##################################################### Treelite : model compiler for decision tree ensembles ##################################################### **Treelite** is a model compiler for decision tree ensembles, aimed at efficient deployment. .. raw:: html Star Watch |longrelease| ************* Why Treelite? ************* Compile and optimize your model for fast prediction =================================================== **Treelite compiles your tree model into optimized shared library.** A :py:doc:`benchmark` demonstrates 2-6x improvement in prediction throughput, due to more efficient use of compute resources. .. raw:: html

Use machine learning package of your choice =========================================== Treelite accommodates a wide range of decision tree ensemble models. In particular, it handles both `random forests `_ and `gradient boosted trees `_. Treelite can read models produced by `XGBoost `_, `LightGBM `_, and `scikit-learn `_. In cases where you are using another package to train your model, you may use the :doc:`flexible builder class `. Deploy with minimal dependencies ================================ It is a great hassle to install machine learning packages (e.g. XGBoost, LightGBM, scikit-learn, etc.) on every machine your tree model will run. This is the case no longer: Treelite will export your model as a stand-alone prediction library so that predictions will be made without any machine learning package installed. *********** Quick start *********** Install Treelite from PyPI: .. code-block:: console python3 -m pip install --user treelite treelite_runtime Import your tree ensemble model into Treelite: .. code-block:: python import treelite model = treelite.Model.load('my_model.model', model_format='xgboost') Deploy a source archive: .. code-block:: python # Produce a zipped source directory, containing all model information # Run `make` on the target machine model.export_srcpkg(platform='unix', toolchain='gcc', pkgpath='./mymodel.zip', libname='mymodel.so', verbose=True) Deploy a shared library: .. code-block:: python # Like export_srcpkg, but generates a shared library immediately # Use this only when the host and target machines are compatible model.export_lib(toolchain='gcc', libpath='./mymodel.so', verbose=True) Make predictions on the target machine: .. code-block:: python import treelite_runtime predictor = treelite_runtime.Predictor('./mymodel.so', verbose=True) batch = treelite_runtime.Batch.from_npy2d(X) out_pred = predictor.predict(batch) Read :doc:`tutorials/first` for a more detailed example. See :doc:`tutorials/deploy` for additional instructions on deployment. .. note:: A note on API compatibility Since Treelite is in early development, its API may change substantially in the future. ********* Benchmark ********* .. raw:: html

See the page :py:doc:`benchmark` for details. ****************** How Treelite works ****************** .. raw:: html

(Click to enlarge)

The workflow involves two distinct machines: **the host machine** that generates prediction subroutine from a given tree model, and **the target machine** that runs the subroutine. The two machines exchange a single C file that contains all relevant information about the tree model. Only the host machine needs to have Treelite installed; the target machine requires only a working C compiler. ******** Contents ******** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: install tutorials/index treelite-api treelite-runtime-api treelite-c-api javadoc/packages knobs/index Internal docs ******* Indices ******* * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`