Deploying models ================ After all the hard work you did to train your tree ensemble model, you now have to **deploy** the model. Deployment refers to distributing your model to other machines and devices so as to make predictions on them. To facilitate the coming discussions, let us define a few terms. * **Host machine** : the machine running Treelite. * **Target machine** : the machine on which predictions will be made. The host machine may or may not be identical to the target machine. In cases where it's infeasible to install Treelite on the target machine, the host and target machines will be necessarily distinct. * **Shared library** : a blob of executable subroutines that can be imported by other native applications. Shared libraries will often have file extensions .dll, .so, or .dylib. Going back to the particular context of tree deployment, Treelite will produce a shared library containing the prediction subroutine (compiled to native machine code). * **Runtime package** : a :doc:`tiny fraction<../treelite-runtime-api>` of the full Treelite package, consisting of a few helper functions that lets you easily load shared libraries and make predictions. The runtime is good to have, but on systems lacking Python we can do without it. In this document, we will document two options for deployment. We will present the programming interface each deployment option presents, as well as its dependencies and requirements. .. contents:: Contents :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 2 Option 1: Deploy prediction code with the runtime package --------------------------------------------------------- If feasible, this option is probably the most convenient. On the target machine, install the Treelite runtime by running pip: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m pip install treelite_runtime --user Once the Treelite runtime is installed, it suffices to follow instructions in :doc:`first`. Option 2: Deploy prediciton code only ------------------------------------- With this option, neither Python nor a C++ compiler is required. You should be able to adopt this option using any basic installation of UNIX-like operating systems. Dependencies and Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The target machine shall meet the following conditions: * A C compiler is available. * The C compiler supports the following features of the `C99 standard `_: inline functions; declaration of loop variables inside ``for`` loop; the ``expf`` function in ````; the ```` header. * GNU Make or Microsoft NMake is installed. * An archive utility exists that can open a .zip archive. Deployment instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \1. On the host machine, install Treelite and import your tree ensemble model. You should end up with the model object of type :py:class:`~treelite.Model`. .. code-block:: python ### Run this block on the **host** machine import treelite model = treelite.Model.load('your_model.model', 'xgboost') # You may also use `from_xgboost` method or the builder class \2. Export your model as a **source package** by calling the method :py:meth:`~treelite.Model.export_srcpkg` of the :py:class:`~treelite.Model` object. The source package will contain C code representation of the prediction subroutine. .. code-block:: python ### Continued from the previous code block # Operating system of the target machine platform = 'unix' # C compiler to use to compile prediction code on the target machine toolchain = 'gcc' # Save the source package as a zip archive named # Later, we'll use this package to produce the library model.export_srcpkg(platform=platform, toolchain=toolchain, pkgpath='./', libname='', verbose=True) .. note:: On the value of ``toolchain`` Treelite supports only three toolchain configurations ('msvc', 'gcc', 'clang') for which it generates Makefiles. If you are using a compiler other than these three, you will have to write your own Makefile. For now, just set ``toolchain='gcc'`` and move on. After calling :py:meth:`~treelite.Model.export_srcpkg`, you should be able to find the zip archive named ```` inside the current working directory. .. code-block:: console john.doe@host-machine:/home/john.doe/$ ls . your_model.model The content of ```` consists of the header and source files, as well as the Makefile: .. code-block:: console john.doe@host-machine:/home/john.doe/$ unzip -l Archive: Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 11-01-2017 23:11 mymodel/ 167 11-01-2017 23:11 mymodel/Makefile 4831036 11-01-2017 23:11 mymodel/mymodel.c 311 11-01-2017 23:11 mymodel/mymodel.h 109 11-01-2017 23:11 mymodel/recipe.json --------- ------- 4831623 5 files \3. Now you are ready to deploy the model to the target machine. Copy to the target machine the archive ```` (source package). .. code-block:: console john.doe@host-machine:/home/john.doe/$ sftp john.doe@target-machine Connected to target-machine. sftp> put Uploading to /home/john.doe/ 100% 410KB 618.2KB/s 00:00 sftp> quit \4. It is time to move to the target machine. On the target machine, extract the archive ````: .. code-block:: console john.doe@host-machine:/home/john.doe/$ ssh john.doe@target-machine Last login: Tue Oct 31 00:43:36 2017 from host-machine john.doe@target-machine:/home/john.doe/$ unzip Archive: creating: mymodel/ inflating: mymodel/Makefile inflating: mymodel/mymodel.c inflating: mymodel/mymodel.h inflating: mymodel/recipe.json \5. Build the source package (using GNU Make or NMake). .. code-block:: console john.doe@target-machine:/home/john.doe/$ cd mymodel john.doe@target-machine:/home/john.doe/mymodel/$ make gcc -c -O3 -o mymodel.o mymodel.c -fPIC -std=c99 -flto -fopenmp gcc -shared -O3 -o mymodel.o -std=c99 -flto -fopenmp