use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use radix_trie::Trie; use trie_hard::TrieHard; /// This is a rip off of the benchmark suite for for /// [`radix_trie`]( const OW_1984: &str = include_str!("../data/1984.txt"); const SUN_RISING: &str = include_str!("../data/sun-rising.txt"); const RANDOM: &str = include_str!("../data/random.txt"); // From const HEADERS: &str = include_str!("../data/headers.txt"); static HEADERS_REV: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { HEADERS .split(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) .collect::>() .into_iter() .map(|s| s.chars().rev().collect::()) .collect() }); fn get_big_text() -> Vec<&'static str> { OW_1984 .split(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) .collect::>() .into_iter() .collect() } fn get_small_text() -> Vec<&'static str> { SUN_RISING .split(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) .collect::>() .into_iter() .collect() } fn get_header_text() -> Vec<&'static str> { HEADERS_REV.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect() } fn get_random_text() -> Vec<&'static str> { RANDOM .split(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) .collect::>() .into_iter() .collect() } fn make_trie<'a>(words: &[&'a str]) -> TrieHard<'a, &'a str> { words.iter().copied().collect() } fn make_hashmap<'a>(words: &[&'a str]) -> HashMap<&'a str, &'a str> { words.iter().map(|k| (*k, *k)).collect() } fn make_radix_trie<'a>(words: &[&'a str]) -> Trie<&'a str, usize> { let mut trie = Trie::new(); for w in words { trie.insert(&w[..], w.len()); } trie } fn trie_insert_big(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_big_text(); b.bench_function("trie hard insert - big", |b| { b.iter(|| make_trie(black_box(&words))) }); } fn trie_insert_small(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_small_text(); b.bench_function("trie hard insert - small", |b| { b.iter(|| make_trie(black_box(&words))) }); } fn radix_trie_insert_big(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_big_text(); b.bench_function("radix trie insert - big", |b| { b.iter(|| make_radix_trie(black_box(&words))) }); } fn radix_trie_insert_small(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_small_text(); b.bench_function("radix trie insert - small", |b| { b.iter(|| make_radix_trie(black_box(&words))) }); } fn hashmap_insert_big(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_big_text(); b.bench_function("hashmap insert - big", |b| { b.iter(|| make_hashmap(black_box(&words))) }); } fn hashmap_insert_small(b: &mut Criterion) { let words = get_small_text(); b.bench_function("hashmap insert - small", |b| { b.iter(|| make_hashmap(black_box(&words))) }); } fn generate_samples<'a>(hits: &[&'a str], hit_percent: i32) -> Vec<&'a str> { let roulette_inc = hit_percent as f64 / 100.; let mut roulette = 0.; let mut result = get_random_text().to_owned(); let mut hit_iter = hits.iter().cycle().copied(); for w in result.iter_mut() { roulette += roulette_inc; if roulette >= 1. { roulette -= 1.; *w =; } } result } macro_rules! bench_percents_impl { ( [ $( ($size:expr, $percent:expr ), )+ ] ) => {$( paste::paste! { // Trie Hard fn [< trie_get_ $size _ $percent >] (b: &mut Criterion) { let words = [< get_ $size _text >](); let trie = make_trie(&words); let samples = generate_samples(&words, $percent); b.bench_function( concat!( "trie hard get - ", stringify!($size), " - ", stringify!($percent), "%" ), |b| { b.iter(|| { samples.iter() .filter_map(|w| trie.get(black_box(&w[..]))) .count() }) }); } // Radix Trie fn [< radix_trie_get_ $size _ $percent >] (b: &mut Criterion) { let words = [< get_ $size _text >](); let trie = make_radix_trie(&words); let samples = generate_samples(&words, $percent); b.bench_function(concat!( "radix trie get - ", stringify!($size), " - ", stringify!($percent), "%" ), |b| { b.iter(|| { samples.iter() .filter_map(|w| trie.get(black_box(&w[..]))) .count() }) }); } // Hashmap fn [< hashmap_get_ $size _ $percent >](b: &mut Criterion) { let words = [< get_ $size _text >] (); let hashmap = make_hashmap(&words); let samples = generate_samples(&words, $percent); b.bench_function(concat!( "hashmap get - ", stringify!($size), " - ", stringify!($percent), "%" ), |b| { b.iter(|| { samples.iter() .filter_map(|w| hashmap.get(black_box(&w[..]))) .count() }) }); } } )+}; ( _groups [ $( ($size:expr, $percent:expr ), )+ ] ) => { paste::paste! { criterion_group!( get_benches, $( [< trie_get_ $size _ $percent >], [< radix_trie_get_ $size _ $percent >], [< hashmap_get_ $size _ $percent >], )+ ); } }; } macro_rules! cartesian_impl { ($out:tt [] $b:tt $init_b:tt) => { bench_percents_impl!($out); bench_percents_impl!(_groups $out); }; ($out:tt [$a:expr, $($at:tt)*] [] $init_b:tt) => { cartesian_impl!($out [$($at)*] $init_b $init_b); }; ([$($out:tt)*] [$a:expr, $($at:tt)*] [$b:expr, $($bt:tt)*] $init_b:tt) => { cartesian_impl!([$($out)* ($a, $b),] [$a, $($at)*] [$($bt)*] $init_b); }; } macro_rules! bench_get_percents { ([$($size:tt)*], [$($percent:tt)*]) => { cartesian_impl!([] [$($size)*,] [$($percent)*,] [$($percent)*,]); }; } bench_get_percents!([header, big, small], [100, 75, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, 1]); criterion_group!( insert_benches, trie_insert_big, radix_trie_insert_big, hashmap_insert_big, trie_insert_small, radix_trie_insert_small, hashmap_insert_small, ); criterion_main!(get_benches, insert_benches);