-6', '5-5', '4-4', '3-3', '2-2', '1-1', '0-0' ], ], conflicts: $ => [ // Lookahead to disambiguate '-' • '(' … [$.minus, $.negative], // Lookahead to disambiguate lnot • '(' … // Could be nonfix prefix op or prefix op applied to expr in parentheses. [$.bound_prefix_op, $.prefix_op_symbol], // Lookahead to disambiguate 'SF_' identifier • '(' … // Could be SF_op(x)(e) or could be SF_id(e) [$.bound_op, $._subscript_expr], // Lookahead to disambiguate SF_' subexpr_prefix identifier • '(' … // Could be SF_A!B!C!op(x)(e) or could be SF_A!B!C!id(e) [$.bound_op, $.prefixed_op], // Lookahead to disambiguate identifier '(' identifier • ',' … // Could be op(a, b) or could be lbl(a, b) :: [$._expr, $.label], // Lookahead to disambiguate '[' identifier • '\in' … // Matches both step_expr_or_stutter and function_literal [$._expr, $.quantifier_bound], // Lookahead to disambiguate '{' identifier • '\in' … // Matches both finite_set_literal and set_filter [$._expr, $.restricted_quantifier_bound], // Lookahead to disambiguate '[' langle_bracket identifier • '>>' … // Matches step_expr_or_stutter and function_literal [$._expr, $.tuple_of_identifiers], // Lookahead to disambiguate identifier • '\in' … // Could be x \in y == ... (op def'n) or x \in S (expression) [$._expr, $.operator_definition], // Lookahead to disambiguate identifier '(' identifier • ',' … // Could be op(a, b) == ... (decl'n) or op(a, b) (expression) or label [$._expr, $._id_or_op_declaration, $.label], // Lookahead to disambiguate identifier • '[' … // Could be f[x \in S] == ... (function def'n) or f[x] (application) [$._expr, $.function_definition], // Lookahead to disambiguate subexpr_component '!' • '\in' … // The '\in' could be followed by a ! or it could be the end [$.subexpr_prefix], // Lookahead to disambiguate identifier • '[' … // Could be application `f[x]` or could be assignment `record[x] :=` [$._expr, $.pcal_lhs], // Lookahead to disambiguate _expr • '||' … // Could be `x || y` or could be assignment `x := y || y := x` [$.bound_infix_op, $.pcal_assign], ], rules: { // Can be one of three things: // * a valid TLA⁺ source file with an encapsulating module // * a source file containing multiple modules (ambiguously valid but used by the tools) // * a TLA⁺ snippet without an encapsulating module // * a PlusCal algorithm without an encapsulating module source_file: $ => choice( seq( optional(alias($.leading_extramodular_text, $.extramodular_text)), repeat1(prec(1, seq($.module, optional(alias($.trailing_extramodular_text, $.extramodular_text))))) ), seq( optional($.extends), repeat1($._unit) ), $.pcal_algorithm ), // \* this is a comment ending with newline comment: $ => token(prec(PREC.COMMENT, /\\\*.*/)), // source: block_comment: $ => seq( token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, '(*')), repeat( choice( $.pcal_algorithm, $.block_comment_text ) ), token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, '*)')) ), block_comment_text: $ => prec.right(repeat1( choice( token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, regexOr( '[^*()]', // any symbol except reserved '[^*][)]', // closing parenthesis, which is not a comment end '[(][^(*]', // opening parenthesis, which is not a comment start '[*][)][ \t]*(\r\n|\n)?[ \t]*[(][*]' // contiguous block comment border ))), token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, /\*/)), token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, /\(/)), token(prec(PREC.BLOCK_COMMENT, /\)/)), ) )), // Top-level module declaration module: $ => seq( alias($.single_line, $.header_line), 'MODULE', field('name', $.identifier), alias($.single_line, $.header_line), optional($.extends), repeat($._unit), $.double_line ), // Line of ---------- of length at least 4 single_line: $ => seq('----', token.immediate(/-*/)), // Line of =========== of length at least 4 double_line: $ => seq('====', token.immediate(/=*/)), // Various syntactic elements and their unicode equivalents def_eq: $ => choice('==', '≜'), set_in: $ => choice('\\in', '∈'), gets: $ => choice('<-', '⟵', '←'), forall: $ => choice('\\A', '\\forall', '∀'), exists: $ => choice('\\E', '\\exists', '∃'), temporal_forall: $ => choice('\\AA'), temporal_exists: $ => choice('\\EE'), all_map_to: $ => choice('|->', '⟼', '↦'), maps_to: $ => choice('->', '⟶', '→'), langle_bracket: $ => choice('<<', '〈', '⟨'), rangle_bracket: $ => choice('>>', '〉', '⟩'), rangle_bracket_sub: $ => choice('>>_', '〉_', '⟩_'), case_box: $ => choice('[]', '□'), case_arrow: $ => choice('->', '⟶', '→'), colon: $ => ':', address: $ => '@', label_as: $ => choice('::', '∷'), placeholder: $ => '_', bullet_conj: $ => choice('/\\', '∧'), bullet_disj: $ => choice('\\/', '∨'), // The