.TH "TRIGGER" "5" "" "" "trigger.yaml" .SH NAME trigger.yaml \- Trigger configuration .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fItrigger\fR\&.yaml .PP Configuration for trigger in YAML format, encodes information of how to validate received events and run what commands after that. .PP Please visit \fBtrigger\fR(1) or run \fItrigger\fR \-\-help for commandline help. .PP .SH OPTIONS .SS Settings block starts with \fB"settings:"\fR .PP \fB"host:"\fR \- Socket address that trigger is going to listen. .PP \fB"secret:"\fR \- Optional but recommended, the secret for validating the requests. .PP \fB"print_commands"\fR \- Print the commands while executing or not, default to false. .PP \fB"capture_output"\fR \- Capture the output of the commands or not, default to false. .PP \fB"exit_on_error"\fR \- Equivalent to \fBset -e\fR in shell scripts, default to false. .PP .SS Commands need to be written in the \fB"events:"\fR block: .PP \fB"common:"\fR \- Commands listed in this section will be prepended to all the other events. Common functions can be written here. .PP \fB"else:"\fR \- Commands here will be executed when the receiving event doesn't find a match in the rest parts of this block. Just like a \fIelse\fR clause in programming languages. .PP Rest of the available events are listed in documentation of GitHub and GitLab. .PP See \fIhttps://developer.github.com/webhooks/#events\fR and \fIhttps://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html#events\fR .SH SEE ALSO Example configuration: https://github.com/RedL0tus/trigger/blob/master/trigger.yaml .PP Commandline help: \fBtrigger\fR(1)