//! Integration tests for the crate. //! //! These all live in a *single* integration test crate, `tests/integration`, //! because each integration test is a dedicated binary crate which has to be //! compiled separately. While that is not really a problem for a crate this //! small, we have chosen to follow this “best practice” here as a good example. //! //! For more details on why you might prefer this pattern see [this post][post]. //! //! [post]: https://matklad.github.io/2021/02/27/delete-cargo-integration-tests.html use std::{pin::Pin, time::Duration}; use futures::Future; use trpl::{Either, Receiver, Sender}; /// This test is foundational for all the others, as they depend on `run`. /// /// If we mess this up, *all* the tests below will fail -- so by the same token, /// if all the tests below are failing, this one probably is too; fix it and the /// others will likely start working again. #[test] fn re_exported_run_works() { let val = trpl::run(async { "Hello" }); assert_eq!(val, "Hello"); } #[test] fn re_exported_spawn_works() { let result = trpl::run(async { let handle_a = trpl::spawn_task(async { "Hello" }); let handle_b = trpl::spawn_task(async { "Goodbye" }); vec![handle_a.await.unwrap(), handle_b.await.unwrap()] }); assert_eq!(result, vec!["Hello", "Goodbye"]); } #[test] fn re_exported_sleep_works() { let val = trpl::run(async { trpl::sleep(Duration::from_micros(1)).await; "Done!" }); assert_eq!(val, "Done!"); } #[test] fn re_exported_channel_apis_work() { trpl::run(async { // Explicitly naming the type to confirm the re-exports are aligned. let (tx, mut rx): (Sender<&str>, Receiver<&str>) = trpl::channel(); tx.send("Hello").unwrap(); trpl::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; tx.send("Goodbye").unwrap(); drop(tx); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some("Hello")); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some("Goodbye")); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); }); } mod re_exported_join_apis_work { use super::*; #[test] fn join_fn() { let result = trpl::run(async { let a = async { 1 }; let b = async { 2 }; trpl::join(a, b).await }); assert_eq!(result, (1, 2)); } #[test] fn join3_fn() { let result = trpl::run(async { let a = async { 1 }; let b = async { 2 }; let c = async { 3 }; trpl::join3(a, b, c).await }); assert_eq!(result, (1, 2, 3)); } #[test] fn join_all_fn() { let result = trpl::run(async { let a = async { format!("{}", 1) }; let b = async { "Hello".to_string() }; let outer = String::from("World"); let c = async move { outer.to_string() }; let futures: Vec>>> = vec![Box::pin(a), Box::pin(b), Box::pin(c)]; trpl::join_all(futures).await }); assert_eq!( result, vec![ String::from("1"), String::from("Hello"), String::from("World") ] ); } #[test] fn join_macro() { let result = trpl::run(async { let a = async { 1 }; let b = async { "Hello" }; let outer = vec![String::from("World")]; let c = async move { outer }; trpl::join!(a, b, c) }); assert_eq!(result, (1, "Hello", vec![String::from("World")])); } } #[test] fn race() { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct Slow; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct Fast; let val = trpl::run(async { let slow = async { trpl::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1_000)).await; Slow }; let fast = async { trpl::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; Fast }; trpl::race(slow, fast).await }); assert!(matches!(val, Either::Right(Fast))); } #[test] fn yield_now() { let result = trpl::run(async { trpl::yield_now().await; "done" }); assert_eq!(result, "done"); } #[test] fn read_to_string() { let result = trpl::run(async { trpl::read_to_string("tests/integration/to-read.txt") .await .unwrap() }); assert_eq!(result, String::from("This is some text!\n")); } #[test] fn stream_iter() { use trpl::StreamExt; let result = trpl::run(async { let ns = vec![1, 2, 3]; let mut stream = trpl::stream_from_iter(ns); let mut result = vec![]; while let Some(n) = stream.next().await { result.push(format!("{n}")); } result }); assert_eq!( result, vec![String::from("1"), String::from("2"), String::from("3")] ) } #[test] fn receiver_stream() { use trpl::ReceiverStream; use trpl::StreamExt; let result: Vec = trpl::run(async { println!("startup"); let (tx, rx) = trpl::channel(); let rx_stream = ReceiverStream::new(rx); println!("sending 123"); tx.send(123).unwrap(); drop(tx); // So the receiver channel closes! rx_stream.collect().await }); assert_eq!(result, vec![123]); } #[test] fn re_exported_interval_stream_works() { use trpl::{IntervalStream, StreamExt}; trpl::run(async { let mut interval_stream = IntervalStream::new(trpl::interval(Duration::from_millis(1))) .take(1); assert!(interval_stream.next().await.is_some()); assert!(interval_stream.next().await.is_none()); }); } #[test] fn re_exported_html() { use trpl::Html; let doc = Html::parse( "


", ); let p = doc.select_first("p").map(|el| el.inner_html()); assert_eq!(p, Some(String::from("Hello!"))); }