set of all reserved keywords keyword: $ => choice( 'ASSUME', 'ELSE', 'LOCAL', 'UNION', 'ASSUMPTION', 'ENABLED', 'MODULE', 'VARIABLE', 'AXIOM', 'EXCEPT', 'OTHER', 'VARIABLES', 'CASE', 'EXTENDS', 'SF_', 'WF_', 'CHOOSE', 'IF', 'SUBSET', 'WITH', 'CONSTANT', 'IN', 'THEN', 'CONSTANTS', 'INSTANCE', 'THEOREM', 'COROLLARY', 'DOMAIN', 'LET', 'UNCHANGED', 'BY', 'HAVE', 'QED', 'TAKE', 'DEF', 'HIDE', 'RECURSIVE', 'USE', 'DEFINE', 'PROOF', 'WITNESS', 'PICK', 'DEFS', 'PROVE', 'SUFFICES', 'NEW', 'LAMBDA', 'STATE', 'ACTION', 'TEMPORAL', 'OBVIOUS', 'OMITTED', 'LEMMA', 'PROPOSITION', 'ONLY' ), // General-purpose identifier, should exclude reserved keywords, // but tree-sitter currently does not support match exclusion logic. // // Can contain letters, numbers, and underscores // Must contain at least one alphabetic character (not number or _) // Cannot start with WF_ or SF_ identifier: $ => /([0-9_]*[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/, // EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences extends: $ => seq( 'EXTENDS', commaList1(alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref)) ), // A module-level definition _unit: $ => choice( $.variable_declaration, $.constant_declaration, $.recursive_declaration, $.use_or_hide, $.local_definition, $._definition, $.assumption, $.theorem, $.module, $.single_line ), local_definition: $ => seq('LOCAL', $._definition), _definition: $ => choice( $.operator_definition, $.function_definition, $.instance, $.module_definition, ), // VARIABLES v1, v2, v3 variable_declaration: $ => seq( choice('VARIABLE', 'VARIABLES'), commaList1($.identifier) ), // CONSTANTS C1, C2, C3 constant_declaration: $ => seq( choice('CONSTANT', 'CONSTANTS'), commaList1($._id_or_op_declaration) ), // RECURSIVE op(_, _) recursive_declaration: $ => seq( 'RECURSIVE', commaList1($._id_or_op_declaration) ), // Operator declaration (not definition) // Used, for example, when op accepts another op as parameter // op, op(_,_), _+_, etc. operator_declaration: $ => choice( arity1OrN($.identifier, $.placeholder), seq(field('name', $.prefix_op_symbol), $.placeholder), seq($.placeholder, field('name', $.infix_op_symbol), $.placeholder), seq($.placeholder, field('name', $.postfix_op_symbol)) ), // Either an identifier or an operator declaration // Used to define parameters to operators during their definition _id_or_op_declaration: $ => choice( $.identifier, $.operator_declaration ), // Operator definition // max(a, b) == IF a > b THEN a ELSE b // a \prec b == a.val < b.val // x ≜ 〈 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 〉 operator_definition: $ => seq( choice( arity0OrN(choice($.identifier, $._number_set), $._id_or_op_declaration), seq( field('name', $.prefix_op_symbol), field('parameter', $.identifier) ), seq( field('parameter', $.identifier), field('name', $.infix_op_symbol), field('parameter', $.identifier) ), seq( field('parameter', $.identifier), field('name', $.postfix_op_symbol) ) ), $.def_eq, field('definition', $._expr) ), // f[x \in Nat] == 2*x function_definition: $ => seq( field('name', $.identifier), '[', commaList1($.quantifier_bound), ']', $.def_eq, field('definition', $._expr) ), // INSTANCE ModuleName WITH x <- y, w <- z instance: $ => seq( 'INSTANCE', alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), optional(seq('WITH', commaList1($.substitution))) ), // x <- y, w <- z substitution: $ => seq( choice( alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $.prefix_op_symbol, $.infix_op_symbol, $.postfix_op_symbol ), $.gets, $._op_or_expr ), // Either an operator (op, +, *, LAMBDA, etc.) or an expression _op_or_expr: $ => choice($._op, $._expr), _op: $ => choice( $.prefix_op_symbol, $.infix_op_symbol, $.postfix_op_symbol, $.lambda, ), // foo!bar!baz! subexpr_prefix: $ => seq( choice($.subexpr_component, $.proof_step_ref), '!', repeat(seq(choice($.subexpr_component, $.subexpr_tree_nav), '!')) ), // Subexpression component referencing a previously-defined symbol // Can either bind parameters to the op or leave them unbound subexpr_component: $ => choice( alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $.bound_op, $.bound_nonfix_op, $.prefix_op_symbol, $.infix_op_symbol, $.postfix_op_symbol ), // f(a, op, b) bound_op: $ => arity1OrN(alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $._op_or_expr), // +(2, 4) bound_nonfix_op: $ => choice( seq(field('symbol', $.prefix_op_symbol), '(', $._expr, ')'), seq(field('symbol', $.infix_op_symbol), '(', $._expr, ',', $._expr, ')'), seq(field('symbol', $.postfix_op_symbol), '(', $._expr, ')'), ), // Metalanguage to navigate the parse tree of an expression // F!:!〈!〉!2!(0, 3)!