use crate::simulation::{Protocol, Response, Simulation, SingleHost}; use crate::tun_device::TunDevice; use std::io; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use tracing::{debug, info}; use trippy_packet::checksum::{icmp_ipv4_checksum, ipv4_header_checksum, tcp_ipv4_checksum}; use trippy_packet::icmpv4::destination_unreachable::DestinationUnreachablePacket; use trippy_packet::icmpv4::echo_reply::EchoReplyPacket; use trippy_packet::icmpv4::echo_request::EchoRequestPacket; use trippy_packet::icmpv4::time_exceeded::TimeExceededPacket; use trippy_packet::icmpv4::{IcmpCode, IcmpType}; use trippy_packet::ipv4::Ipv4Packet; use trippy_packet::tcp::TcpPacket; use trippy_packet::udp::UdpPacket; use trippy_packet::IpProtocol; const READ_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10); #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] pub async fn run( tun: Arc>, sim: Arc, token: CancellationToken, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut handles: Vec> = vec![]; loop { let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; let bytes_read = { let tun = tun.clone(); tokio::select!( () = token.cancelled() => { handles.into_iter().for_each(|h| h.abort()); return Ok(()) }, bytes_read = read_with_timeout(&mut buf, tun) => { bytes_read? }, ) }; if bytes_read == 0 { continue; } let ipv4 = Ipv4Packet::new_view(&buf[..bytes_read])?; if ipv4.get_version() != 4 { debug!("skipping ipv6 packet"); continue; } debug!("read: {:?}", ipv4); let orig_datagram_length = usize::from(ipv4.get_header_length() * 4) + 8; match (ipv4.get_protocol(), sim.protocol) { (IpProtocol::Icmp, Protocol::Icmp) => { let echo_request = EchoRequestPacket::new_view(ipv4.payload())?; if echo_request.get_identifier() != sim.icmp_identifier { debug!( "skipping EchoRequest with unexpected id (exp={} act={}))", echo_request.get_identifier(), sim.icmp_identifier ); continue; } debug!("payload in: {:?}", echo_request); info!( "received EchoRequest with ttl={} id={} seq={}", ipv4.get_ttl(), echo_request.get_identifier(), echo_request.get_sequence() ); } (IpProtocol::Udp, Protocol::Udp) => { let udp = UdpPacket::new_view(ipv4.payload())?; debug!("payload in: {:?}", udp); info!( "received UdpPacket with ttl={} src={} dest={}", ipv4.get_ttl(), udp.get_source(), udp.get_destination() ); } (IpProtocol::Tcp, Protocol::Tcp) => { let tcp = TcpPacket::new_view(ipv4.payload())?; debug!("payload in: {:?}", tcp); info!( "received TcpPacket with ttl={} src={} dest={}", ipv4.get_ttl(), tcp.get_source(), tcp.get_destination() ); } _ => { continue; } } // if the ttl is greater than the largest ttl in our sim we will reply as the last node in // the sim let index = std::cmp::min(usize::from(ipv4.get_ttl()) - 1, sim.hops.len() - 1); let (reply_addr, reply_delay_ms) = match sim.hops[index].resp { Response::NoResponse => { continue; } Response::SingleHost(SingleHost { addr: IpAddr::V4(addr), rtt_ms, }) => (addr, rtt_ms), Response::SingleHost(_) => unimplemented!(), }; // decide what response to send let (protocol, payload) = if IpAddr::V4(reply_addr) == { match sim.protocol { Protocol::Icmp => { info!( "sending ICMP EchoReply from {} to {} for ttl {} after {}ms delay", reply_addr, ipv4.get_source(), ipv4.get_ttl(), reply_delay_ms, ); let echo_request = EchoRequestPacket::new_view(ipv4.payload())?; let mut packet_buf = vec![0_u8; EchoReplyPacket::minimum_packet_size()]; let packet = make_echo_reply_v4( &mut packet_buf, sim.icmp_identifier, echo_request.get_sequence(), )?; debug!("payload out: {:?}", packet); (IpProtocol::Icmp, packet_buf) } Protocol::Udp => { info!( "sending ICMP DestinationUnreachable from {} to {} for ttl {} after {}ms delay", reply_addr, ipv4.get_source(), ipv4.get_ttl(), reply_delay_ms, ); let length = DestinationUnreachablePacket::minimum_packet_size() + orig_datagram_length; let mut packet_buf = vec![0_u8; length]; let packet = make_destination_unreachable_v4( &mut packet_buf, &ipv4.packet()[..orig_datagram_length], )?; debug!