[package] name = "trotter" description = "Trotter 🎠 is an experimental crate that aims to make writing Gemini clients fun and easy." homepage = "https://codeberg.org/catboomer/trotter" repository = "https://codeberg.org/catboomer/trotter" version = "1.0.2" edition = "2021" authors = ["catboomer", "mbrubeck"] readme = "readme.md" license = "GPL-3.0-only" keywords = ["gemini"] categories = ["network-programming"] [lib] name = "trotter" path = "src/lib.rs" [[bin]] name = "trot" path = "src/main.rs" required-features = ["cli"] [dependencies] openssl = "0.10" thiserror = "1.0" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["fs", "io-util", "net", "macros", "io-std", "rt-multi-thread", "time"] } tokio-openssl = "0.6" url = "2.4" urlencoding = "2.1.3" wildmatch = "2.1.1" # cli feature clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"], optional = true } mime_guess = { version = "2", optional = true} [dev-dependencies] clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"] } trotter = { path = "." } anyhow = "1" [features] cli = ["dep:clap", "dep:mime_guess"]