@ subexpr_tree_nav: $ => choice( $.langle_bracket, // first parse node child $.rangle_bracket, // second parse node child $.child_id, // nth parse node child $.colon, // for recursive operators $.address, // use unbound quantifier as lambda $.operator_args // bind quantifier ), // ...!2!3!... child_id: $ => /\d+/, // ...!(a, b, c)!... operator_args: $ => seq( '(', commaList1($._op_or_expr), ')' ), // LAMBDA a, b, c : a + b * c lambda: $ => seq( 'LAMBDA', commaList1($.identifier), ':', $._expr ), // M == INSTANCE ModuleName module_definition: $ => seq( arity0OrN($.identifier, $._id_or_op_declaration), $.def_eq, field('definition', $.instance) ), /************************************************************************/ /* EXPRESSIONS */ /************************************************************************/ // Anything that evaluates to a value _expr: $ => choice( $._number, $.string, $.boolean, $._primitive_value_set, $.parentheses, $.label, $.subexpression, $.proof_step_ref, alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $.bound_op, $.bound_nonfix_op, $.prefixed_op, $.bound_prefix_op, $.bound_infix_op, $.bound_postfix_op, $.bounded_quantification, $.unbounded_quantification, $.choose, $.finite_set_literal, $.set_filter, $.set_map, $.function_evaluation, $.function_literal, $.set_of_functions, $.record_literal, $.set_of_records, $.record_value, $.except, $.prev_func_val, $.tuple_literal, $.step_expr_or_stutter, $.step_expr_no_stutter, $.fairness, $.if_then_else, $.case, $.let_in, $.conj_list, $.disj_list, ), // Expressions allowed in subscripts; must be enclosed in delimiters // Used in WF_expr, <><>_expr, etc. _subscript_expr: $ => choice( alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $.bound_op, $.bound_nonfix_op, $.prefixed_op, $.parentheses, $.finite_set_literal, $.set_filter, $.set_map, $.function_literal, $.set_of_functions, $.record_literal, $.set_of_records, $.except, $.tuple_literal, $.step_expr_or_stutter, $.step_expr_no_stutter, ), // foo!bar!baz!op(x, y) prefixed_op: $ => seq( field('prefix', $.subexpr_prefix), field('op', choice( choice(alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), $._number_set), $.bound_op, $.bound_nonfix_op )) ), // Number literal encodings _number: $ => choice( $.nat_number, $.real_number, $.binary_number, $.octal_number, $.hex_number ), // 12345 nat_number: $ => /\d+/, // 3.14159 real_number: $ => /\d*\.\d+/, // \B01010101 binary_number: $ => seq( alias(choice('\\b', '\\B'), $.format), alias(token.immediate(/[0-1]+/), $.value) ), // \O01234567 octal_number: $ => seq( alias(choice('\\o', '\\O'), $.format), alias(token.immediate(/[0-7]+/), $.value) ), // \HDEADC0DE hex_number: $ => seq( alias(choice('\\h', '\\H'), $.format), alias(token.immediate(/[0-9a-fA-F]+/), $.value) ), // "foobar", "", etc. string: $ => seq( '"', repeat(choice( // Proper lexical precedence allows to parse strings like "(*", // winning over block comment lexemes token.immediate(prec(PREC.STRING, /[^"\n]/)), $.escape_char )), token.immediate('"') ), // "/\\", "say \"hello\" back", "one\ntwo" escape_char: $ => token.immediate(prec(PREC.STRING, seq('\\', /./))), // TRUE, FALSE, BOOLEAN boolean: $ => choice('TRUE', 'FALSE'), // Various number sets _number_set: $ => choice($.nat_number_set, $.int_number_set, $.real_number_set), // Set of all strings, booleans, and numbers _primitive_value_set: $ => choice($.string_set, $.boolean_set, $._number_set), string_set: $ => 'STRING', // From TLA⁺ builtins boolean_set: $ => 'BOOLEAN', // From TLA⁺ builtins nat_number_set: $ => choice('Nat', 'ℕ'), // From Naturals standard module int_number_set: $ => choice('Int', 'ℤ'), // From Integers standard module real_number_set: $ => choice('Real', 'ℝ'), // From Reals standard module // Label for less-fragile addressing of subexpressions // lbl(a, b) :: e label: $ => prec('0-0', seq( field('name', arity0OrN($.identifier, alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref))), $.label_as, field('expression', $._expr) )), // Address subexpressions through syntax tree navigation // op!+!