Installation ============ You may choose one of two methods to install Treelite on your system: * :ref:`install-pip` * :ref:`install-source` .. _install-pip: Download binary releases from PyPI (Recommended) ------------------------------------------------ This is probably the most convenient method. Simply type .. code-block:: console python3 -m pip install --user treelite treelite_runtime to install the Treelite package. The command will locate the binary release that is compatible with your current platform. Check the installation by running .. code-block:: python import treelite import treelite_runtime in an interactive Python session. This method is available for only Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. For other operating systems, see the next section. .. note:: Installing OpenMP runtime on Mac OSX Treelite requires the presence of OpenMP runtime. To install OpenMP runtime on a Mac OSX system, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash brew install libomp .. _install-source: Compile Treelite from the source -------------------------------- Installation consists of two steps: 1. Build the shared libraries from C++ code (See the note below for the list.) 2. Install the Python package. .. note:: List of libraries created There will be two libraries created: the main library, for producing optimized prediction subroutines; and the runtime library, for deploying these subroutines in the wild for actual prediction tasks. ================== ===================== ============================= Operating System Main library Runtime library ================== ===================== ============================= Windows ``treelite.dll`` ``treelite_runtime.dll`` Mac OS X ``libtreelite.dylib`` ``libtreelite_runtime.dylib`` Linux / other UNIX ```` ```` ================== ===================== ============================= To get started, clone Treelite repo from GitHub. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd treelite The next step is to build the shared libraries. 1-1. Compiling shared libraries on Linux and Mac OS X ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here, we use CMake to generate a Makefile: .. code-block:: bash mkdir build cd build cmake .. Once CMake finished running, simply invoke GNU Make to obtain the shared libraries. .. code-block:: bash make The compiled libraries will be under the ``build/`` directory. .. note:: Compiling Treelite with multithreading on Mac OS X Treelite requires the presence of OpenMP runtime. To install OpenMP runtime on a Mac OSX system, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash brew install libomp 1-2. Compiling shared libraries on Windows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can use CMake to generate a Visual Studio project. The following snippet assumes that Visual Studio 2017 is installed. Adjust the version depending on the copy that's installed on your system. .. code-block:: dosbatch mkdir build cd build cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" .. note:: Visual Studio 2017 or newer is required Ensure that you have Visual Studio version 2017 or newer. Once CMake finished running, open the generated solution file (``treelite.sln``) in Visual Studio. From the top menu, select **Build > Build Solution**. 2. Installing Python package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Python package is located at the ``python`` subdirectory. There are several ways to install the package: **1. Install system-wide, which requires root permission** .. code-block:: bash # Install treelite cd python sudo python3 install # Install treelite_runtime cd ../runtime/python sudo python3 install You will need Python `setuptools `_ module for this to work. It is often part of the core Python installation. Should it be necessary, the package can be installed using ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U pip setuptools **2. Install for only current user** This is useful if you do not have the administrative rights. .. code-block:: bash # Install treelite cd python python3 install --user # Install treelite_runtime cd ../runtime/python python3 install --user .. note:: Recompiling Treelite Every time the C++ portion of Treelite gets re-compiled, the Python package must be re-installed for the new library to take effect. **3. Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to locate Treelite package** Only set the environment variable ``PYTHONPATH`` to tell Python where to find the Treelite package. This is useful for developers, as any changes made to C++ code will be immediately visible to Python side without re-running ````. .. code-block:: bash export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/treelite/python:/path/to/treelite/runtime/python python3 # enter interactive session