schema { query: RootSchemaQuery } directive @filter( """ Name of the filter operation to perform. """ op: String! """ List of string operands for the operator. """ value: [String!] ) repeatable on FIELD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @tag( """ Name to apply to the given property field. """ name: String ) on FIELD directive @output( """ What to designate the output field generated from this property field. """ name: String ) on FIELD directive @optional on FIELD directive @recurse( """ Recurse up to this many times on this edge. A depth of 1 produces the current vertex and its immediate neighbors along the given edge. """ depth: Int! ) on FIELD directive @fold on FIELD directive @transform( """ Name of the transformation operation to perform. """ op: String! ) on FIELD """ All the possible data types where querying can begin in this API. """ type RootSchemaQuery { const: [const!]! const2: [const2!]! continue: [continue!]! continue2: [continue2!]! dyn: [dyn!]! dyn2: [dyn2!]! if: [if!]! if2: [if2!]! mod: [mod!]! mod2: [mod2!]! self: [self!]! self2: [self2!]! type: [type!]! type2: [type2!]! unsafe: [unsafe!]! unsafe2: [unsafe2!]! where: [where!]! where2: [where2!]! } type const { const: [const!]! } type continue { continue: [continue!]! } type if { if: [if!]! } type mod { mod: [mod!]! } type self { self: [self!]! } type type { type: [type!]! } type unsafe { unsafe: [unsafe!]! } type where { where: [where!]! } type dyn { dyn: [dyn!]! } type const2 { const: Int! } type continue2 { continue: Int! } type if2 { if: Int! } type mod2 { mod: Int! } type self2 { self: Int! } type type2 { type: Int! } type unsafe2 { unsafe: Int! } type where2 { where: Int! } type dyn2 { dyn: Int! }