< seq( $.subexpr_prefix, $.subexpr_tree_nav ), // ((a + b) + c) parentheses: $ => seq('(', $._expr, ')'), // \A x \in Nat : P(x) bounded_quantification: $ => prec('0-0', seq( field('quantifier', choice($.forall, $.exists)), field('bound', commaList1($.quantifier_bound)), ':', field('expression', $._expr) )), // \EE x : P(x) unbounded_quantification: $ => prec('0-0', seq( field('quantifier', choice( $.forall, $.exists, $.temporal_forall, $.temporal_exists )), field('intro', commaList1($.identifier)), ':', field('expression', $._expr) )), // CHOOSE r \in Real : r >= 0 choose: $ => prec('0-0', seq( 'CHOOSE', field('intro', choice($.identifier, $.tuple_of_identifiers)), optional(seq($.set_in, field('set', $._expr))), ':', field('expression', $._expr) )), // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} finite_set_literal: $ => seq('{', commaList($._expr), '}'), // { x \in S : P(x) } // Set dynamic precedence to 1 so that the expression {x \in S : x \in P} // is parsed as set_filter instead of set_map during GLR parsing. set_filter: $ => prec.dynamic(1, seq( '{', field('generator', alias($.restricted_quantifier_bound, $.quantifier_bound)), ':', field('filter', $._expr), '}' )), // { f[x, y] : x, y \in S } set_map: $ => seq( '{', field('map', $._expr), ':', field('generator', commaList1($.quantifier_bound)), '}' ), // x, y, z \in S // <> \in S \X T \X P quantifier_bound: $ => seq( field('intro', choice(commaList1($.identifier), $.tuple_of_identifiers)), $.set_in, field('set', $._expr) ), // A quantifier bound allowing only one introduced element restricted_quantifier_bound: $ => seq( field('intro', choice($.identifier, $.tuple_of_identifiers)), $.set_in, field('set', $._expr) ), // <> tuple_of_identifiers: $ => seq( $.langle_bracket, commaList1($.identifier), $.rangle_bracket ), // f[5] function_evaluation: $ => prec('16-16', seq( $._expr, '[', commaList1($._expr), ']' )), // [n \in Nat |-> 2*n] function_literal: $ => seq( '[', commaList1($.quantifier_bound), $.all_map_to, $._expr, ']' ), // [Nat -> Nat] set_of_functions: $ => seq( '[', $._expr, $.maps_to, $._expr, ']' ), // [foo |-> 0, bar |-> 1] record_literal: $ => seq( '[', commaList1(seq($.identifier, $.all_map_to, $._expr)), ']' ), // [foo : {0, 1}, bar : {0, 1}] set_of_records: $ => seq( '[', commaList1(seq($.identifier, ':', $._expr)), ']' ), // r.val record_value: $ => prec.left('17-17', seq($._expr, '.', alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref))), // [f EXCEPT !.foo["bar"].baz = 4, !.bar = 3] except: $ => seq( '[', field("expr_to_update", $._expr), 'EXCEPT', commaList1($.except_update), ']' ), // !.foo["bar"].baz = 4 except_update: $ => seq( field("update_specifier", seq('!', $.except_update_specifier)), '=', field("new_val", $._expr) ), // .foo["bar"].baz except_update_specifier: $ => repeat1( choice( $.except_update_record_field, $.except_update_fn_appl ) ), // .foo except_update_record_field: $ => seq('.', alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref)), // ["bar"] except_update_fn_appl: $ => seq('[', commaList1($._expr), ']'), // [f EXCEPT ![2] = @ + 1] prev_func_val: $ => '@', // <<1,2,3,4,5>>, <<>> tuple_literal: $ => seq( $.langle_bracket, commaList($._expr), $.rangle_bracket ), // [x ' > x]_<> step_expr_or_stutter: $ => seq( '[', $._expr, ']_', $._subscript_expr ), // < x>>_<> step_expr_no_stutter: $ => seq( $.langle_bracket, $._expr, $.rangle_bracket_sub, $._subscript_expr ), // WF_vars(ActionName) fairness: $ => seq( choice('WF_', 'SF_'), $._subscript_expr, '(', $._expr, ')' ), // IF a > b THEN a ELSE b if_then_else: $ => prec('0-0', seq( 'IF', field('if', $._expr), 'THEN', field('then', $._expr), 'ELSE', field('else', $._expr) )), // CASE x = 1 -> "1" [] x = 2 -> "2" [] OTHER -> "3" // This exhibits dangling else parsing ambiguity; consider // CASE e -> CASE f -> g [] h -> i // This can be parsed as: // (1) CASE e -> (CASE f -> g) [] h -> i // (2) CASE e -> (CASE f -> g [] h -> i) // Parse (2) is used, making this right-associative case: $ => prec.right(seq( 'CASE', $.case_arm, repeat(seq($.case_box, $.case_arm)), optional(seq($.case_box, $.other_arm)) )), // p -> val case_arm: $ => prec('0-0', seq($._expr, $.case_arrow, $._expr)), // OTHER -> val other_arm: $ => prec('0-0', seq('OTHER', $.case_arrow, $._expr)), // LET x == 5 IN 2*x let_in: $ => prec('0-0', seq( 'LET', field('definitions', repeat1(choice( $.operator_definition, $.function_definition, $.module_definition, $.recursive_declaration ))), 'IN', field('expression', $._expr) )), // This makes use of the external scanner. // /\ x // /\ y conj_list: $ => seq( $._indent, repeat1($.conj_item), $._dedent ), // /\ x conj_item: $ => seq($._bullet, $.bullet_conj, $._expr), // This makes use of the external scanner. // \/ x // \/ y disj_list: $ => seq( $._indent, repeat1($.disj_item), $._dedent ), // \/ x disj_item: $ => seq($._bullet, $.bullet_disj, $._expr), /************************************************************************/ /* PREFIX, INFIX, AND POSTFIX OPERATOR DEFINITIONS */ /************************************************************************/ // Prefix operator symbols and their unicode equivalents. lnot: $ => choice('\\lnot', '\\neg', '~', '¬'), union: $ => 'UNION', powerset: $ => 'SUBSET', domain: $ => 'DOMAIN', negative: $ => '-', negative_dot: $ => '-.', enabled: $ => 