# Contributing ## Setup Complete the `Setup` steps from the [README.md](./README.md). ## Workflow - Work off the `master` branch. - Bump the `version` in `Cargo.toml` following [semver](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-version-field). - Run `cargo run` to run. - Run `cargo check` to check for errors. - Run `cargo fix` to fix syntax. - Run `cargo test` to test logic. - Run `cargo clippy` to lint for common issues. - Run `cargo fmt` to format source code. - Submit a pull request to the `master` branch. - Merge the pull request when it has passing merge checks. ## Integrations - Branch protection with [GitHub settings](https://github.com/trevordmiller/trevordmiller/settings/branches). - Continuous Integration and Deployment with [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/trevordmiller/trevordmiller/actions). - Secrets with [GitHub secrets](https://github.com/trevordmiller/trevordmiller/settings/secrets).