("payload out: {:?}", packet); (IpProtocol::Icmp, packet_buf) } Protocol::Tcp => { info!( "sending TCP syn+ack from {} to {} for ttl {} after {}ms delay", reply_addr, ipv4.get_source(), ipv4.get_ttl(), reply_delay_ms, ); let tcp_in = TcpPacket::new_view(ipv4.payload())?; let mut packet_buf = vec![0_u8; TcpPacket::minimum_packet_size()]; let packet = make_tcp_syn_ack(&mut packet_buf, &ipv4, &tcp_in)?; debug!("payload out: {:?}", packet); (IpProtocol::Tcp, packet_buf) } } } else { info!( "sending ICMP TimeExceeded from {} to {} for ttl {} after {}ms delay", reply_addr, ipv4.get_source(), ipv4.get_ttl(), reply_delay_ms, ); let length = TimeExceededPacket::minimum_packet_size() + orig_datagram_length; let mut packet_buf = vec![0_u8; length]; let packet = make_time_exceeded_v4(&mut packet_buf, &ipv4.packet()[..orig_datagram_length])?; debug!("payload out: {:?}", packet); (IpProtocol::Icmp, packet_buf) }; let ipv4_length = Ipv4Packet::minimum_packet_size() + payload.len(); let mut ipv4_buf = vec![0_u8; ipv4_length]; make_ip_v4( &mut ipv4_buf, reply_addr, ipv4.get_source(), protocol, &payload, )?; let handle = { let tun = tun.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(u64::from(reply_delay_ms))).await; let ipv4 = Ipv4Packet::new_view(&ipv4_buf).unwrap(); debug!("write: {:?}", ipv4); tun.lock().await.write(ipv4.packet()).await.expect("send"); }) }; handles.push(handle); } } /// Read from the tun device with a timeout. /// /// Note that the tun device is only locked for the timeout period async fn read_with_timeout(buf: &mut [u8], tun: Arc>) -> io::Result { tokio::time::timeout(READ_TIMEOUT, tun.lock() .await .unwrap_or(Ok(0)) } fn make_time_exceeded_v4<'a>( buf: &'a mut [u8], payload: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut packet = TimeExceededPacket::new(buf)?; packet.set_icmp_type(IcmpType::TimeExceeded); packet.set_icmp_code(IcmpCode(0)); packet.set_payload(payload); packet.set_checksum(icmp_ipv4_checksum(packet.packet())); Ok(packet) } fn make_echo_reply_v4( buf: &mut [u8], icmp_identifier: u16, sequence: u16, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut packet = EchoReplyPacket::new(buf)?; packet.set_icmp_type(IcmpType::EchoReply); packet.set_icmp_code(IcmpCode(0)); packet.set_identifier(icmp_identifier); packet.set_sequence(sequence); packet.set_checksum(icmp_ipv4_checksum(packet.packet())); Ok(packet) } fn make_destination_unreachable_v4<'a>( buf: &'a mut [u8], payload: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut packet = DestinationUnreachablePacket::new(buf)?; packet.set_icmp_type(IcmpType::DestinationUnreachable); packet.set_icmp_code(IcmpCode(0)); packet.set_payload(payload); packet.set_checksum(icmp_ipv4_checksum(packet.packet())); Ok(packet) } fn make_tcp_syn_ack<'a>( buf: &'a mut [u8], ipv4: &Ipv4Packet<'_>, tcp_in: &TcpPacket<'_>, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut packet = TcpPacket::new(buf)?; packet.set_data_offset(5); packet.set_source(tcp_in.get_destination()); packet.set_destination(tcp_in.get_source()); packet.set_sequence(0); packet.set_acknowledgement(tcp_in.get_sequence() + 1); packet.set_flags(0b0001_0010); packet.set_window_size(0xFFFF); packet.set_checksum(tcp_ipv4_checksum( packet.packet(), ipv4.get_destination(), ipv4.get_source(), )); Ok(packet) } fn make_ip_v4<'a>( buf: &'a mut [u8], source: Ipv4Addr, destination: Ipv4Addr, protocol: IpProtocol, payload: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result> { let ipv4_total_length = buf.len(); let mut packet = Ipv4Packet::new(buf)?; packet.set_version(4); packet.set_header_length(5); packet.set_protocol(protocol); packet.set_ttl(64); packet.set_source(source); packet.set_destination(destination); packet.set_total_length(u16::try_from(ipv4_total_length)?); packet.set_checksum(ipv4_header_checksum( &packet.packet()[..Ipv4Packet::minimum_packet_size()], )); packet.set_payload(payload); Ok(packet) }