'ENABLED', unchanged: $ => 'UNCHANGED', always: $ => choice('[]', '□'), eventually: $ => choice('<>', '⋄', '◇'), // Use rule when using ops as higher-order constructs. // Negative is disambiguated from minus with a '.' prefix_op_symbol: $ => choice( $.lnot, $.union, $.powerset, $.domain, $.enabled, $.unchanged, $.always, $.eventually, alias($.negative_dot, $.negative) ), // All bound prefix operators. // Prefix operators are given highest value in precedence range. // Precedence defined on p271 of Specifying Systems. bound_prefix_op: $ => choice( prefixOpPrec('4-4', $._expr, $.lnot), prefixOpPrec('12-12', $._expr, $.negative), prefixOpPrec('13-13', $._expr, choice($.powerset, $.union, $.domain)), prefixOpPrec('15-15', $._expr, choice( $.enabled, $.unchanged, $.always, $.eventually)) ), // Infix operator symbols and their unicode equivalents. implies: $ => choice('=>', '⟹', '⇒'), plus_arrow: $ => choice('-+->', '⇸', '⥅'), equiv: $ => choice('\\equiv', '≡'), iff: $ => choice('<=>', '⟺', '⇔'), leads_to: $ => choice('~>', '⇝', '↝'), land: $ => choice('/\\', '\\land', '∧'), lor: $ => choice('\\/', '\\lor', '∨'), assign: $ => choice(':=', '≔'), bnf_rule: $ => choice('::=', '⩴'), eq: $ => '=', neq: $ => choice('/=', '#', '≠'), lt: $ => '<', gt: $ => '>', leq: $ => choice('<=', '=<', '\\leq', '≤'), geq: $ => choice('>=', '\\geq', '≥'), approx: $ => choice('\\approx', '≈'), rs_ttile: $ => choice('|-', '⊢'), rd_ttile: $ => choice('|=', '⊨'), ls_ttile: $ => choice('-|', '⊣'), ld_ttile: $ => choice('=|', '⫤'), asymp: $ => choice('\\asymp', '≍'), cong: $ => choice('\\cong', '≅'), doteq: $ => choice('\\doteq', '≐'), gg: $ => choice('\\gg', '≫'), ll: $ => choice('\\ll', '≪'), in: $ => choice('\\in', '∈'), notin: $ => choice('\\notin', '∉'), prec: $ => choice('\\prec', '≺'), succ: $ => choice('\\succ', '≻'), preceq: $ => choice('\\preceq', '⪯'), succeq: $ => choice('\\succeq', '⪰'), propto: $ => choice('\\propto', '∝'), sim: $ => choice('\\sim', '∼'), simeq: $ => choice('\\simeq', '≃'), sqsubset: $ => choice('\\sqsubset', '⊏'), sqsupset: $ => choice('\\sqsupset', '⊐'), sqsubseteq: $ => choice('\\sqsubseteq', '⊑'), sqsupseteq: $ => choice('\\sqsupseteq', '⊒'), subset: $ => choice('\\subset', '⊂'), supset: $ => choice('\\supset', '⊃'), subseteq: $ => choice('\\subseteq', '⊆'), supseteq: $ => choice('\\supseteq', '⊇'), compose: $ => '@@', map_to: $ => ':>', map_from: $ => '<:', setminus: $ => '\\', cap: $ => choice('\\cap', '\\intersect', '∩'), cup: $ => choice('\\cup', '\\union', '∪'), dots_2: $ => choice('..', '‥'), dots_3: $ => choice('...', '…'), plus: $ => '+', plusplus: $ => '++', oplus: $ => choice('\\oplus', '(+)', '⊕'), ominus: $ => choice('\\ominus', '(-)', '⊖'), mod: $ => '%', modmod: $ => '%%', vert: $ => '|', vertvert: $ => choice('||', '‖'), minus: $ => '-', minusminus: $ => '--', amp: $ => '&', ampamp: $ => '&&', odot: $ => choice('\\odot', '(.)', '⊙'), oslash: $ => choice('\\oslash', '(/)', '⊘'), otimes: $ => choice('\\otimes', '(\\X)', '⊗'), mul: $ => '*', mulmul: $ => '**', slash: $ => '/', slashslash: $ => '//', bigcirc: $ => choice('\\bigcirc', '◯'), bullet: $ => choice('\\bullet', '●'), div: $ => choice('\\div', '÷'), circ: $ => choice('\\o', '\\circ', '∘'), star: $ => choice('\\star', '⋆'), excl: $ => choice(alias($._double_excl, '!!'), '‼'), hashhash: $ => '##', dol: $ => '$', doldol: $ => '$$', qq: $ => choice('??', '⁇'), sqcap: $ => choice('\\sqcap', '⊓'), sqcup: $ => choice('\\sqcup', '⊔'), uplus: $ => choice('\\uplus', '⊎'), times: $ => choice('\\X', '\\times', '×'), wr: $ => choice('\\wr', '≀'), cdot: $ => choice('\\cdot', '⋅'), pow: $ => '^', powpow: $ => '^^', // All infix operator symbols. infix_op_symbol: $ => choice( $.implies, $.plus_arrow, $.equiv, $.iff, $.leads_to, $.land, $.lor, $.assign, $.bnf_rule, $.eq, $.neq, $.lt, $.gt, $.leq, $.geq, $.approx, $.rs_ttile, $.rd_ttile, $.ls_ttile, $.ld_ttile, $.asymp, $.cong, $.doteq, $.gg, $.ll, $.in, $.notin, $.prec, $.succ, $.preceq, $.succeq, $.propto, $.sim, $.simeq, $.sqsubset, $.sqsupset, $.sqsubseteq, $.sqsupseteq, $.subset, $.supset, $.subseteq, $.supseteq, $.compose, $.map_to, $.setminus, $.cap, $.cup, $.dots_2, $.dots_3, $.plus, $.plusplus, $.oplus, $.ominus, $.mod, $.modmod, $.vert, $.vertvert, $.minus, $.minusminus, $.amp, $.ampamp, $.odot, $.oslash, $.otimes, $.mul, $.mulmul, $.slash, $.slashslash, $.bigcirc, $.bullet, $.div, $.circ, $.star, $.excl, $.hashhash, $.dol, $.doldol, $.qq, $.sqcap, $.sqcup, $.uplus, $.times, $.wr, $.cdot, $.pow, $.powpow, $.map_from, ), // Infix operators are given highest value in precedence range for parsing. // Infix operators are all marked as left-associative for parsing purposes. // Operator precedence range & associativity conflicts must be enforced // on semantic level. Precedence defined on p271 of Specifying Systems. bound_infix_op: $ => choice( infixOpPrec('1-1', $._expr, $.implies), infixOpPrec('2-2', $._expr, choice( $.plus_arrow, $.equiv, $.iff, $.leads_to)), infixOpPrec('3-3', $._expr, choice( $.land, $.lor)), infixOpPrec('5-5', $._expr, choice( $.assign, $.bnf_rule, $.eq, $.neq, $.lt, $.gt, $.leq, $.geq, $.approx, $.rs_ttile, $.rd_ttile, $.ls_ttile, $.ld_ttile, $.asymp, $.cong, $.doteq, $.gg, $.ll, $.in, $.notin, $.prec, $.succ, $.preceq, $.succeq, $.propto, $.sim, $.simeq, $.sqsubset, $.sqsupset, $.sqsubseteq, $.sqsupseteq, $.subset, $.supset, $.subseteq, $.supseteq)), infixOpPrec('6-6', $._expr, $.compose), infixOpPrec('7-7', $._expr, choice( $.map_to, $.map_from)), infixOpPrec('8-8', $._expr, choice( $.setminus, $.cap, $.cup)), infixOpPrec('9-9', $._expr, choice( $.dots_2, $.dots_3)), infixOpPrec('10-10', $._expr, choice( $.plus, $.plusplus, $.oplus)), infixOpPrec('11-11', $._expr, choice( $.ominus, $.mod, $.modmod, $.vert, $.vertvert, $.minus, $.minusminus)), infixOpPrec('13-13', $._expr, choice( $.amp, $.ampamp, $.odot, $.oslash, $.otimes, $.mul, $.mulmul, $.slash, $.slashslash, $.bigcirc, $.bullet, $.div, $.circ, $.star, $.excl, $.hashhash, $.dol, $.doldol, $.qq, $.sqcap, $.sqcup, $.uplus, $.times)), infixOpPrec('14-14', $._expr, choice( $.wr, $.cdot, $.pow, $.powpow)), ), // Postfix operator symbols and their unicode equivalents. sup_plus: $ => choice('^+', '⁺'), asterisk: $ => '^*', sup_hash: $ => '^#', prime: $ => '\'', // All postfix operator symbols. postfix_op_symbol: $ => choice( $.sup_plus, $.asterisk, $.sup_hash, $.prime ), // All bound postfix operators. // Precedence defined on p271 of Specifying Systems. bound_postfix_op: $ => choice( postfixOpPrec('15-15', $._expr, choice( $.sup_plus, $.asterisk, $.sup_hash, $.prime)) ), /************************************************************************/ /* PROOF CONSTRUCTS */ /************************************************************************/ // ASSUME C \in Nat assumption: $ => seq( choice('ASSUME', 'ASSUMPTION', 'AXIOM'), optional(seq(field('name', $.identifier), $.def_eq)), $._expr ), // THEOREM Spec => []Safety theorem: $ => seq( choice('THEOREM', 'PROPOSITION', 'LEMMA', 'COROLLARY'), optional(seq(field('name', $.identifier), $.def_eq)), field('statement', choice($._expr, $.assume_prove)), field('proof', optional($._proof)) ), // ASSUME NEW x \in Nat, NEW y \in Nat PROVE x + y \in Nat assume_prove: $ => seq( 'ASSUME', field('assumption', commaList1(choice($._expr, $.new, $.inner_assume_prove))), 'PROVE', field('conclusion', $._expr) ), // triangle ∷ ASSUME x > y, y > z PROVE x > z inner_assume_prove: $ => seq( optional(seq($.identifier, $.label_as)), $.assume_prove ), // NEW CONSTANT x \in Nat new: $ => seq( oneOrBoth('NEW', $.statement_level), choice( seq($.identifier, optional(seq($.set_in, $._expr))), $.operator_declaration ) ), // The scope level of an introduction statement_level: $ => choice( 'CONSTANT', 'VARIABLE', 'STATE', 'ACTION', 'TEMPORAL' ), _proof: $ => choice( $.terminal_proof, $.non_terminal_proof ), // PROOF BY z \in Nat terminal_proof: $ => seq( optional('PROOF'), choice( seq('BY', optional('ONLY'), $.use_body), 'OBVIOUS', 'OMITTED' ) ), non_terminal_proof: $ => seq( optional('PROOF'), $._begin_proof, repeat($.proof_step), $.qed_step ), // A single step in a proof. Can be many things! proof_step: $ => seq( $._begin_proof_step, $.proof_step_id, choice( $.definition_proof_step, $.have_proof_step, $.witness_proof_step, $.take_proof_step, $.suffices_proof_step, $.case_proof_step, $.pick_proof_step, $.use_or_hide, $.instance ) ), // Proof step defining a new unit symbol. definition_proof_step: $ => seq( optional('DEFINE'), repeat1( choice( $.operator_definition, $.function_definition, $.module_definition ) ) ), have_proof_step: $ => seq('HAVE', $._expr), witness_proof_step: $ => seq('WITNESS', commaList1($._expr)), take_proof_step: $ => seq('TAKE', $._bound_or_identifier_list), suffices_proof_step: $ => seq( optional('SUFFICES'), choice($._expr, $.assume_prove), optional($._proof) ), case_proof_step: $ => seq('CASE', $._expr, optional($._proof)), pick_proof_step: $ => seq( 'PICK', $._bound_or_identifier_list, ':', $._expr, optional($._proof) ), // One of: // a, b, c, d // a \in P, b, c \in Q, d, e, f \in R _bound_or_identifier_list: $ => choice( commaList1($.quantifier_bound), commaList1($.identifier) ), // <*> QED qed_step: $ => seq( $._begin_proof_step, $.proof_step_id, 'QED', optional($._proof) ), use_or_hide: $ => seq( choice('USE', 'HIDE'), $.use_body ), use_body: $ => oneOrBoth($.use_body_expr, $.use_body_def), // P, MODULE Naturals, Q, MODULE Integers use_body_expr: $ => commaList1(choice($._expr, $.module_ref)), // DEFS >, R, MODULE Reals, = use_body_def: $ => seq( choice('DEF', 'DEFS'), commaList1(choice($._op_or_expr, $.module_ref)) ), module_ref: $ => seq('MODULE', alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref)), // <+>foo22.. // Used when writing another proof step // proof_step_id: $ => /<(\d+|\+|\*)>[\w|\d]*\.