john.doe@target-machine:/home/john.doe/mymodel/$ ls Makefile mymodel.c mymodel.h mymodel.o recipe.json .. note:: Parallel compilation with GNU Make If you used ``parallel_comp`` option to split the model into multiple source files, you can take advantage of parallel compilation. Simply replace ``make`` with ``make -jN``, where ``N`` is replaced with the number of workers to launch. Setting ``N`` too high may result into memory shortage. .. note:: Using other compilers If you are using a compiler other than gcc, clang, or Microsoft Visual C++, you will need to compose your own Makefile. Open the ``Makefile`` and make necessary changes. Prediction instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The prediction library provides the function ``predict`` with the following signature: .. code-block:: c float predict(union Entry* data, int pred_margin); Here, the argument ``data`` must be an array of length ``M``, where ``M`` is the number of features used in the tree ensemble. The ``data`` array stores all the feature values of a single row. To indicate presence or absence of a feature value, we use the union type ``Entry``, which defined as .. code-block:: c union Entry { int missing; float fvalue; }; For missing values, we set the ``missing`` field to -1. For non-missing ones, we set the ``fvalue`` field to the feature value. The total number of features is given by the function .. code-block:: c size_t get_num_feature(void); Let's look at an example. We'd start by initializing the array ``inst``, a dense aray to hold feature values of a single data row: .. code-block:: c /* number of features */ const size_t num_feature = get_num_feature(); /* inst: dense vector storing feature values */ union Entry* inst = malloc(sizeof(union Entry) * num_feature); /* clear inst with all missing values */ for (i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i) { inst[i].missing = -1; } Before calling the function ``predict``, the array ``inst`` needs to be initialized with missing and present feature values. The following peudocode illustrates the idea: .. code-block:: none For each data row rid: inst[i].missing == -1 for every i, assuming all features lack values For each feature i for which the data row in fact has a feature value: Set inst[i].fvalue = [feature value], to indicate presence Call predict(inst, 0) and get prediction for the data row rid For each feature i for which the row has a feature value: Set inst[i].missing = -1, to prepare for next row (rid + 1) The task is not too difficult as long as the input data is given as a particular form of sparse matrix: the `Compressed Sparse Row\ `_ format. The sparse matrix consists of three arrays: * ``val`` stores nonzero entries in `row-major order `_. * ``col_ind`` stores column indices of the entries in ``val``. The expression ``col_ind[i]`` indicates the column index of the ``i`` th entry ``val[i]``. * ``row_ptr`` stores the locations in ``val`` that start and end data rows. The ``i`` th data row is given by the array slice ``val[row_ptr[i]:row_ptr[i+1]]``. .. code-block:: c /* nrow : number of data rows */ for (rid = 0; rid < nrow; ++rid) { ibegin = row_ptr[rid]; iend = row_ptr[rid + 1]; /* Fill nonzeros */ for (i = ibegin; i < iend; ++i) { inst[col_ind[i]].fvalue = val[i]; } out_pred[rid] = predict(inst, 0); /* Drop nonzeros */ for (i = ibegin; i < iend; ++i) { inst[col_ind[i]].missing = -1; } } It only remains to create three arrays ``val``, ``col_ind``, and ``row_ptr``. You may want to use a third-pary library here to read from a SVMLight format. For now, we'll punt the issue of loading the input data and write it out as constants in the program: .. code-block:: c #include #include #include "mymodel.h" int main(void) { /* 5x13 "sparse" matrix, in CSR format [[ 0. , 0. , 0.68, 0.99, 0. , 0.11, 0. , 0.82, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.99, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.61, 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.02, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.36, 0. , 0.82, 0. , 0. , 0.57, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.75], [ 0.47, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.45, 0. ]] */ const float val[] = {0.68, 0.99, 0.11, 0.82, 0.99, 0.61, 0.02, 0.36, 0.82, 0.57, 0.75, 0.47, 0.45}; const size_t col_ind[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 2, 9, 0, 2, 4, 7, 12, 0, 11}; const size_t row_ptr[] = {0, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13}; const size_t nrow = 5; const size_t ncol = 13; /* number of features */ const size_t num_feature = get_num_feature(); /* inst: dense vector storing feature values */ union Entry* inst = malloc(sizeof(union Entry) * num_feature); float* out_pred = malloc(sizeof(float) * nrow); size_t rid, ibegin, iend, i; /* clear inst with all missing */ for (i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i) { inst[i].missing = -1; } for (rid = 0; rid < nrow; ++rid) { ibegin = row_ptr[rid]; iend = row_ptr[rid + 1]; /* Fill nonzeros */ for (i = ibegin; i < iend; ++i) { inst[col_ind[i]].fvalue = val[i]; } out_pred[rid] = predict(inst, 0); /* Drop nonzeros */ for (i = ibegin; i < iend; ++i) { inst[col_ind[i]].missing = -1; } printf("pred[%zu] = %f\n", rid, out_pred[rid]); } free(inst); free(out_pred); return 0; } Save the program as a .c file and put it in the same directory ``mymodel/``. To link the program against the prediction library ````, simply run .. code-block:: bash gcc -o myprog myprog.c -I. -std=c99 As long as the program ``myprog`` is in the same directory of the prediction library ````, we'll be good to go. A sample output: .. code-block:: none pred[0] = 44.880001 pred[1] = 44.880001 pred[2] = 44.880001 pred[3] = 42.670002 pred[4] = 44.880001