# trustfall_stubgen Given a Trustfall schema, autogenerate a high-quality Rust adapter stub fully wired up with all types, properties, and edges referenced in the schema. First, install the CLI with: `cargo install --locked trustfall_stubgen` Then generate Trustfall adapter stubs for your schema with: ``` trustfall_stubgen --schema --target ``` Under the hood this directly calls the [`generate_rust_stub()`](https://docs.rs/trustfall_stubgen/latest/trustfall_stubgen/fn.generate_rust_stub.html) function from this crate. This crate can also be used as a library, so you can call that function directly from your own code without going through the CLI. The generated Trustfall adapter stub has the following structure: | file name | purpose | | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | adapter/mod.rs | connects everything together | | adapter/schema.graphql | contains the schema for the adapter | | adapter/adapter.rs | contains the adapter implementation | | adapter/vertex.rs | contains the vertex type definition | | adapter/entrypoints.rs | contains the entry points where all queries must start | | adapter/properties.rs | contains the property implementations | | adapter/edges.rs | contains the edge implementations | | adapter/tests.rs | contains test code | See an example of [a generated adapter stub](https://github.com/obi1kenobi/trustfall/tree/main/trustfall_stubgen/test_data/expected_outputs/hackernews/adapter) from this crate's test suite.