tryiter Build Status

Utility functions for Iterators of Results. This crate is heavily inspired by [TryStreamExt] in the [futures] crate as well as Yoshua Wuyts post on [Fallible Iterator Adapters]. [futures]: [TryStreamExt]: [Fallible Iterator Adapters]: ## `TryIteratorExt` This crate exports a trait called `TryIteratorExt` which provides utility methods on top of any Iterator which returns a `Result`. `TryIteratorExt` is automatically implemented on top of compatible Iterators via a generic `impl` so all you have to do is import the trait and start calling methods on your iterators. ## Release Stability This crate is still pre-1.0 and will be until someone wants to use it in production. If you want to use it before that point please pin a specific version number and be prepared for breaking changes.