*/, proof_step_id: $ => seq( '<', alias(token.immediate(/\d+|\+|\*/), $.level), token.immediate('>'), alias(token.immediate(/[\w|\d]*/), $.name), token.immediate(/\.*/) ), // Used when referring to a prior proof step // proof_step_ref: $ => /<(\d+|\*)>[\w|\d]+/, proof_step_ref: $ => seq( '<', alias(token.immediate(/\d+|\*/), $.level), token.immediate('>'), alias(token.immediate(/[\w|\d]+/), $.name), ), /**************************************************************************/ /* PlusCal: written inside block comments and transpiled into TLA⁺. */ /* Has two syntaxes: p-syntax (explicit block endings) */ /* and c-syntax (blocks in braces). */ /* Syntaxes cannot be mixed. */ /* BNF can be found on p. 60-62 of both p-manual and c-manual: */ /* ( */ /* ( */ /**************************************************************************/ pcal_algorithm: $ => choice( $._pcal_p_algorithm, $._pcal_c_algorithm ), // PlusCal p-syntax algorithm definition _pcal_p_algorithm: $ => seq( $.pcal_algorithm_start, field('name', $.identifier), optional($.pcal_var_decls), optional(alias($.pcal_p_definitions, $.pcal_definitions)), repeat(alias($.pcal_p_macro, $.pcal_macro)), repeat(alias($.pcal_p_procedure, $.pcal_procedure)), choice( alias($.pcal_p_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), repeat1(alias($.pcal_p_process, $.pcal_process)) ), 'end', 'algorithm', $._notify_pcal_algorithm_end, optional(';'), ), // PlusCal c-syntax algorithm definition _pcal_c_algorithm: $ => seq( $.pcal_algorithm_start, field('name', $.identifier), '{', optional($.pcal_var_decls), optional(alias($.pcal_c_definitions, $.pcal_definitions)), repeat(alias($.pcal_c_macro, $.pcal_macro)), repeat(alias($.pcal_c_procedure, $.pcal_procedure)), choice( alias($.pcal_c_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), repeat1(alias($.pcal_c_process, $.pcal_process)) ), '}', $._notify_pcal_algorithm_end ), pcal_algorithm_start: $ => seq( choice( token(prec(PREC.PCAL, '--algorithm')), $.fair ), $._notify_pcal_algorithm_start ), fair: $ => seq(token(prec(PREC.PCAL, '--fair')), 'algorithm'), // Operators, which depend on PlusCal variables // define // zy == y*(x+y) // end define ; pcal_p_definitions: $ => seq( 'define', repeat1($._definition), 'end', 'define', optional(';') ), pcal_c_definitions: $ => seq( 'define', '{', repeat1($._definition), '}', optional(';') ), // macro go(routine) begin // initialized[routine] := TRUE; // end macro pcal_p_macro: $ => seq( $.pcal_macro_decl, alias($.pcal_p_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), 'end', 'macro', optional(';') ), pcal_c_macro: $ => seq( $.pcal_macro_decl, alias($.pcal_c_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), optional(';') ), pcal_macro_decl: $ => seq( 'macro', field('name', $.identifier), '(', optional(seq( field('parameter', $.identifier), repeat(seq(',', field('parameter', $.identifier))) )), ')' ), // procedure foo(x=0) begin // Send: // await x \notin cs; // return; // end procedure pcal_p_procedure: $ => seq( $.pcal_proc_decl, alias($.pcal_p_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), 'end', 'procedure', optional(';') ), pcal_c_procedure: $ => seq( $.pcal_proc_decl, alias($.pcal_c_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), optional(';') ), pcal_proc_decl: $ => seq( 'procedure', field('name', $.identifier), '(', optional(seq($.pcal_proc_var_decl, repeat(seq(',', $.pcal_proc_var_decl)))), ')', optional($.pcal_proc_var_decls), ), // fair+ process bar in 1..10 // variables i = 0; // begin // A: // i := i +1; // print(i); // end process pcal_p_process: $ => seq( optional(seq('fair', optional('+'))), 'process', field('name', $.identifier), choice('=', $.set_in), $._expr, optional($.pcal_var_decls), alias($.pcal_p_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), 'end', 'process', optional(';') ), pcal_c_process: $ => seq( optional(seq('fair', optional('+'))), 'process', '(', field('name', $.identifier), choice('=', $.set_in), $._expr, ')', optional($.pcal_var_decls), alias($.pcal_c_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body), optional(';') ), // variables x = 0; y = [a |-> "a", b |-> {}]; pcal_var_decls: $ => seq( choice('variable', 'variables'), $.pcal_var_decl, repeat(seq( choice(';', ','), $.pcal_var_decl )), optional(';') ), // x \in 1..10 // x = "x" pcal_var_decl: $ => seq( $.identifier, optional(seq(choice('=', $.set_in), $._expr)), ), // Procedure local variables: // variables x=1..10, y=1; pcal_proc_var_decls: $ => seq( choice('variable', 'variables'), repeat1(seq($.pcal_proc_var_decl, choice(';', ','))) ), // Procedure variable or parameter, maybe with a default value: // procedure foo(a, b=1) // 🠑 🠑 // variable x=1; // 🠑 pcal_proc_var_decl: $ => seq( $.identifier, optional(seq('=', $._expr)) ), pcal_p_algorithm_body: $ => seq( 'begin', $._pcal_p_stmts ), // Consequent statements with an optional semicolon at the end: // await initialized[self]; // A:+ call my_procedure(); // x := y || y := x _pcal_p_stmts: $ => seq( repeat(seq($._pcal_p_stmt, ';')), $._pcal_p_stmt, optional(';') ), pcal_c_algorithm_body: $ => seq( seq( '{', $._pcal_c_stmt, repeat(seq(';', $._pcal_c_stmt)), optional(';'), '}' ) ), // Single statement, optionally prefixed with a label: // A:+ call my_procedure() _pcal_p_stmt: $ => seq( optional($._pcal_label), $._pcal_p_unlabeled_stmt ), _pcal_c_stmt: $ => seq( optional($._pcal_label), choice( $._pcal_c_unlabeled_stmt, alias($.pcal_c_algorithm_body, $.pcal_algorithm_body) ) ), _pcal_label: $ => seq( field('label', seq($.identifier, ':')), optional(choice('+', '-')) ), // Single statement: // with x \in xs do // print(x); // end with _pcal_p_unlabeled_stmt: $ => choice( $.pcal_assign, alias($.pcal_p_if, $.pcal_if), alias($.pcal_p_while, $.pcal_while), alias($.pcal_p_either, $.pcal_either), alias($.pcal_p_with, $.pcal_with), $.pcal_await, $.pcal_print, $.pcal_assert, $.pcal_skip, $.pcal_return, $.pcal_goto, $.pcal_proc_call, $.pcal_macro_call, ), _pcal_c_unlabeled_stmt: $ => choice( $.pcal_assign, alias($.pcal_c_if, $.pcal_if), alias($.pcal_c_while, $.pcal_while), alias($.pcal_c_either, $.pcal_either), alias($.pcal_c_with, $.pcal_with), $.pcal_await, $.pcal_print, $.pcal_assert, $.pcal_skip, $.pcal_return, $.pcal_goto, $.pcal_proc_call, $.pcal_macro_call, ), // x[i] := x[j] || a := b pcal_assign: $ => seq( $.pcal_lhs, $.assign, $._expr, repeat(seq($.vertvert, $.pcal_lhs, $.assign, $._expr)) ), // Left part of assignment: // x[i] pcal_lhs: $ => seq( alias($.identifier, $.identifier_ref), repeat(choice( seq('[', $._expr, repeat(seq(',', $._expr)), ']'), seq('.', $.identifier) )) ), // if test1 then // clause1 // elsif test2 then // clause2 // else // clause3 // end if pcal_p_if: $ => seq( 'if', $._expr, 'then', $._pcal_p_stmts, repeat(seq('elsif', $._expr, 'then', $._pcal_p_stmts)), optional(seq('else', $._pcal_p_stmts)), alias('end', $.pcal_end_if), 'if' ), pcal_c_if: $ => prec.right(seq( 'if', '(', $._expr, ')', $._pcal_c_stmt, optional(seq('else', $._pcal_c_stmt)) )), // while i <= 10 do // i := i + 1; // end while; pcal_p_while: $ => seq( 'while', $._expr, 'do', $._pcal_p_stmts, alias('end', $.pcal_end_while), 'while' ), pcal_c_while: $ => seq( 'while', '(', $._expr, ')', $._pcal_c_stmt ), // Process branching operator: // either clause1 // or clause2 // or clause3 // end either pcal_p_either: $ => seq( 'either', $._pcal_p_stmts, repeat1(seq('or', $._pcal_p_stmts)), alias('end', $.pcal_end_either), 'either' ), pcal_c_either: $ => prec.right(seq( 'either', $._pcal_c_stmt, repeat1(seq('or', $._pcal_c_stmt)) )), // with id \in S do body end with pcal_p_with: $ => seq( 'with', $._pcal_with_vars, 'do', $._pcal_p_stmts, alias('end', $.pcal_end_with), 'with' ), pcal_c_with: $ => seq( 'with', '(', $._pcal_with_vars, ')', $._pcal_c_stmt ), _pcal_with_vars: $ => seq( $.identifier, choice('=', $.set_in), $._expr, repeat(seq( choice(',', ';'), $.identifier, choice('=', $.set_in), $._expr, )), optional(choice(',', ';')) ), // await channels[chan] /= {}; pcal_await: $ => seq( choice('await', 'when'), $._expr ), // print(expr) pcal_print: $ => seq('print', $._expr), // assert(test) pcal_assert: $ => seq('assert', $._expr), // Statement, that does nothing: // skip pcal_skip: $ => seq('skip'), // Used in procedures. Assigns to the parameters and local // procedure variables their previous values // procedure foo(a=1) begin // variable b=2; // a := b; // return; // end procedure pcal_return: $ => seq('return'), // Jump to a label: // process foo begin // A: // print("A"); // B: // goto A; // end process pcal_goto: $ => seq('goto', field('statement', $.identifier)), // Procedure call: // call my_proc(param1, param2) pcal_proc_call: $ => seq( 'call', field('name', $.identifier), '(', optional(seq($._expr, repeat(seq(',', $._expr)))), ')' ), // Macro call: // my_macro(param1, param2) pcal_macro_call: $ => seq( field('name', $.identifier), '(', optional(seq($._expr, repeat(seq(',', $._expr)))), ')' ), } });